Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Battle of Burgundy: Tabletop Wargame
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Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
Mots-clés : Misc
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6 janv. 2015 à 0h35
7 janv. 2015 à 20h11
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Battle of Burgundy: Tabletop Wargame

A 3d World War 2 tabletop wargame. Using 3d terrain, Infantry, Tanks, & Artillary. Battle for the Burgundy bridge, Or hold the village from the advancing Allies. Roll your tanks across open farm lands, hide your Infantry in the forest for an ambush. Send Artillary rounds towards your foe. Bring the Eastern Front to your Tabletop Simulator. Comes with Custom rules I have created, Under Menu/Rules.

(I have not created any of the 3d pieces used to make this game. I simply just made the map and the rules. Also added the 3d Tank, inf, and artillary.)


World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming Rules

They are very BASIC rules. These rules have not been spellchecked or proof read. Mistakes are present in these rules. And Balance of the rules may be off. With your help and critiscism a true balanced game will be created.

World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming Rules


Infantry--------------------------1per ---------------------- 28"--------------------------3 or lower--------------Per Inf man
Tanks--------------------------- 2dice----------------------36"-------------------5front 4side 3back-----------3 hits
Artiallry--------------------------3dice----------------------42"--------------------------3 or lower-----------------2 hits
Bazooka-------3d vs tank 1d vs Inf & Arty-----------20"------------------------3 or lower----------------Per Inf man

Movement - Infantry moves standard movement of 8"
Tanks move standard movement of 14"
Artillary can move 5"

Roads - Adds 4" at the end of the units movement if the end of the untis movement is on the road.

Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement - the player can choose one of many actions for the unit. Only 1 action can be played per 1 unit. Untill all units are moved and it is a new turn. Place corresponding tokens beside the units that have used an action.

Move & fire - Move STANDARD movement and fire. You can also Fire BEFORE moving. You may also move half of what your standard movement is and fire and finish your movement.

Fire & fire - The unit may fire twice on a turn. without moving. After Fire & Fire the squad may NOT move. (this excludes Artillary and Tanks. For the recreation of reloading)

Double Time - double your standard movement. ( You may NOT fire before or after movement)

Dig in - Stay put and add 2 to your defense. (DEFENSE MAY NOT BE STACKED OVER 5) (blue token)

OverWatch - the unit stays put and is placed into over watch.
An Over Watching unit can interupt a enemies movement at any time to fire at the unit. Only if the enemy unit is within LOS (Line of Sight). If overwatch is activated, remove the over watch token and the unit is no longer in overwatch But still may be able to declare an action upon the turn. (Yellow Token)

Taking Turns - Each player rolls 1 D6 and the higher number gets to choose a unit to make a action with. Roll again to determine who goes next. ( YOU MAY NOT ACTIVATE A UNIT THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN ACTIVATED ON A TURN) If you move all your units before the other player has moved any, the opposing player can move all of his without having to roll.

Attacking enemies consist of using dice for the outcome of the attack. for you to make a succesfull attack the opposing unit must be within LOS ( Line of Sight) and within the Range of the attacking units.

How to attack? Attacking is simple, if you roll over the denfese number you land a hit. and that unit must take damage.

Ex: Infantry attacking infantry: you fire at opposing infantry, you have 4 infantry men and the enemy has 4. you roll 4 dice *dice rolled* (outcome) --2d 4d 3d 6d-- only the 6d gets a hit. and the opponet losses 1 infantry man.

Dice Per Unit

Infantry gets 1 dice per every infantry man in the squad.

Artillary - 3 dice to attack

Tanks - 2 dice to attack

Bazzoka - 3 dice vs tanks 1 dice vs Inf & Arty


Infantry cannot fire at a tank. Because no damage can be done by small arms fire. Only Artillary, and opposing tanks can attack tanks. Infantry can assualt tanks if they are right up against the opposing tank.

Assualting Tanks With Infanty - To assualt a tank the infantry must be within 4" of the tank on either side. The Assualting infantry has to roll 1 dice per infantry man left in the squad. If the dice is 5 or 6 the tank is succesfully assaulted and destroyed (no matter if the tank has not been damaged yet) Assualting is a immediate kill.

