The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II

30 ratings
Tower Defense Mini-Games
By NoobPlayEX™
tricks to beat tower defense and how to open secret chests
Tower Defense Mini-Games
Six times during the game you'll get to participate in a tower defense mini-game. These sequences aren't required. You can assign one of your resistance captains to take

care of the defenses instead, but if you do that then you'll lose out on a secret and two ability points each time. So obviously it's better to complete them rather than

skip them.

Some useful things to know about the tower defense sequences are listed below:

The more enemies you kill with traps, the more machine parts you earn. So let the traps do the bulk of the work.

If you're standing near enemies when they die, then they'll drop loot. Otherwise they won't. This is only really important for the boss in the final wave. Most other

enemies will only drop potions if they drop anything at all.

In each sequence you'll be able to power up one or more Salvage Recyclers that will reward you with extra machine parts over time. These are only useful in sequences

with more than four waves.

Your game will get saved when you leave for a tower defense map, and it won't get saved again until you've completed the defense. That means you can start over if you

don't like how things are going (by exiting and re-entering the game, or by selecting "start over" at the end-of-wave dialogue), but it also means you can't leave in the

middle. So make sure you have at least 15-30 minutes available before you start a defense.

For each mini-game, there's something you can do to cause an ink portal to appear, which will lead you to a secret treasure chest. See the defense summaries below for

how to make the portals appear.

You can press the Wave Info button to see which enemies are going to appear in the next wave, and which routes they're going to take to reach the exit(s). You should

always check this to see if champions or bosses are scheduled to appear, since there's a good chance they'll survive your taps, and you'll need to finish them off.

In our opinion, the two best traps are the Ratat-O-Tac gun (upgraded so it does area damage) and the Monster-in-the-Box (which stops enemies cold and lets your other

traps kill them).

When you play the mini-games on the veteran difficulty, be sure to turn off your trophies before going in. The trophies will probably help your enemies way more than

they'll help you (since your traps should be doing most of the work, and they don't receive trophy bonuses).

Tower Defense Maps

The Subterranean Incursion

You won't have too many options for this map. We'd recommend using Monster-in-the-Box traps next to Ray-o-Frost traps.

You'll gain access to the secret chest if you can complete two waves without any monsters reaching your base. You'll find an Elixir of Fortitude inside the chest.

Reward (Normal): 2571 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact

Invasion of the Rat-Things

Immediately buy the two Rocketous Automated Sentries near the top of the map. They're within range of all three starting points, and they'll put a big dent into each

attack wave. You should then be able to mop up the rest with Monster-in-the-Box, Ray-o-Frost and Ratat-o-Tac traps.

You'll probably only break even with Salvage Recyclers, so there isn't any reason to build them.

You'll gain access to the secret chest if your traps kill 300 enemies. You'll find an Elixir of Wizardry inside the chest.

Reward (Normal): 4923 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact

The Inhuman Regiment

This is the first map where Salvage Recyclers will start giving you a noticeable profit.

Focus on traps that can hit multiple routes.

You'll gain access to the secret chest if you build 20 traps.

Reward (Normal): 4923 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact

Maze of Blades

This can be a tough map, so give yourself extra time to solve it.

Rely on basic traps instead of fully upgraded traps.

Every floor trap should be a Freeze-o-Floor trap. For only 40 machine parts each, these will combine to take out the Rat-Things (which are the enemies most likely to

slip through your defenses), and they'll damage and slow the rest.

Every gun trap should be a Ratat-o-Tac trap upgraded once for area damage and once for extra damage. This will cost you a total of 110 machine parts each. These traps

will deal most of your damage, and they should be able to mop up whatever survives your floor traps.

For the remaining traps, you can use whatever you want. Ice-o-Bob traps aren't nearly as good as Monster-in-the-Box traps. We usually go with Ray-o-Frost traps.

Only buy the Rocketous Automated Sentries when waves start going past them.

You'll gain access to the secret chest if you build six Salvage Recyclers. The recyclers can be found next to the exits. We'd recommend buying two recyclers for the

first wave, and then one each for the next four waves.

Reward (Normal): 4923 xp / 2 Attributes Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attributes Points / Rare Artifact

Caverns of Steel

You'll have to deal with four routes that don't overlap very much. The two inner routes should be straightforward, as you'll have a standard assortment of traps

available, plus Rocketous Automated Sentries. The two outer routes will be tougher, and so you should put some extra mechanical parts aside so you'll be able to build

better traps against them when they come into play (in waves 3 and 4).

You'll gain access to the secret chest if you fully upgrade five traps. Special traps (Hydraulic-o-Grinders, Rocketous Automated Sentries, and Salvage Recyclers) start

out fully upgraded, and so they're the easiest way to get to the secret.

Reward (Normal): 4923 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact

Hall of Remembrance

This map should be pretty easy. The attack routes conveniently intersect, so they're easy to defend. There are a bunch of trap locations, giving you all sorts of

options for what to build. And you'll get a ton of machine parts, so building what you want shouldn't be a problem.

You'll gain access to the secret chest if you build 10 different types of traps.

Reward (Normal): 4923 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
Reward (Veteran): 40,000 xp / 2 Attribute Points / Rare Artifact
phadin 24 May, 2015 @ 4:43pm 
I would comment there is one advantage to having your generals handle defense of the lair. It gives them more experiance/levels (one level for every mission they complete). That means a bit more skill perhaps in something you will need to complete other missions later. Since there is a distinct limit to how many missions exist to raise your generals (and 2 ability points really isn't all that critical), might be better to use it as training opportunities for them.