Dead Island: Epidemic

Dead Island: Epidemic

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Don't skip leg day! S. Isys guide for new and old players.
By Hobo Bubz
Greetings! This guide aims to provide you with all the information that you need to play the starter character Isys at a high level. I would venture as far as to say that she is the strongest starter character, and one of the strongest characters overall in the game atm. The guide breaks down her skill list, their augmentations, when to level what, and what equipment / stats to focus on for best results. Please note that the guide will be focusing on playing her aggresively, because as they say, the best defence is a good offence!
Skills and augmentations
Let's get to it! Isys has a lot of melee oriented abilties like a stun, a gap-closer, and an extra dodge! This section describes each skill and its augmentations, as well as a few tips on how to use these abilities for maximum effect.

Q - Lightning Fury

Isys' Q skill is great for keeping enemies controlled while your team helps you focus them down. It also deals decent damage. This ability at rank 2 is a must have before engaging enemy healers.

The 1st augmentation of this skill is called Lightning Kick. This will allow you to stun enemies for a full second! Great! Use this skill on enemies who are out of position from the rest of their team and have your own team help you capitalize on the enemy's mistakes by killing them while they are helpless and alone. Also great for saving allies who are being chased, or locking the enemy healer down in a team fight.

The 2nd augmentation of this skill is called Sparkling Punt. It causes Lightning Fury to now deal aoe splash dmg around your primary target (who still gets stunned from the 1st augmentation, yay!).

E - Tornado Leg

This gap-closer is great for chasing enemies (or alternatively, getting the hell out of a sticky situation).

The 1st augmentation of this skill is called Forceful Kicks. It allows you to travel further when using Tornado Leg and it causes the skill to cripple enemies in your path, slowing their movement speed. What more could you want?

Oh that's right, a 2nd augmentation! This one is called Hit and Run and allows you to recast Tornado Leg, returning you to your original position! Great when you accidentally overextend or need to deal that last bit of damage to kill an enemy.

R - Evasion

This ability is incredibly powerful when used correctly and provides a bit of passive defenses to you as well. Try to use this when the enemy is dumping their rage into you with secondary attacks. This may take some practise but is absolutely reliable when you get the hang of it. Also great for using when your stun runs out to avoid the incoming retaliation.

The 1st augmentation of this skill is called Elusive Dodge. It causes Evasion to reduce incoming damage from skills by 50% in addition to it's normal effects. Great, we get to live even longer!

The 2nd augmentation of this skill is called Combat Reflexes. This gives you 2 seconds of godlike attack speed after using or randomly proccing Evasion. Incredibly powerful to help with reapplying pressure to the enemy team after their attack (or trying to steal that kill from your team mate, hehe).

F - Kicking Spree

Last but by no means least we have Isys' ultimate ability. This causes her to go off on a kicking spree, hitting everything in sight for decent damage and becoming immune to damage and debuffs for its duration. This ability can be hard to use correctly, as it will auto-target new enemies with each attack, often causing you to basically waste your ultimate to clear nothing but zombies if you are not careful. Always make sure you use this ability to save yourself or an ally, and try to clean up any zombies nearby before using.

The augmentation for this skill is called Sweep the Leg and causes Kicking Spree to immobilize any enemy hit by your ultimate for 1.5 seconds (effect will be reapplied if only 1 target is available). Great for setting up aoe from your team as most enemies will be unable to respond unless they have dodge or mobility skills ready. If used correctly this ability will whipe an enemy team as long as you get a little support from your own team.
Optimal levelling and my arguments why
How to level up

Okay, so we got the skills covered! That all sounds very good but how do I level them?
My usual order is seen below and has been tested by myself many times to be most effective. I will explain why below the table.

Lightning Fury
Tornado Leg
Kicking Spree

You'll want your stun on Q asap to help you survive 1v1's and provide useful stuns for your team to compliment your damage in the early game. Sometimes you will even want to take it on level 3 (Say, if you are first out the gates and are going for first looter with no enemies to contest you). After that I prioritize the extra mobility on E to help me get around fast in the early game, as well as escape chases etc. After that you wanna prioritze your ult (to survive being focused / killing supply carriers / owning team fights) and dump everything into R to help you survive the mid game team fights, as well as providing you with godlike attack speed. Mid-late game is when Isys really shines due to basically becoming a tanky assassin with this build.

Item builds and stat priorities
Since Isys' passive ability allows her to stack up to 10% extra crit chance from consecutive attacks, we will want to try to get our crit as high as possible to really punish foes with auto attacks.

Needless to say, fist weapons are your best friend, since they are fast and allow you to stack up your crit quickly in fights. They also provide you with extra mobility on your secondary attacks to compliment your Tornado Leg ability. Why not pop a rage pill and zerg that carrier down from ½ a map away before his team can get to assist him? Go for it!

