Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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JustAnotherTopSpeedMod(300 m/s)
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Other
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13.791 KB
9 janv. 2015 à 11h01
9 janv. 2015 à 11h16
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JustAnotherTopSpeedMod(300 m/s)

Dans 1 collection faite par Servo
Servovicis' Speed Mods
5 objets
Sets Top speed to Approximately 313.2 m/s for everything at cap. Suits move 5% faster.

Other speeds can be located Here

This is about the highest speed you would currently want on a server.

Be advised that as this modifies the Environment.sbc file, it may override other settings you have in game for your environment. Tested with a few skybox mods without confict.

5 commentaires
Crosus 25 mars 2018 à 13h05 
can you do ? :3
Servo  [créateur] 25 mars 2018 à 11h49 
as far as im aware autopilot is locked to 100ms and speed mods dont impact it. you would need a mod that redoes the auto pilot, or just write a script that runs your own coded autopilot.
Crosus 25 mars 2018 à 5h28 
this modify the speed of autopilot?
D3thcast 27 aout 2016 à 13h34 
...g dewqaskzx
TigerSoze 15 janv. 2015 à 18h25 
Must have.