Dota 2
Legacy of the Year Beast
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Legacy of the Year Beast

A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram

Jeremy Kein
Concept by: Kyle Cornelius
Back Skinning by: Don Don
Item (7)
Legacy of the Year Beast - Loadscreen
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast - Loadscreen Jeremy Kein Concept by: Kyle Cornelius Back Skinning by: Don Don A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Mask
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast - Mask Jeremy Kein Concept by: Kyle Cornelius Back Skinning by: Don Don A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Back
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast Jeremy Klein Concept by Kyle Cornelius Don Don - Rigging A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Bracers
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast - Bracers Jeremy Kein Concept by: Kyle Cornelius Back Skinning by: Don Don A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Legs
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast - Legs Jeremy Kein Concept by: Kyle Cornelius Back Skinning by: Don Don A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Weapon
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
Legacy of the Year Beast - Weapon Jeremy Kein Concept by: Kyle Cornelius Back Skinning by: Don Don A part of the Treasure of the Wondrous Ram
Legacy of the Year Beast - Healing Ward
Dibuat oleh Einherjar
A Healing Ward for the Legacy of the Year Beast set concept by Kyle Cornelius (ziedrich) Jeremy Klein...
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