The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

53 ratings
Witcher 2: GamePad Sensitivity
By AyleidRuin
How to Change the Game-Pad Sensitivity under "User.ini"
Changing Game-Pad Sensitivity
The File "User.ini" will be generated once you first launch the game.
User.ini Default Location: (Win 7)
%UserName%\Documents\Witcher 2\Config\User.ini

Open the file "User.ini" and go to the Section [InputQWERTY] and find the following values:
[InputQWERTY] IK_Pad_RightAxisX=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightX",Value=1.000000) IK_Pad_RightAxisY=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightY",Value=1.000000)
These above values are the Sensitivity Arguments. ",Value=1.000000" =100% Game Pad Sensitivity. Which is too Fast for my tastes ;)

Change it to something like this:
IK_Pad_RightAxisX=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightX",Value=0.65) IK_Pad_RightAxisY=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightY",Value=0.65)

",Value=0.65" =65% Sensitivity and is what I prefer. You may change this to whatever works for you.
For example: ",Value=0.1" Would be 10% Sensitivity OR Very Slow. Same goes for ",Value=0.9" which would be 90% Sensitivity.

If you want to Change the Default Game Pad Layout then Check out GuardianAngel42's Thread:

Windows 10 Users: | Courtesy of Nicolas Steel! Check out their comment down below |
IK_Pad_RightAxisX=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightX",Value=1.00) IK_Pad_RightAxisY=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightY",Value=1.70)

For Mac / OS X see this link:
^#4 says "Config" file is the one your looking for. And it should have the above variables.

Thank you for Reading my Guide :)
PIRÅNHÅ 28 Jul, 2022 @ 12:50am 
Yes there are now Input_AZERTY, Input_QWERTY and Input_QWERTZ.ini files with the parameters. Im assuming the other ones would be used in other regions.
AyleidRuin  [author] 27 Jul, 2022 @ 10:22pm 
Did it change? Hmm... that means I gotta update this :P
Thank you, PIRÅNHÅ :summerghost:
PIRÅNHÅ 27 Jul, 2022 @ 6:44pm 
Thanks for this. Just a note that I think the structure of the file has changed and the InputQWERTY section is now an entirely separate file. It had the attributes to change in there so it was all good in the end.
AyleidRuin  [author] 31 Jan, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
Nice. Thx for a Win10 version, Nicholas Steel:res::str:
Nicholas Steel 31 Jan, 2020 @ 6:24am 

I propose these values for wired Microsoft branded Xbox360 gamepads under Windows 10 v1909. Normally the vertical momentum is significantly slower than the horizontal momentum creating severe dissonance when trying to move the camera intuitive to how you're manipulating the analog stick (circular movements produce oval movements for example).

Increasing vertical speed to 170% largely mitigates the issue by bringing it close to the same speed as horizontal movement!

But then you may soon notice that the camera seems to be predominantly limited to 8 directional input when adjusted with the right analog stick and I'm unsure if that can be overcomed, maybe Durazno can handle that issue.
AyleidRuin  [author] 20 Jul, 2017 @ 11:44pm 
Well that stinks :/ I followed your post and looking forward to the replies. Your right. Every game that does allow both... both show up :P I hope you get a fix / answer, RiotAngel :)
DeadByLag 20 Jul, 2017 @ 5:38pm 
The Windows-based CTRL ping visual wouldn't work as the game is rendering in full screen mode blocking the ping animation on the desktop. In fact if my mouse location happened to have gone over to my secondary monitor screen I can see the ping animation _there_ instead but no mouse cursor still.

Annoying this is on game launch, the mouse cursor is clearly visible for use on the main menu even in gamepad mode. It is only when a game session is fully loaded into the 3D world environment does the cursor turn invisible. Seemingly forever.

I have no idea what potion the developers brewed and drank while developing this.
AyleidRuin  [author] 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:46pm 
Another option: is the setting in Windows: Control Panal -> Mouse Options -> Pointer Options Tab and enable / check the option "Show Location of Pointer when I press the CTRL key.
AyleidRuin  [author] 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:43pm 
Didn't find anything in ini's. Your ? has been asked b4 and holding "CNTRL" or Control button SHOULD make it show. Sorry I don't have a fix for you RiotAngel :/
AyleidRuin  [author] 20 Jul, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
@riotangel That's dumb :P You would think that the cursor would show up since you can use it. I'll see what I can find. Don't have an answer for you now, but some games have a setting in inis to enable cursor.