CastleMiner Z

CastleMiner Z

171 Bewertungen
Solo Endurance!
Von Donkey Kong
Endurance mode can be tediously difficult, even with a squad of fairly experienced players, but i hope to teach you some strategies and tips to assist you in conquering this frustrating game mode. I will be assuming that if you are planning on doing endurance mode solo then you are a fairly hardened and profesional player, but otherwise i would advise you to get some practise on survival mode first. Before i start i will tell you that i have completed Endurance Solo using the tips and strategies in this guide within 3 hours and 20 minutes. Anyway lets get to it!
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First Things First!
When you spawn into the world the first thing you will need to do is collect a minimum of 10 Logs (turn them into wood), 6 Iron ore and 3 coal. Once you have done this you can craft a shotgun which is the best early form of defence against zombies and other mobs. Next travel a distance of 500 ( travelling further may mean that tougher zombies spawn and your shotgun may be useless) and search the warped forest biome for an Alien Spaceship ( Alien spaceships spawn at 300+) Whilst searching you may be pursued by a dragon, it is best to ignore the dragon and keep moving to avoid his attacks. Also, remember to keep valuables like your shotgun, bullets, Logs or ores in your hotbar as these will not be deleted when you die!
Gearing Up!
Next you want to use your torches and compass to make a trail from the Alien Spaceship to the spawn tower so that you don't forget where it is!

Then come back to the Spaceship and dig to the crevice beneath it! Try to make some stairs using the stone you collected leading out of the crevice since teleportation is disabled.

Also as a side note, it would be a great idea to trick Skeletons and Aliens by hiding behind pits between you and them which lead to hell so that they fall out of reach and you conserve ammo! ( Aliens are impervious to your shotgun! )

Alright next step! Build a safehouse! This will allow you to craft and store items without pesky Aliens or Skeletons rudely interrupting you. Make sure that you design the house so that mobs can't enter the room where your crate will be.

In your little house you want to craft a crate using iron that you cautiously collect in the crevice to store goods such as ores, stone, and Logs or anything with little value which is wasting your hotbars space. This means that if you die the items you aquire will not be lost as you can follow your torches back to the spaceship where your crate is!

Now it is time to start collecting! Get enough materials to craft an Iron pickaxe then start gathering coal, more iron, and gold ore! Once you have enough gold and iron to make a gold pickaxe you can start to collect diamond. When you have collected 2 diamonds and 3 gold you can make a diamond pickaxe! Now use this to gather bloodstone and more diamonds ( and other ores if you so desire) When you collect 10 bloodstone and another 3 more diamonds you can make a bloodstone pickaxe! Now proceed to mine 12 spacerock from the spaceship.

Return to your safehouse and use 2 copper or iron and 4 spacerock to craft a laser sword! craft 3 of these. Now using your state of the art mining devices you can collect bloodstone quickly! Collect 50 more bloodstone and scavenge for 6 more diamonds. Now you can make a bloodstone assault rifle! I also reconmend getting an extra 20 bloodstone and 3 diamonds for a bloodstone shotgun as you can use this to harvest materials from aliens such as iron, copper and diamonds! Now all you need is ammo, so using gold, coal and diamonds you have collected make 200 diamond bullets for your gun. After you have the bloodstone assault rifle and some bullets try to kill any dragons that you encounter as you will need explosive powder later on!

With the bloodstone shotgun ( you can use the assault rifle but it is not as efficient as the shotgun for slaying Aliens) go inside the Alien spaceship and wait for some Aliens to attack. If they do not appear try digging some spacerock as they will spawn to defend it.

Once you have 20 diamonds return to the crevice. Scavenge for gold until you have enough for 2000 gold bullet casings. Next use 20 coal, 20 diamonds and 2000 gold casings to make 2000 diamond bullets. Then harvest 2 spacerock from the bottom of the spaceship and using copper and iron you collected from aliens and explosive power you have collected from killing dragons make 2 Anti Dragon Guided Missiles. ( Each anti dragon missile requires 2 explosive power, 1 spacerock, 3 iron and 2 copper) Do not use these Missiles on any dragon! They are for the Undead Dragon! Now, here is what should be in your hotbar before you embark on your quest:
- Bloodstone assault rifle
-2000+ diamond bullets ( don't exceed 5000 as hotbar space is limited!)
-Bloodstone pickaxe with near full condition
-First Anti Dragon Guided Missile Launcher
-Second Anti Dragon Guided Missile Launcher
-64 Torches

As a side note, if you are having trouble finding dragons, store everything in your house crate apart from your bloodstone assault rifle and diamond bullets then leap to hell or let an alien kill you. Once you appear at spawn, return to the spaceship and you are almost garanteed that a dragon will spawn once you exceed 200 distance!
Leaving Home!
Now that you have prepared all of your gear, you are ready to pursue the undead dragon. Go to the side of the crevice that is furthest away from the spawn tower and build or dig a small staircase leading to the crevice wall as shown below:

( The reason i advise you to make a set of stairs is because when your digging you may fall into pits which lead to hell, I died twice by this. However digging slightly higher, by using the staircase, you are less likely to have this happen to you)

As a side note, the empty spaces in your hotbar can be used for the stone you collect, STONE WILL BE CRUCIAL LATER!

