Portal 2

Portal 2

97 ratings
How to make a "close portal" button.
By Brash Candicoot
In this guide we will learn how to upgrade our Portal guns with a new "close portal" button in this first-time only trick!

It may be a minor nitpick , but I always thought something that would make this amazing game a bit better would be if “r”eloading the portal gun would make the portals disappear so that they would stop getting in the way while you are trying to think. Well now you can upgrade your Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device to do just that! And here I’ll show you how.
1. Enabling the developer console.
To do this we will need to have the developer console enabled. Once you are at Portal 2's main menu it's as easy as going to options/keyboard and mouse and then changing 'allow developer console' to enabled.

Now pressing the ~ key (found under the Esc key and over the tab key.) will open the console at any time within Portal 2 (But some commands only work in the main menu).

2. Upgrading the portal device!

With the console enabled, simply type (or copy and paste) ' bind "r" "ent_fire prop_portal fizzle" ' into the console and click submit! You can replace the "r" for whatever key you want, I just think it's the most convenient, but be careful if you have submitted it as another key both keys will do the same thing.
1. Don't press this key in test chambers with portal doors.

Pressing the key in chambers with portal doors closes them permanently! If you do accidentally press the key, typing kill in the console will reset the level or send you to your last save.

2. No co-op griefing.

To maintain a fun and fair co-op experience this will not work in the Cooperative Testing Initiative.

3. Alternate R keys don't rewrite eachother!

If you have submitted bind "r" "ent_fire prop_portal fizzle" as another key both keys will do the same thing. If you want to dissable the "close portal" or any other key type unbind "the key you want to dissable" into the console. Example: unbind “r”

But under no circumstances submit "unbindall" into the console in portal 2 or any other game on the source engine (valve games)[/b] unless you want to dissable ALL of your keys!


Your portal gun can now close portals when you reload! No need to do this ever again because the game saved the command! Have fun!

1000-THR "Earthmover" 11 Oct, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
Finally a non-copypasta guide that's actually helpful and not "HOW TO CLOSE THE GAME"
william.j.fox 7 Jul, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
old atlas and p-body
NOOB4306 5 Jan, 2023 @ 11:04am 
let me write in unbindall guys i sure do hope everything goes well
Mute 1 Nov, 2022 @ 10:48am 
instructions unclear,tab button did not work.
󠀡 29 Jun, 2022 @ 8:22am 
Looks better if you do "+use; ent_fire prop_portal fizzle; -use" because then the portalgun has an animation when doing it.
Hat dude 17 Mar, 2022 @ 9:50am 
Good for trolling people in coop
Hyenubis [The Absolut Mad Lad] 11 Nov, 2020 @ 3:53pm 
What I had bind on R was "+mouse_menu_playtest" which basically softlocks you into the taunt menu but it never clauses and fucks up the game's UI. GG Valve. Thanks for the propper bind name.
Disco_Lizzard 1 May, 2020 @ 2:33pm 
SUMMIK 21 Apr, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
thx for the tips
Daniel34 3 Jan, 2020 @ 4:57pm 
Like Gmod Portal gun when you press r