Don't Starve Together
Оцінок: 122
Better Beard
До улюбленого
В улюблених
item, tweak, server_only_mod
Позначки: version:1.05
Розмір файлу
10.124 KB
19 січ. 2015 о 17:07
11 лют. 2021 о 7:28

Підпишіться, аби завантажити
Better Beard

Beard grows faster and gives +50 sanity after shave.
Supported characters: Wilson, Webber.

- Grow days: 2, 4, 6
- Bits of hair/silk: 3, 6, 9
- Sanity after shave: +50

Server side mod (only).
Коментарів: 64
СЕРЕЖА Я В ТАВЕРН 17 січ. 2023 о 9:32 
can you make a mod that will make you not to lose beard after dying
greenspace 6 листоп. 2022 о 14:16 
cant grow 3 stage of beard as Wilson
star  [автор] 11 лют. 2021 о 19:22 
Actually I didn't even launch the game, so I'm not sure if everything is fixed and fine. But I know lua well enough, so it should work.
its over 11 лют. 2021 о 16:00 
oh wow he actually came back, respect for not being a completely lazy lol.
star  [автор] 11 лют. 2021 о 7:29 
Thank you. Fixed. Should work properly now.
幕夜之下 25 січ. 2021 о 15:37 
Self-fixing custom skin appearance is disabled after using the mod. Requires author to add markers.

local CustomSkin = player.components.beard.skinname
player.components.beard:SetSkin(CustomSkin )

I tried to fix and republish it myself, but I haven't had the time lately
its over 2 січ. 2021 о 19:42 
This doesnt work.
Alex 20 лют. 2019 о 16:16 
@Audio-Technica 2035 Microphone
As in it doesn't work, or its op?
Atomic1200 4 лют. 2017 о 17:03 
that sounds gross lol
Obiguy I 3 січ. 2016 о 0:26 
Great Mod! I love it! Maybe you could make another beard mod where you can craft beard hair into a beard hat to keep you warm in winter.