Metro 2033 Redux

Metro 2033 Redux

844 rating
Metro Redux "Thief" Achievement Guide
Oleh Games Dean
This guide will show you the locations of all safes and keys for the achievement "Thief"

I was really fed up with all the other guides for this achievement being in a different language and all the ones that were in english are not even worth looking at. So i figured why not make one my own

I'm saying it now grammar is not my strong point.
Batalkan favorit
Rega station

After you give the kid one bullet to help you find bourbun he will take you down a trench.
Once the kid turns left you should see 3 porto-johns, inside the one on the far right is some
military grade ammo. The key is hanging on one of the little metal supports.

And right next to the porto-john on the far left you should see the safe

Don't worry its kinda hard to miss
Lost Tunnels

"♥♥♥♥ caravaners... They're all dead i know that style"
Bourbon will say this before the 2 of you head down the side tunnel to attack the bandits, when you
hear him say this you will know its the right spot. Scavenge the bodies in front of you untill you find
the key.

Once you've killed all the bandits by the fire Bourbon will open a door, directly across the room you will see a safe with black and yellow cation paint and next to some green glowing mushrooms.

Lost Tunnels part 2

Near the end of the level after you're done with the hallucination at the gate keep an eye out for a passageway that shoud look like this.
The key is on that corpse, to get to you'll have to do a bit of jumping (Mario style!) becareful when going across those platforms they won't hold your waight for long if your not fast enough they will collapse. Other times all the platforms behind you will collapse forcing you to reload a checkpoint (It takes you back to when the hallucination just ended so don't worry). Also the platform that the corpse is on will not collapse no mater how long you're on it.

The key on corpse

Lost Tunnels part 3
There's 2 ways to get to the safe.
The first is to jump down this hole, after that jump out one of smaller holes (a corpes will be down there make sure to lot them) once you're on the grund look to you left some MGA will be sitting
in a pool of blood.

wade though the non-deadly radioactive puddles to get to the stairs. Once you have reached the them look to your right you will see a shotgun and some ammo next to a corpes and to the left a door

The other way is to follow Bourbon untill you get the gates of market sation. You will see a ladder to your left climb down it and look for the
stairs. Dont follow Bourbon up to the big gate it will trigger an attack.
You might heare some roars in the distancebut don't worry you won't get attacked untill you meat up with Bourbon

Lost Tunnles part 4

After you've opend the gate loot what's on the table in front of you. (Some MGA is on the bookshelf to the right)

Once that's done located in the same room is a shut off valve turn it off go down the hallway and open the safe.
Mareket Sation

After Bourbon tells you to get some more fillters immdiately turn right. You will see 1 man using a radio a 2 men standing next to hm behind the man using the radio is the key

Now go back to where Bourbon told you to gets some fillters turn left an go inside the subway car.
The safe will sitting on a shelf to your left.
The Dead City Part 1

When the level starts look to your right. You will see a ticket booth go inside it.

Once inside the key will be hanging on the wall. Notice the arrow poting up this means the safe is in a room right above you.

Just left of where you started is a door with stairway going to the 2nd fool.
Be careful a booby-trap is right at the entrance.

When you reach the 2nd fool look out for wacther (mutant) he will beat the top of the stairs to the right
he will NOT attack you so don't bother shooting at it. When it sees you it will run away. (not a threat just a jump scare)

Once again at the top of the stairs (where you saw the wacther) look to your right you will see a
stalker cache feel free to loot it.

After thet simply follow the path to the light blue door and the safe is in a room on the other side.
Remember to wacth out for traps.

The Dead City Part 2
After you and Bourbon are separated go in to the building acroos from the one you were just in.

The key is in that room, to get inside you will have to jump on that ATM machine.

You'll have to be quick the radiation in that room is off the charts but as long as you're fast enough nothen to worry about.

After you got the key go down the hallway to the right, then another right and then keep going straight
untill you to some metal gates.

