139 beoordelingen
Fugiforcer: High firepower & High mobility [for OVERKILL and DeathWish difficulties]
Door Zan (rx8) en 2 bijdrager(s)
Hello everybody! I'm Zan and today I'm going to present you my personal favorite build: the FuigiForcer build.
This setup offers dodge to move around, while having the armor to take some hit, and putting out loads of damage on enemies.
Its a good all-around build, contains First Aid Kits (FAKs) as well as ammo bags, and focuses on the GL40 and shotguns.
*Tested on the field for OVERKILL difficulty as well as the DeathWish difficulty.*
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Intro and deeper description of this build
As briefly introduced before, this is a quite particular dodge build:

Key points
  • Uses the LBV (Light Ballistic Vest) to reach 50 armor and 35 dodge (While using a suit dodge build will provide you 20 armor and 50 dodge, see the difference).
  • High damaging weapons: GL40, Mosconi, Judge, Loco...
  • Ability to choose between 14 FAKs and 2 (basic) ammo bags.
  • Versatile, effective for both OVERKILL and DeathWish difficulties

  • Requires to be V-100 (Version without any infamy here[])
  • Requires some DLCs, both for mods and weapons
  • No stealth capabilites whatsoever
  • Relative lack of supportive skills
Mainly, this build does not have inspire, but if you use it correctly you will be able to provide enough support to the crew by killing/stunning cops and specials, and on top of that, don't forget that you are still providing 14 FAKs to the team.

Now to the skills: we will have two main trees (guess which ones in a FugiForcer build!) and two side trees that will bring nice bonuses to the main ones and a completly unused tree because sadly it would require too many points to be useful.
So, that's all you need to know before getting in the build itself.
Mastermind skills: what to get and why

(Hopefully you don't mind my game in italian)

The mastermind is 1 of the 2 side trees of this build. It brings a nice mobility buff as well as civillian control and a very important damage boost.
  • Endurance ACE: This build (as any other dodge build) is about running around, the more you can run, the better.
  • Control Freak ACE/Cable guy ACE: Both skills serve to control civilians, i prefer control freak just to be able to buy the special assets in missions like big bank. You can choose to get cable guy ace if you want to, 4 points are needed to get to the next tier.
  • SPOTTER BASIC: Note this is all in caps. This is VERY important. Like VERY VERY important, we will get to that in the GL40 section, but i can tell you, you will need this 15% damage boost.
    It is possible to swap this to dominator if you do not want to use the GL40, but the GL40 is the pivotal weapon of this build so keep that in mind.
Enforcer skills: what to get and why

The enforcer is 1 of the 2 main skill trees, garanting the firepower and some of the damage resistance this build has.
  • Transporter ACE: Of course, of course...
  • Die hard ACE: Mainly for the 15% armor regeneration
  • Underdog BASIC: 15% damage boost while surrounded by enemies is quite nice to have since you'll most likely be in rooms full of enemies anyways (GL40 does not benefit from this unfortunately)
  • Pumping Iron BASIC: I needed to spend 1 point to get the higher tiers, and this build also relies on melee to finish off enemies in case you don't have time to reload (again, GL40 is my example since it is the main weapon).
  • Shotun impact ACE: More damage, you will most likely use at least 1 shotgun anyways (Mosconi, loco and judge are the 3 suggested options, more about that in the "Weapons" section)
  • Stun resistance ACE: Flashbangs are dangerous for someone who is constantly moving, minimizing them is a must.
  • Tough guy BASIC: I personally like this skill and its only 1 point. You can go ahead and take dominator if you like it more, since this skill is not necessary to climb up the enforcer tree.
  • Ammunition Specialist BASIC: Makes you more versatile, since dodge builds with FAKs are very popular theese days, having ammo bags could save the mission.
  • Shotgun CQB BASIC: Less time reloading more time shooting, speeds things up greatly.
  • Fully loaded ACED: With this, you should never find yourself dry on ammo.
  • Overkill BASIC: Combine this with the crits from lowblow (in the fugitive tree) and you will get an enormous damage output.
Technician skills: what to get and why

This is the tree without skills as you can see in the image...
I just added this section because it looks more professional to me!
  • Nothing BASIC/ACE
Ghost skills: what to get an why

This is 1 of the 2 side trees of this build, bringing mobility buffs as well as some dodge, the ability to not break your legs after a 2 meters fall and the one skill that SMGs need.
  • Sprinter ACE: More mobility and dodge, one of the best all-round skills that any build should contain
  • Cat burglar BASIC: With this build you will be running and jumping around alot, with this you will avoid taking too much fall damage.
  • Fast hands ACE: Speeds up things quite a bit.
  • Shinobi BASIC: The more movement speed, the better.
  • SMG specialist: The only skill that SMGs need, quite handy to have when you bring your Uzi (More on that in the "weapons" section).
Fugitive skills: what to get and why