Now whip out your bloodstone pickaxe and start a strip mine! Remember to place a torch every now and then so that you can spot pits to hell before its too late!

As a side note, if you have the rescources you can try to craft a gold or diamond spade incase you run into sand or snow when you are digging to save time ( In the snow biome and mountain biome you are bound to run into some snow!)

Try not to make the strip mine complicated, If you die you may very well need to come back through here! So make it easy to navigate through. For example, don't diverge into any caves and only dig in a straight line. Now i could advise you to use teleporters but i didnt need to use any on my endurance as i was confident that i didnt need them. However if you think you may need them to save time or because you're paranoid then feel free to craft a couple but don't let them flood your hotbar.
The HomeStretch!
Keep digging! when you reach anywhere between 2600- 2900 you should make another safe house but it doesnt need to be as secure as the last one. Place your crate in here and store your ores and stone ( Your inventery should be full of it!) and put the majority of stone inside. Keep 7-8 stacks of 64 stone on you and make sure 1 stack is in your hotbar.

You may also wish to place other goods you collected in the crate but you must keep the items i listed before in your hotbar at all times. Now if its night then wait until morning to emerge! Dig up cautiously and be ready to equip your bloodstone assault rifle incase you get attacked by zombies.

Make your way to Ore Land! At this point there will be lots of zombies attacking you so when they spawn its a good idea to shoot them before they start running.

Once you get to oreland, the diamonds and gold may be tempting to mine but there is no time to lose! Keep running!

Once you get to distance 3370 you must shoot all nearby zombies as fast as possible then start building a pillar of stone with the stone in your hotbar! You must be quick! Make sure that the pillar is high enough so that Skeleton archeres are unable to shoot you!

Now it is time to build a bridge across hell. I know it sounds like a huge task but trust me, you won't stand a chance on the surface of hell without any buddies, the sad truth of the matter is that a bridge is the only way to garantee that the Undead Dragon bites the dust!

This will take a long time but it is worth it, so keep building!

When you finally reach 4000 the Undead Dragon will Hunt you down. So as soon as you reach this distance grab one of your 2 Anti Dragon Guided Missiles and wait until the Undead Dragon is close enough to be targeted. As soon as you shoot the first Missile you gotta start running back across the bridge while the Undead Dragon attacks because you wouldnt want him destroying the blocks beneath you... Its a big fall! Now he will fly away and get ready for the next attack. Grab the second Anti Dragon Guided Missile and lock onto him and boom... You did it!

The image above is me actualy killing him on Endurance!

After you kill the Undead Dragon walk to the begining of the bridge and go back to the surface, You will notice how there are no zombies spawning AT ALL!

The image above is me in endurance after i killed the dragon! Do you know what this means? It means you can get the "Around the world" achievement. However as you approach 3950 distance zombies will start spawning but no where near as much as before!
Above is half a spaceship i found in Endurance at 5000+ distance, how weird!
Sweet Victory!
I hope that the strategies in this guide help you to accomplish killing the Undead Dragon in endurance mode and that they save you time and fustration! And if this is any reassurance that this guide can assist you, here is how far i got at the end of my Endurance while using these tips and tactics!

If you found this guide useful then it would be great if you can Rate this up! Thank you very much for reading!

Also please comment how useful you find this guide.


This has got to be the world record for endurance right? :)
98 Kommentare
gaming 29. Dez. 2024 um 14:36 
Anyone have any tips for locating motherships in the warped forest? I end up wandering around aimlessly and dying to groups of zombies at night.
Rich Homie Tee 14. Sep. 2024 um 11:16 
I did it!! I got to 5072 blocks before dieing
Rich Homie Tee 13. Sep. 2024 um 22:45 
Currently attempting this, im at 2600. Wish me luck
Devil 15. Aug. 2024 um 17:02 
This is so good that I'm considering hopping on and attempting it. I gave you the highest points rewards I could (I don't know what you can do with it though.) Badass review.
BygoneSloth3019 22. Juni 2024 um 22:56 
just run and gun thats what i did a nomad traveler
Blakey Boi 17. Feb. 2024 um 0:01 
On a first day, i killed the first dragon with a pistol and it dropped 2 golds and i was able to make golden pickaxe. probably recommend to kill the first dragon with a pistol on a first day.
Snowball 20. Juli 2023 um 21:28 
this game is still so good i love it
Soap 4. Apr. 2023 um 15:46 
CMZ going hard in 2023, Life pro tip: If you wait till around day 17 - day 24 the Undead Dragon will come to YOU! have at least two/three Dragon locking RPGS on hand + a bloodstone AK47 (and around 1k rounds just in case) and fight the dragon in an alien pit (you'll be in one anyways if you're farming ammo/resources). Ez kill strat, then you can work on long-term runs.
Clipzard 8. Juli 2022 um 16:17 
Thanks soooooo much for this, I finally beat it today! Monumental props to you. :p2cube:
StaticMetal0SixNyne 7. Jan. 2022 um 12:20 