49 ratings
Angel with a Shotgun build
By Hifu Himejima
In this guide I'll present you my "Angel with a Shotgun" build.
After getting "some" critical and butthurt response to my Selvaria Bles build I decided to ♥♥♥♥ it and make yet another build. I got the idea after listening to this ♥♥♥♥. So yeah, here you go. And I took haters' opinion into account this time.
Skills: Mastermind tree
Well, what am I supposed to say.Here's the "Angel" part of the build. Aced Cable Guy 'cause hostages, same goes for Endurance and Leadership, Equilibrium, Combat Doctor, Pistol Messiah and Inspire. Basic Spotter, Painkillers and Combat Medic. That way you can save others and yourself in tougher situations. Let's move on.
Skills: Enforcer tree
Now we're getting to the "Shotgun" part of the build. Aced Transporter (take that, haters), Underdog and Stun Resistance as well. Basic Tough Guy, no need for more. And now the most important things in that tree - Aced Shotgun Impact, Shotgun CQB and Hard Boiled. Gotta shoot 'em cops. That's everything to that tree. Moving on, last tree.
Skills: Ghost tree
And again, big thanks to haters for pointing out some flaws in Selvaria, even though those skills were not meant for her. So what do we have here? Aced Sprinter and Fast Hands plus basic Shinobi. That's it, 120 points. And if they are well-spent or down the drain - you judge. I wouldn't post that build if it didn't work.
Heisting Gear
Perk deck - I'll admit, I had no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea what to choose, so I went with Crew Chief. If you think anything's more fitting - lemme know.
Armor - that's up to you, I went with Combined Tactical Vest
Primary - Reinfeld 880 with following mods: ammo is up to you, but I suggest taking normal or buckshot, Shark Teeth Nozzle, Zombie Hunter Pump, some laser, Rubber Grip, Extended Mag, sight of your choice, Government Issue Tactical Stock and Shell Rack.
Secondary - two choices here:
1. Bronco .44 with Flash Hider, Scope Mount with Red Dot Sight, Ergo Wooden Grip, Slimline Body and Aggressor Barrel.
2. STRYK 18c with Red Dot Sight, Flash Hider, laser, Ergo Grip, Extended Mag, sight and Stock.
Both worked out well, but I still have to try out Chimano Custom, which is a good pistol as well.

If the job is stealth, then for primary get Mosconi 12g with both upgrades and for secondary any pistol with silencer. Should work out well.
My impressions when using it
Before you say it sucks - I gave it a test drive in some random lobby (Hoxton Breakout on Overkill). Yes, it worked. Yes, I survived. If it was bad I wouldn't post it here. In that job I went with Bronco as my sidearm. Day 1 didn't go bad, Bronco turned out to be a good long-range weapon. Inspire saved some people from Cloakers and Dozers. That's pretty much everything, we went through and finished this and Day 2.
That's it for my yet another build guide, stay tuned for more - I won't stop them no matter what y'all think.
Arsène 21 Feb, 2015 @ 7:50am 
MOD name?
El Destructo 20 Feb, 2015 @ 3:20pm

I tweaked some stuff until I came up with something I felt was handier in a loud mission, and a bit less wasteful.
The two points in technician could go anywhere else, and be a matter of personal taste.

I reclaimed a lot of points just by getting rid of Shotgun CQB aced and Hardboiled.
The first is useless because shotguns are hipfire beasts, and the second is downright harmful because the way shotguns are modeled in-game rewards more spread.

I replaced them with:
The basic saw and berserker, which complement each other nicely. Berserker saves a lot of time and ammo.

Fully loaded basic, you can't go wrong with extra ammo.

Overkill basic, the lack of which was totally mystifying. Skipping over a hugely important shotgun skill in a shotgun build?

I also believe control freak basic and dominator are far more useful in loud than cable guy, and that pistol messiah aced isn't worth giving up utility.
SaLaDiN 20 Feb, 2015 @ 4:03am 
The build sucks but the backgrounds are nice, would fap to them.
Toyfan1 18 Feb, 2015 @ 8:12am 
Also, link to backround?
Toyfan1 18 Feb, 2015 @ 8:12am 
Nice song, I like it. The build how ever, could use a bit of work, such as Shotgun CQB Aced is litterely a waste, looks good other wise.
Abusive Plague Doctor 17 Feb, 2015 @ 2:08pm 
@Action Hank :Those build are not made to be efficient but to respect a theme, stop flaming and learn to read, and maybe to have fun in life or virtual life.
Kriegs 17 Feb, 2015 @ 11:24am 
>acing cable guy
>no dominator
>no control freak basic
>acing pistol messiah
>no die hard aced if you don't want to waste pistol messiah charges
>acing shotgun CQB
>even fucking touching hard boiled
>no fully loaded, iron man, saw, or overkill despite being that high in the tree
>using the CTV
>crew cheif deck instead of armorer or muscle

0/10 would kick
I'm beginning to think you're trolling or literally this stupid
The Mad Doctor 16 Feb, 2015 @ 6:29pm 
nice build
✔「☢ Inc.S™」 16 Feb, 2015 @ 2:05pm 
Grooves 16 Feb, 2015 @ 9:42am 
Like the build. :p