After that the Safe is in a room to the left.
The Dead City Part 3
Near the end of the level, after you've met up with Bourbon and followed him for a bit. He will start to go up some stairs, once he does turn around and go the opposite way untill you see this.

Go down the stairs.

the key is on the corpse. For some reason the key has a orange ribbon tied to it instead of a red one

The safe is a short distance away inside a building with a ranger helmet painted on the outside.

Once inside the building the key is in the the bathroom to the far left.


Near the halfway point of the level when Khan takes you down the side tunnle. Notice the closest door to your left is closed you have to trigger a nosalis attack in order for it to open. (Be careful one is hiding behind the door and will try to attack you once your back is trund).

Once all the nosalis have been delalt with go in to the room and take the key the safe is directly across from the door. (Look at 1st picture) Some MGA is also in the same room.
Front Line Part 1

A few minutes in to the level, after crossed over to the red line go to the rear of the tunnle. The key is right outside a staircase going down.

Go down the staircase, open the door and at the end of the corridor is the safe. A "Basterd gun" is next to it wth the following attachments a night vision sight, heat sink kalash stock laser sight.
A pair of night vison goggles are also next to the safe.

Front Line Part 2

Near the end of the level after you've crossed over to the Nazi line you will come to a spot where Reich soldiers are in mass. Inside the cab of the subway car is the key.

Once you have the key simply go down the length train untill you get to the rear. The safe will be sitting on a table in plane sight.
Trolley Combat

At the end of the level after you disembark from the machine gun and enter the side tunnel you will come to a spot where Pavle will go right. To your left is a door open it and the key and the safe are sitting on a table right next to each other.

Just to esay
Defense Part 1
Half way through the sation you wll come to a point where you have to wear a gas mask, just before this you should see a door made out of rebar and a body and a lantern next to it.

The door opens to a small office the key is hanging to the left. They're 3 safes in the office however none of them need the key because all of them are already open.

Leave the room and take the door to the right. Immediately turn left, go up some stairs take another left across a makeshift bridge and thats it the one that needs the key has yellow and black paint on it.
Take a left and you'll see the room where you found the key.
Defenes Part 2
After the room where the kids says not to thorw grenades you will come across a small camp the safe is up against a wall next to the fire.

But there's a problem you don't have a key.

To find the key turn left and at the edge of the green river turn right to see a body with the key in its hand.

Use the ladder on the side of the outpost to reach the roof. If you took the cassette tape from the commander in the last level you can play it with the transmitter nearby.The is key on a body that's being eaten by a demon, it won't eat the key or anything just walk up to it and you'll scare it away.

Wanna read somthing funny?

When i first played this level it took me 5 HOURS to find the F**KING KEY before i realized it was on the corpse that i searched MULTIPLE times.

The safe is on the 1st floor in the 1st room on the left. I thnk there's a glich were if you stand in a certain spot you can get what's inside the safe without needing to open it but won't count towards the achievement.

Black Sation

This one kinda hard to describe. You will come to spot where you'll see some escalators, climb down to the set of tracks to the left then go right. On the sation platfrom you'll see a cage made out of rebar. The key is inside

After that go through the door to your left and then another door and in a room with a lantern is the safe... and 5 others.

After that go down the tunnle to the right, turn left and keep going until you see the corpse of a reich
soldier. The key is on the body.

Then go back to the room you were just in and thats it.

In front of the sation gates is a trench, follow it until you can see the spot thats pictured above.

Lets play a game called finish that sentence

The key is on the... (drumroll) Corpse, big freakin surprise.

Later at the entrance to the library where you are supposed to wait for your fellow rangers. Next to the statue is an overturnd truck with 3 safes that have fallen out of it.

Once you're inside, the safe is at the bottom of the stairs to the right. But once again you don't have a key so lets fix that.

Go up the stairs, turn right then another right and to your left next to some weird vine tree things, tangled up in some webs is the key. Then turn around, jump over the railing and there ya go.