Assualting Infantry With Infantry - to assualt another squad is the same rules with assualting tanks. 4" within the squad. and rolling a 5 or 6 is succesfull.

Bazooka men - Are stong against tanks. But can be used to kill infantry aswell. Just not affectively. If the Bazooka team losses a man.Then the team only get 2 dice to roll against tanks.


Tanks can attack infantry only if the infantry is more than 4" away from any direction of the tank. If a tank is wanting to turn at a 90 degree angle. Then that tank sacrifices a standard movement. Example: Tank has enemy infantry on the direct left side of it. The Tank cannot fire. The tank will have to Reposition itself 90 degrees (Directly left) to fire.
tanks have 3 sides of armor. When the tank gets hit for its second time. The tanks treads are disabled. The tank can not move or turn angles.


Artillary - can only fire or move. If the artillary is wanting to fire at an enemy and the enemy is on its right. The artiallry has to reposition to the right (pick up artillary and turn it right. DO NOT move forward or backwards... just turn it) and wait untill next turn to fire.

Artillary can attack both infantry and tanks. Only if the opposing units are INFRONT of the Artillary.

Line of Sight - Line of sight means if you are firing at a enemy you must see the enemy from your units position without having obtructed view. 50% or more of the enemy unit or infanty man has to be showing from cover to fire upon them.

EX: Infantry - if you are firing at a squad with your infantry squad and only 2 of your infantry have LOS then only those 2 infantry can shoot. therefor only having 2 dice to shoot with. If the opposing unit has 2 or maybe 3 of the infantry within your LOS then only those infantry men can be hit.

EX: Tanks - If you have your tank positioned halfway behind cover where only your front is showing then you can only be hit from the front.

EX - ARTY - Arty can only take damage and or fire if the front of the ARTY is showing ( and barrel faced in the right direction.

Token - Chips
Place tokens beside the units to remember actions.
Red tokens - Resemble that the unit has taken damage.
Black tokens - Resemble that the unit has moved.
Yellow Tokens - Resemble that the unit is in over watch.
Blue Tokens - resemble that the unit is Dug In.

Fences offer no cover.
Units Cannot move threw buildings
23 commentaires
SensoryPuppy14 23 aout 2020 à 10h52 
None of the figurines load. Only everything else does.
CerebralError 6 juil. 2016 à 9h30 
Is there any way to use the pieces provided to make your own board/'custom' map?
Chibby  [créateur] 4 mars 2016 à 17h35 
I'm happy ya'll are enjoying it. It looks great! Would ya'll be intrested in a game over the weekend?
☣Bio☣ Miss you man 4 mars 2016 à 12h44 
Ive stripped down the table and made 3 different in depth maps. One of my friends was blown away with how much effort I put into them.

Goes to show this game is addictive. I even made Scenario maps.
Chibby  [créateur] 4 mars 2016 à 12h13 
Trucidar, sorry I don't have a pc at the moment. I'm getting a new one this weekend, I will update the game, rules, and add a tutorial video.
Chibby  [créateur] 4 mars 2016 à 12h12 
Bio, the example was if the unit was dug in. The standard defense of infantry unit is 3. If dug in you add a 2 there defense, thus making it 5. Therefore only the d6 would have hit.
B 15 févr. 2016 à 3h25 
Some of the image links are broken. Any chance on an update? Thanks!
☣Bio☣ Miss you man 12 janv. 2016 à 13h23 
Also can "Dig in" be used in the open if you don't have cover? I would assume it would be ewual to going prone.
☣Bio☣ Miss you man 12 janv. 2016 à 13h21 
Ex: Infantry attacking infantry: you fire at opposing infantry, you have 4 infantry men and the enemy has 4. you roll 4 dice *dice rolled* (outcome) --2d 4d 3d 6d-- only the 6d gets a hit. and the opponet losses 1 infantry man.

but you said infantry have 3 Armor. so wouldnt the 4d also hit?