Half-Life: Opposing Force

Half-Life: Opposing Force

683 ratings
Adrian Shephard's Journal
By Brash Candicoot
Adrian Shephard's journal entries were written in HL:OF's manual that came with the original physical copies of HL:OP back in the year 1999.
May 3
Another typically hellish day at base camp... I'll be glad when this is over and I can finally can get assigned a mission. There has been this really weird civie spotted at the base. Rumor is he's from some government branch looking to recruit; others say he's with some secret research group. I would jump at the chance to join. It would be cool just for the change and the adventure.
May 7
I finally saw the government guy today. I am not sure he is a g-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me. I did notice him observing me. Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching me during training. I wonder what he's up to...
May 9
For weeks our drills have been the same crap day after day. Today we assemble for the morning run and our drill instructor tells us we have one week to become experts at indoor strategic combat. We will be spending every day this week at the combat simulation facility. As far as I know this is a specialized training not taught in boot camp. What I want to know is if this is to test our ability to adapt or if we are being readied for a specific mission? Time will tell...
May 12
The rumors have been flying since our indoor combat training began. Most of my peers are convinced that we are being primed for a mission. No one can agree on what the mission is. I have heard the name Black Mesa Facility thrown around a lot, but I have no information about the place. The rumors are that some top-secret research is going on there. Doesn't sound too exciting to me...
May 15
The rumor has been confirmed. We are being trained for a mission at the Black Mesa Facility. All I know is that the place is being used by scientists who are doing some kind of new research. I can't imagine what we would be needed for. We were told today to be ready in case it happens tomorrow. I don't know what "it" is, but the whole thing is a little strange. I kind of hope it doesn't happen; the mission doesn't seem to have much excitement potential. I'd rather hold out for something with more likelihood of combat
Emerald Lime 23 Jun @ 9:42pm 
Shepard's sequel after HL: Alyx, maybe?
teslincharles 27 May @ 10:03pm 
of course spam of the word its 1920s slang
shuggs 23 Apr @ 4:07pm 
This is pretty cool
Democracy Enjoyer 20 Apr @ 7:57pm 
yes, G-man means government man, it comes from the 1920s slang where gangsters would often refer to the FBI as 'the g-men'- government men
Rip Van Winkle 18 Apr @ 7:27pm 
Half Life: Only Fans?
Summer update real?!?! 9 Apr @ 3:05pm 
God, now I want one for Gordon and Barney.
evandaarcher 24 Mar @ 12:06pm 
franandwood #Harris2024 17 Mar @ 9:41am 
riley 13 Mar @ 3:53am 
guys i think g-man means government man and it may or may not have come from the 1920s slang where gangsters would often refer to the FBI as "the g-men" - government man dont quote me on that tho ion rlly know
MisterChief3434 25 Feb @ 6:54pm 
yes, G-man means government man, it comes from the 1920s slang where gangsters would often refer to the FBI as 'the g-men'- government men