The fugitive is 1 of the 2 main skill trees of this build, giving us dodge, armor and more firepower with crits.
  • Hidden blade BASIC: Basically 2 free points of concealment, wich we will take without thinking twice about it.
  • Thick skin ACE: The name of the old equipment in PD:TH, it does pretty much the same thing: more armor. This is the key why the LBV is so effective.
  • Run and gun ACE: More movement speed and no movement speed penalty while aiming, all good for someone who should always be on the move.
  • Duck and cover ACE: More dodge is always a good thing.
  • Quick Fix ACE: A nice buff to your kits.
  • Uppers ACE: Moar kits plz
  • Low blow ACE: Now the interesting one: low blow. First of all
    What's a critical hit?
    A critical hit is a shot that deals headshot damage even on bodyshot AND penetrates enemy armor (not enemies and not shields, only TANs armor and bulldozer faceplate).
    It stacks with the "regular" headhsot bonus, so if you headshot someone with a critical hit you will do: Damage of the weapon *Headshot multipler * Headhsot multipler
    If you get full benefit from it (at 23 detection risk) you get a 30% chance, wich means 1/3 shots will deal massive damage.
    As for the Overkill skill, since damage falloff on shotguns is calculated in percentage, more damage will let you kill stuff further away (not beyond the damage falloff 0%, but it will make it easier to kill within that range). This and the next skill come "together" as they both have the same requirement to activate.
  • Sneaky bastard ACE: Needs 23 detection risk to get the maximum benefit (like Low blow), and gives 10% more dodge. Pretty nice.
Weapons: Primaries
The weapons section will be divided in 2 parts: primaries and secondaries.

Now, of course, as i mentioned many times before, the focal point of this build is the GL40, so let's get right into it:

The GL40 Grenade Launcher
  • Pirate barrel
  • Sawed-off stock

This is the thing differencing this build from the other dodge builds out there: they either run akimbos or assault rifles, some use the nagant, others the raven, but i rarely see a GL40.
It's devastating, clears rooms of cops, melts through shields and destroys tasers.
A little note on tasers: on Overkill difficulty, they have 360 health, and the GL40 deals 340 damage at the center of its explosion (yes, the further away the target is from the explosion, the less damage you will deal to him, in case you didin't know). Now, remember the VERY, VERY VERY important skill?
Origineel geplaatst door Zan (rx8):
  • SPOTTER BASIC: Note this is all in caps. This is VERY important. Like VERY VERY important, we will get to that in the GL40 section, but I can tell you, you will need this 15% damage boost.
    It is possible to swap this to dominator if you do not want to use the GL40, but the GL40 is the pivotal weapon of this build so keep that in mind.
With this added 15% damage bonus you will deal 51 additional damage to the taser, giving you the power of one-shotting it and giving you a little bit of room for eventual aiming errors (which occur, trust me they do).
PS. Don't use the GL40 with the suit, as it doesn't have enough armor the effectively protect you against your own grenades.

The Mosconi shotgun
  • 000 Buckshot
  • Road warrior barrel
  • Gangsta special stock

Low accuracy is good on a shotguns, since each of the pellets will deal full damage to the things that hits (following the damage falloff scheme) and if more than 1 pellet hit the same target they will not stack, thus lowering accuracy allows to get a higher spread and much more collateral kills. And it doesn't affect the actual "accuracy" as at least 1 pellet (wich is enough to do full damage, as said before) will most likely hit at the center of the screen and thus the intended target.
I enjoy this weapon and find it funny to use on OVERKILL, things change in DeathWish, where I suggest to use the GL40.
Weapons: Secondaries
Second part, secondaries weapons, which are intended to be as powerful as the primaries.

The Judge shotgun
  • King's crown compensator
  • Compact laser module

You can notice the fairly high accuracy for a shotgun (12), this is because although i said LOW accuracy is good on shotguns, the judge should be complementary to the GL40, so having an accurate shotgun that can instantly kill target at medium range is perfect.
Also, thanks to Overkill BASIC (75% damage bonus after killing someone with a shotgun or a saw) and Low blow ACE (30% chance of a critical hit) the in-game damage of this weapon goes insanely high, and if you remember my observation about damage falloff calculated in percentages you will understand the power of this gun.
But if you are a locomotive enthusiast, don't worry! There is also a FugiForcer version it!

The Locomotive 12G shotgun
  • Shark teeth nozzle
  • Compact laser module
  • Straight grip or Rubber grip (+2 concealment / +2 acc. +2 stab.)
  • Extended mag
  • Tactical shorty stock
  • Shell rack

Rubber grip or straight grip is up to you, if you want to have 6 or 4 accuracy, concealment won't make much difference but if you are running the build without infamy i suggest going for the stragiht grip. Shell rack is optional too but strongly reccomended.