Sorry about the subtitles i'll try and make sure the're not on screen next time.
This is one of those parts that's very hard to put into words, but you'll know it when you see it.

Near the end of the level keep an eye out for this spot. Next to that sleeping librarian is a pile of bones and in that pile of bones is the key to the safe. DO NOT SHOOT AT THE SLEEPING LIBRARIAN, even if you have all the firepwoer to back it up. Just get key and get out. Let sleeping dogs or whatever the hell that thing is lie.

After you have the key go up the staircase to your right. The safe is in the opne door to the right.


At the start of the level when Colonel Miller is briefing the squad turn left, in a overturned crate by an elevator is the safe. Yet agian we don't have the key.

Shortly after, at the section were your have to open the airlock gate, across from it is a door. Open it then turn left. The key will be in one of those small red lockers.

(A word of advice) In this stage it vary esay to get lost so take slow and remember which direction you where going in. Its like a miniature maze.

After you're separated from your squad go in to the first room then turn left and then right. Then go into the bathroom on your left. The key is in urinelle closet to the wall.

Leave the bathroom, turn right and go straight for the room with the orange light.

Evean Ray Charles could do it.

Right before you, Miller, Ulman, and Vladimir go into the room with all the computers turn left and go into the small control room.

The key setting on a shelf thats up against the back wall.

Once you're inside the room with the computers go to the far left corner . You will see a group of safes. The one that needs a key is in the middle to the left. There are no keys for the reast of the safes and and they CAN NOT BE OPEND.
(Make sure to grabe the key before going into the next room because the door will shut behind you. Have no fear they will reopen after a few minutes.


After Miller saves you from the demon you'll fight your way to the base of the tower. On the far right look for a old bus, the key is on a body laying next to it.

Its very hard to see but trust me its there.

All right here we go the last one...

Right before you and Miller get on top of the elevator turn left and keep going untl you come to a door, go inside and turn left and thats it. The safe is sitting on the flor.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! if you heve been followng my guide correctly then you should see the achievement poping up in the bottom corner.
38 Komentar
BillyWitchDr 16 Des 2023 @ 7:59am 
I was in the Defense area playing Redux. My save was right before I had unlocked a safe, I kept falling in lurker holes, and it gave me the "thief" achievement. You will get the achievement (at least on Redux) from loading just before a safe and unlocking it multiple times.
Axerix 28 Agu 2023 @ 7:50am 
can you reload a save and reunlock the safes does that count?
G1itchy #FixTF2 26 Mei 2023 @ 7:08pm 
Very good guide, helped when I went back for the good ending.
Replying To My Comments=i Win! 18 Mar 2023 @ 11:56am 
Instead of wasting time with this "guide" just go to any safe and open it and then reload last checkpoint til you get the achievement. Simple done.
Ninja888Samurai 8 Nov 2022 @ 8:25am 
Thank you for your time and help :steamthumbsup: :steamhappy:
Frog 25 Sep 2022 @ 6:03pm 
If I go past the key at Tower, am I not able to go back to it? I only just barely passed it, but any attempt to run or sneak and grab it leads to an insta-kill demon animation regardless of if I run away or fight back.
Maria ツ 16 Jan 2022 @ 6:24am 
There's one missing; in chapter "Cave" after the second dairy entry
Sapca11 2 Des 2021 @ 11:00am 
Thanks for this guide. With this and a Youtube video I should have got the achivement if the game did not bug. really helpful. You even had some that the video didn't so thanks for you guide. Really well explained. Altough The Dungeon ones could have been better. The first one where is the easiest I didn't expect it to be exactly in the same room as with the electric power and the 2nd sounded way more complicated in your writing rather than it actually is.

Anyway, THANKS!
Eisen 2 Mei 2021 @ 2:31pm 
Thanks for this guide man.
dnwkd 23 Sep 2020 @ 8:13pm 
jesus christ this is long