Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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11 janv. 2015 à 7h01
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A basic anti-virus that turns off all programmable blocks!

Run with a timer that has the actions: Start(timer block), Run(programmable block), and On(programmable block)

NOTE: In the future better anti-viruses will come that will get rid of any virus!For now though i can't program that.
4 commentaires
xXGreeXx  [créateur] 18 juin 2015 à 16h37 
No prob.
Razordor 18 juin 2015 à 15h00 
thank you for notifying me
xXGreeXx  [créateur] 18 juin 2015 à 5h29 
If you run with timer it will run like a firewall.Although i have a new script this one is outdated:
Razordor 17 juin 2015 à 16h10 
If it turns off programable blocks. what makes it so that this block doesn't turn off. is this a manual trigger or can this loop and act likea firewall? is there a way to protect certain programable blocks from shutting down from this? thx for reading this and hope you continue to improve this. perhaps your next script will be a firewall. :)