The Uzi SMG
  • Competitor's compensator
  • Auto fire
  • Tactical foregrip
  • Compact laser module
  • Speculator sight
  • Folded stock

This is easly one of the best SMGs, and it still is while modded for medium-high concealment.
Very good accuracy, enough damage to 1-headhsot greens and 2/3-headhsot TANs (if none of them were crits 3, but in most cases it a 2-headshot).
Pairs very well with the mosconi on Overkill, when i get bored or on maps that are more opened i give up the GL40 and the judge for the Mosconi+Uzi combo and it works wonderfully.
On DeathWish though, it a whole new world, and the uzi ends there its usefulness.
I don't like going Mosconi+Judge, and since i showed to you the mosconi i tought i would show you the Uzi too.
Not much to write about melees really, use anything you like that doesn't make you go over 23 detection risk. My personal preferences are (differing from weapons combinations): The trench knife,
the potato smasher and the machete.

*If you are using the build without any infamies then ALWAYS go for the trench knife, as it has the highest concealment and you will get the most out of Sneaky bastard basic*
Perk deck

The perk deck is the Crook:

Subtle: Your chance to dodge is increased by 10%

Helmet Popping: Increases your headshot damage by 25%.

Basic Composure: Your chance to dodge is increased by 10% for ballistic vests.

Blending In: You gain +1 increased concealment. When wearing armor, your movement speed is 15% less affected. You gain 45% more experience when you complete days and jobs.

Advanced Composure: Your chance to dodge is increased by 10% for ballistic vests.

Walk-in Closet: Unlocks an armor bag equipment for you to use. The armor bag can be used to change your armor during a heist. Increases your ammo pickup to 135% of the normal rate.

Expert Composure: Your chance to dodge is increased by 15% for ballistic vests.

Fast and Furious: You deal 5% more damage. Increases your doctor bag interaction speed by 20%.

Master Recovery: Your armor recovery rate is increased by 10%.
Deck Completion Bonus: Equipping a fully unlocked/completed perk deck increases your chance of receiving a higher quality item during a PAYDAY by 10%.

Total unique bonuses:
+10% Chance of dodging with any armor or a suit
+35% Chance of dodging with any ballistic vest (stacks with the previous 10% for a total of 45% on ballistic vests)
+10% Faster armor recovery

The Lightweight Ballistic Vest (LBV)
If you have done everything right, your armor should look like the one in the picture above!
(With the non-infamous build you get slightly less dodge, but all the other stats should be the same)
Now the build is complete! You did it! You are now a FugiForcer!
Its time for me to say goodbye and to get to the outro!
Outro and special thanks
So, we are at the end of the guide here.
I've shown you the skills, the weapons, perk deck and told you all you need to know about being a FugiForcer!
This was my (and my collaborators') first guide, hope you will enjoy your games with this build,
special thanks go to: l4zY suggestions about the guide layout, and aDD!cTeD for tweaking the V-100 build and the creation of the build without infamies; many friends of mine and friends of friends who did DeathWish missions with me while I was testing this build, and you, the guy that just read (and hopefully enjoyed) the guide!

15 opmerkingen
ErikG96 15 mrt 2015 om 11:18 
Thx a lot for this build - it's awesome! :D
Englar 24 jan 2015 om 13:50 
I made a build similar to this except I got berzerker aced. Pair that with overkill basic and crit chance and you can shred a dozer using the judge or loco in 2-3 shots when your hp is low. Might be something worth trying for ya. Good build man.
Zan (rx8)  [auteur] 23 jan 2015 om 5:14 
LOL I never noticed it! Thanks for telling me, its fixed now!
Haroohee 22 jan 2015 om 19:56 
Just a heads-up and not to be rude, but you have misspelled "Perk Deck". Just wanted to let you know.
Blamite Delight 22 jan 2015 om 14:17 
payday 2 in italian? BADASS! Italian bain would be EPIC.
Electroshock 21 jan 2015 om 8:19 
Just tried your build

Holy hell it was fun
Zeph 21 jan 2015 om 2:25 
using raven for primary is also a good option
[Unintelligible] 19 jan 2015 om 9:29 
I could remove Bulletproof Aced (downgrade to basic, removing the armor regeneration bonus)
to get the basic Low Blow, but I never really used this critical hits mechanic :c
Anyway, thanks for the advice ! c:
Zan (rx8)  [auteur] 19 jan 2015 om 9:25 
@Nauotit c:
Yea, if you dont get Sneaky Bästard its not a problem because you got 25 more armor to counter the 10 less dodge. The real thing you miss is Low Blow, that skill boosts your damage output so much that its not replaceable by any other skill.
Are you sure you cant get it? Not even basic? Because 75 armor and 25 dodge looks awesome, but i feel like i would miss Low Blow too much TBH.
[Unintelligible] 19 jan 2015 om 9:18 
@Zan (rx8)
If you really want to see what I mean, take a look on PD2stats or whatever (totally forgot the name of this tool, sorry)