War Thunder

War Thunder

125 ratings
How 2 B a better german tanker...
By Bogs
Dis teach you how to withdrawl from soviet tank usage and fight with me for ze Fatherland... The contents of this guide can also apply to any other nations tanks.
How 2...
Congrats... You have decided to move away from the nasty soviets and fight with your komrades for Ze fatherland... but you may notice these commies may have a trick up their sleeve. From their absurd and overly big weapon calibres... to their sloped armor... trust me, I have seen it all...

Now, where was I... Oh yes, back to the guide now.
This is my first 'Serious' guide I have made.

So, I will list of several things to tell you how to use superior german tanks to fight these commies from the masses they come in.

1: Know what the job of your tank is.
I cannot stress this enough... countless times have I been drving my Tiger 2 and have seen other Tiger 2's sitting in the back of the base, and then I see JagdPanzer's in the frontline acting as heavies.

2: Know valuable points on the map.
This relates to #1. See that rock? Do you know if that is masking the enemy spawn? If so, do you know if a nasty KV-2 has gotten there yet to give you a great big greeting to communism?

3: Take your time and aim
No, you are not John Rambo in a tank. You cannot go fullspeed and hit up the enemy weakspots that well. Even walker bulldogs do this. Stand still, and aim for the weakspot. See that filthy T-34? Are you going to stop and aim for it's ammo rack? Or are you going to slide by and let it snipe you?

4: If there is nobody intelligent enough on your team to go for the cap, do it yourself and ask for help.
Yes, we have all had that team that sits back and camps/ snipes at the spawn and cares nothing about capping. If it happens to you, do not flame in chat, go to cap and nicely ask your team to help, I garuntee you atleast 1 person will listen and realize that nobody has went for cap and help you. Flaming will only get them mad, and then you are garunteed to lose.

5: When in doubt, follow your teammates.
If you don't know where to go or what to do, just follow your teammates, help them. No matter what tank your in, you can provide support to help your team. Oh no! A tiger! Your greedy platoonmate matched your Stuart with higher tiers? Well, shoot the tigers tracks and circle around it to distract him. Hopefully your teammates will move in to kill it while you circle it.

6: If your in a light/ medium, stop to let heavy tanks by.
This is quite simple. In the beginning of the match, let your heavy tanks through that narrow pathway. Heavies need to get to the frontlines as soon as they can. This simple act could possibly win the match for you.

This really drives me nuts. To make it worse, people in shermans do this with their 50 Cal and hurt their teammates. Seriously, 50 Cals are very strong. This really makes me mad becasue my PC is decent, but for some reason AA and MG's when shot up close to me lag my game. The least thing I need is for my teammate to make me lag.
8: You must be listening to 'Panzerlied' at all times.

9: If you see any of your german teammates applauding the Russian National Anthem, shoot them on the spot.

10: When you win, you must all play 'Whermact victory march' at the end of the match.

Well... thats all I could really think of. I will add more to this if I think of anything else.

Happy hunting komrades!
QWERTZ-Ritter 25 Aug, 2015 @ 9:20am 
ahhh es freut mich zu sehen dass auch amerikaner für das richtige land kämpfen wollen / ahh i see that even americans and others start to fight for the right thing :D ( this is not in any way meant to offend anybody ) and btw. thats really poor of some people that i even need to say this because it should be clear that most of germany does not think the REICH was a good thing neither hitler but poorly some still do and im really ashamed of them . thats about it ... (sry for the long text but i guess you know what people think of germans sometimes ) wow this was longer than expected ... nice guide btw. rly helped me
FlyingOktober 2 Aug, 2015 @ 4:43pm 
Panzer vor, mein freindes!
Bogs  [author] 4 May, 2015 @ 2:30pm 
More or less yes, but most american tanks are focused on speed and (sometimes) firepower, so it is very important to know what spot you are going to on the map.
TaxDollarsAtWork 3 May, 2015 @ 6:08pm 
Does this work in US tanks?
I realy whant to know so I can steam roll the T55 Tin cans
Papa Sc0rch 28 Apr, 2015 @ 4:52pm 
Ob die Sonne uns lacht...
Papa Sc0rch 28 Apr, 2015 @ 4:52pm 
Ob's sturmt oder schneit...
AnyKey 18 Mar, 2015 @ 9:26pm 
Amerika or Du Hast for Rammstein not the Victory March
Mad_House 15 Mar, 2015 @ 3:55pm 
What of Du Hast?
Bogs  [author] 11 Mar, 2015 @ 5:18pm 
Ahh I see...

Another overcondifent allied player ;)