When we hit about 50% crit, we will want to up our attack speed as much as possible to stack with our second augmentation on evasion (+15% attack speed) for the mid-late game. The synergy here is amazing if you manage to balance attack speed and crit roughly even, you will melt most opponents away.
Items and stats
I cannot speak for lower tiers, as it has been too long since I was low level enough to have a clue about the weapons available. So if you happen to be low level, stick with this advice for now: focus on crit and attack speed. Your ultimate and R abilities will provide you with all of the survivability you need, so focus on offence and you will be set for pwnage. With end game items, your build should look something like this:

Three Point (Alternatively Firenado if you do not have this weapon or other crit items to support it)

Conductive Shot (Alternatively T-Wrecks or the Conductor rifle)

Best of Crit
Best of Attack Speed

Critical Advantage (For sustain in fights, this mod will keep you alive and pwning enemy after enemy)
Titanium Deflector (synergizes well with evasion for passive chance to evade attacks and CC)
Gladiator (Extra attack speed when critting? That's like all the time! Aww yea!)
Stun Resistor (reduces stun / incap effects by 40% since this is the majority of CC it will be well worth it with this mod) OR Loosen Up (+10% attack speed when using full rage bar)
Charge: Crit
Charge: Attack Speed.

With crappy rolled CDs i'm sitting at 202 crit, 185 attack speed, 68 stam and a bit of leech. That's 50% crit (+10% from passive, making it 60%+ total) with 18.5% attack speed (+6% from glad so 24.5, +15% from Evasion = 39.5% total self buffed attack speed (possibly 49.5% with loosen up mod) Also add to this 10% from best of attack speed when on low life.)

60% crit and 40-60% attack speed is amazing considering you can buff this by yourself. Now add team utilities like a ambers medkit / ult for extra dmg, m berg heal and other buffing effects, and you can see how S. Isys easily becomes a monster in the mid / late game)
When it comes to consumables, I would suggest you use what you are most comfortable with. If you have no preferences, I would recommend:

1: Antibiotics (To recover health while kiting enemies around and creating opportunities for your team to retaliate)
2: Healing Patch (For those nasty burst scenarios)
3: Rage Pill (As mentioned earlier, this gives you extra mobility whilst using fist-weapons and is great for securing kills / catching up to supply carriers)
TLDR: Build for crit / attack speed, and use mods that compliment this.

Thx for reading my guide! I hope you found it useful! It's still a work in progress and I will continue to update it as new content gets released. Let me know if you found any flaws or if you have any constructive critisism to add! Now get out there and kick some ass!
Countrytoads 16 Jun, 2015 @ 10:07pm 
i cant play scavenger :(
Xiti 29 Apr, 2015 @ 2:33am 
Good Guide, i use other Build but good guide only y think S.Isys need this skill order: 1- Q, 2-E, 3-Q, for get stun at start of game, later 4-R, 5-F... gj men :D

Here i put a video of one friend using isys when game no have mods, in aplha - closed beta fase disfrute :D
VERADOSA 27 Feb, 2015 @ 5:50pm 
good guide wp
Hobo Bubz  [author] 27 Feb, 2015 @ 6:38am 
Thank you for your contributions Winslow, I left out juking because you are often better off helping your team finish people in team fights most of the time, but it is correct that when you are on very low life with no healing available, Tornado Leg is awesome for juking enemy teams and splitting them up when they inevitably take chase after you. I don't min-max by switching mods depending on team setup, but I would of course encourage players to try to find the mods that best suit their playstyle!
crame 25 Feb, 2015 @ 11:54am 
You didn't mention that the hit'n'run augment was one of the best juking ability in the game D:
Overall pretty straight forward and good build, it lacks explanations on situationnal skill use, mods depending on the team comp you're using, etc. imho. Looks more like a build display than a proper "guide", but good work nonetheless. Keep it up!
Hobo Bubz  [author] 25 Feb, 2015 @ 5:19am 
@ChaosRogue777 You're right, I missed the consumable sections in the first go, I will add it now.
NanoDill 24 Feb, 2015 @ 10:29am 
You may be able to evade my conductor, but not my burns! (Fuse puns) All jokes aside this is a pretty good guide but you didn't mention what consumables you use on Isys :(
Hobo Bubz  [author] 24 Feb, 2015 @ 4:22am 
Good question! I guess my answer would be that I value the RNG CC resist slightly higher than increased crit dmg due to using fist weapons which generally do not hit for very high numbers (thus minimizing the benefit of lethal attacks). Although I would say it is a viable option, I still would prefer the resilience of titanium deflector over a slight increase in damage values.
Dr. Pea Tea 24 Feb, 2015 @ 4:11am 
why would u not pick lethal attack over titanium deflector? 15% more damage on crit
Silen 23 Feb, 2015 @ 5:47pm 
nais one. :diesoldier: