

43 ratings
Meet The Factions!
By Demotay
This Guide will show you all of the factions in Reassembly and information about them.

Faction 1
Only way to spawn them is by Factory Block. (Default Player Faction). No Information needed for this as most already know this faction already.
Faction 2
This fleet uses lots of lime green and some grey squares, but diagonally, as hull. Their weapons are yellow and their capital ships often use shields. They are well known for having the largest and most armed stations in the game. They use a combination of weapons, but lean more towards projectiles than lasers or drones. Their railguns and mounted cannons have the longest range in the game (excepting fleet 4's modifiers). Their ships also repair themselves relatively quickly.

AI behavior: Small ships are often seen collecting resources from plants. Left to themselves, this fleet doesn't move very much. Smaller ships collect and sell resources commonly. When attacked, their shields and missiles do the trick most of the time.
Faction 3
This fleet uses many small red, orange, and yellow parallelograms as hull. Their weapons are red, and none of them use shields. Their ships tend to have the most weaponry, with pretty high weapon damage for low tiered ships. Their weapons consist of lasers, laser drones and high rate-of-fire plasma guns. They use a combination of weapons, but they're most effective are probably plasma packet launchers on capital ships. Capital ships also have the ability to spawn an infinite number of smaller ships. While this fleet has low armor, they recover destroyed parts very fast.
AI behavior: This fleet is often seen attacking other fleets. Ships tend to strafe while attacking, and will flee if taking heavy damage or if they come across a vastly superior enemy. Left to themselves, their ships tend to wander around aimlessly, often colliding with each other.
Faction 4
This fleet uses blue and purple right triangles as hull. For some reason their thrusters are a bright red, quite contrasting to their hull parts. Their weapons are blue, and most of their ships use shields, not just capital ships. Their ships have relatively few weapons, but their weapons are pretty powerful. They are well known for their spinal mounted cannons, which are their main, and sometimes only, weapons. They have special, fleet-specific parts that can modify their cannons with increased damage and range. This means they in theory can have the most powerful weapons, though those weapons would be very large, expensive, and fragile. They regenerate their ships are a relatively slow rate.

AI behavior: This fleet often forms small groups. They tend to travel together, in the same direction, possibly so that they can all fire in the same direction if attacked. Left to themselves, they will wander around, but traveling together in a group.
Faction 5
Passive Plants. All vegetation excluding Yellow Faction's plants. These give you raw resources
Faction 6
This fleet uses many small white rectangles as hull. Their general shape is a rectangle. They also have thrusters all around their hull, making them maneuverable though not very fast. Their weapons are blue, and they don't use shields. They seem to mainly use lasers as weaponry. Also, in their home sectors you can see them growing out of asteroids like plants. In their home sectors, they also have house-like buildings. Their ships seem to be completely unable to regenerate lost parts.

AI behavior: This fleet is often seen in its home sectors. The ships don't move very fast, but they wander about a lot. When attacked, they will often run into each other, and destroyed ships will block other ships' weapons.
Faction 7
This faction often break off pieces that grow into identical ships. Spawning in a few of these will quickly lead to exponential growth and lots of lag.

AI behavior: This fleet replicates itself infinitely at a very fast rate. They also fly around quickly in all directions, spreading their ships like a virus. They often loot weapons off slain enemies. In the campaign, their reproduction is limited somewhat by resources, but completely removing them from a location can be very difficult.
Faction 8
This faction is the old player's faction from previous versions of the game. I'm not sure if they're still in the game.
Faction 9
Faction 10
This fleet seems to be made of different groups of ships. One group has pink parts that look like fleet 8's. Some of their designs were made by Alpha testers and were added to the game. Other groups have random designs also made by alpha testers. This is basically the player-made factions other people made, possibly only a few user fleets are added to the cloud for use for this faction
Faction 11
Called the Crystalline Fleet, this fleet uses blue parallelograms as hull. Their weapons are blue, and they don't use shields. They seem to use only plasma cannons, missiles, and some drones. Their pentacannons are among the most powerful weapons in the game in terms of DPS. They regenerate lost parts at a somewhat fast rate, some bigger ships slowly regenerate. Their parts also have higher health than usual, probably to make up for the lack of shields. Also, their motherships can spawn an obscene amount of small ships.

AI behavior: Left to themselves, they will alternate between aimless wandering and sitting still. They also collide with each other occasionally.
Faction 12
This fleet uses yellow, black, and grey triangles as hull. Their weapons are yellow, and they use no shields. They seem to use only plasma projectors, autocannons (some with 3 barrels), and lasers. They regenerate at an average rate. Also, the fleet seems to consist of a bunch of tiny ships, then a giant mothership which is actually somewhat weak, as one hull breaking in the right place can take down half the ship. Consists of buildings with good resources in their command block.

AI behavior: Left to themselves, they will wander aimlessly.
Faction 13
Called the Plant Fleet, this fleet uses green-brown hexagons and triangles as hull. Their weapons are yellow, and they use no shields. Their favorite weapons seem to be missiles and lasers that are unable to turn. They are unable to regenerate lost parts. In their home sectors you can see their plants growing on asteroids, with their ships slowly flying around the plants. There are also some large stationary plants, some of which are the largest structures in game, larger than asteroid clusters. Their ships, however, are probably the weakest in the game.

AI behavior: Left to themselves, their ships will sit around. Their plants of course do not move.
Faction 14
This fleet uses grey squares and trapezoids, and light blue triangles as hull. Their weapons are blue, and they don't use shields. Their favorite weapon seems to be burst lasers, which are relatively powerful. Though their hull has low armor, they regenerate quickly. For some reason, their fleet consists entirely of capital ships, with no smaller ships.

AI behavior: Left to themselves, they wander aimlessly. When attacked, they pause and fire lasers until their enemy is dead, or flee when they take lots of damage.
Faction 15
This fleet uses dark green right triangles as hull, with a few special copper pieces around their core. Their weapons are yellow, and they use no shields. Their main weapon is an insanely powerful signal laser, which they often charge up while fleeing and turn and blast you to death when you think you've got them on the run. Their armor is ridiculously strong and they regenerate relatively quickly. With the strongest armor and weapons, they are by far the strongest ships. At least, until some time ago when fleet 11 got larger ships and stronger guns, and also lots of splash damagey missiles.

AI behavior: They will attack you upon sight. If you are bigger than them they will flee. They will also run if taking heavy damage. Though they have very powerful weapons, their AI is not that effective at using them because it seems to constantly be undecided about whether to flee or
Faction 17 (No Faction 16 as I know of, it can't be spawned)
This fleet contains alpha testers' designed ships
Dazlezle 2 Nov, 2020 @ 1:29am 
is faction 12 the bees, because it doesn't look like them
Lunasa 2 Jul, 2020 @ 4:11pm 
the plant faction does actually regenerate parts, for example the freaking thorns which get nearly destroyed and then their command module gets launched out of range of my proton beams. Then I added manipulators. you can't run now thorns
gunsforguns 9 Sep, 2017 @ 12:14am 
welp time to go add more!
gunsforguns 9 Sep, 2017 @ 12:13am 
iv got 380 hours or record id know
gunsforguns 9 Sep, 2017 @ 12:13am 
iv never seen 14 and 8 is still used as the starting faction
D0g3r1up5 11 Jun, 2017 @ 6:19am 
never seen some of these :there is a faction with two ships both capships with no factory tho very rare from that
:DDDDD 3 Sep, 2016 @ 12:47pm 
@Amazingmyster You could not see the name of the factions at all at the time I typed that.
Nedw4rd 28 Jul, 2016 @ 12:47am 
What about the astropods?
HypercaffinatedBees 19 Apr, 2016 @ 10:59pm 
@Onic I think they have a fairly low chance of spawning in a world.
Necroledo 10 Apr, 2016 @ 4:21am 
Nice summary! I'll just say that Faction 12 do have shields; in fact, they use them extenisvely on their bigger ships and buildings.