Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

196 ratings
Getting the 500 MP-Kills achievement in 20 minutes
By slazer2k5
This small guide will show you how to get the 500 MP-Kills achievement in 20 minutes, you need one friend to join your lobby.
Duke Nukem 3D is a nice game, but often it's hard to find a MP match or the connection is too bad to play without any lags. So this guide is for people who only want to complete all achievements and having the MP-Killing achievements left.

Thanks to Briangellias for helping me with the achievements, Blarkio for creating his "Multiplayer Achievement Map" and miketsoft for republishing the map.
Gonna Rip Em' a New One
Get 100 total kills in Dukematch games (Online)

See You in Hell
Get 250 total kills in Dukematch games (Online)

Hail to the King, Baby
Earn respect and get 500 total kills in Dukematch games (Online)
What do you need?
You will need one friend to help you, because the game won't allow you to open a lobby with one player only.

Then you and your friend need to subscribe the following map: Multiplayer Achievement Map.

Just open the link and click on the big green +Subscribe button looking like this:

The last thing is a small object heavy enough to press one key on your keyboard, if you don't want to sit there 20 minutes pressing the same button. I used a cap from an USB-Stick and my mobile phone to push it down...
Getting the kills
Now start the game.

If you want to use an object to push down the keys open the Options -> Keys/Buttons setup and set a key you can easily push down with your object as Fire-Key. Your friend can do the same for the Use/Open-Key to respawn faster.

Then go back to the main menu and select Multiplayer -> Create lobby.

Leave the mode on DM and max players on 2. As map choose "Multiplayer Achievement Map (mp_achievement.map)" - maybe you have to scroll down the map list to find it. Don't set a frag or time limit and open the lobby by clicking on Create.

Now invite your friend to join the lobby. If it doesn't work he can look up the lobby list (Multiplayer -> Join lobby in main menu) as long as you haven't set your lobby to private.

Both players will spawn on the same spot, your friend can stand where he is while you move inside the bigger part of the room with the ammunition supplies. Now target your friend and push the Fire key to kill him. Use a small object to push the key, so you can go away and do whatever you want.

Your friend should press the Use/Open key to respawn instantly, he could use a small object too.

After about 20 minutes you should have the 500 kills and all three MP achievements:


I like to get achievements in games, but think that a game should not add multiplayer achievements if the community is near dead, so you won't be able to complete all the achievements...

The SP was nice, thanks for that <3
cheeseburger 28 Feb @ 10:06am 
Or just use Steam Achievement Manager, since no one touches MP anymore
ZhuleCRO 22 Feb @ 3:37am 
add me for multiplayer achievements
PYTON 26 Jan @ 4:27am 
Anyone wanna do that with me? ;)
We am spase peepol 16 Jan @ 4:41am 
anyone wanna do them? add me!
대짱 8 Dec, 2024 @ 12:41am 
Is there anyone who can help me with the multi-achievements? I even subscribed to this map. If you have time, please friend me.
Wing Dings 8 Jul, 2024 @ 7:32am 
add me for multiplayer achievements
Cheeks 22 May, 2024 @ 12:06am 
Need just few kill for Hail to the king Add me if you need help as well!! :aunope:
Nerudion 13 Jan, 2024 @ 5:49pm 
If anyone also wants to get the achievement, add me
Rubach 9 Jan, 2024 @ 8:46pm 
Also looking to get this done, add me to bang it out!
Sierra 7 Jan, 2024 @ 2:44pm 
Looking to do this, the times I am available to do it are random and maybe not often :rfacepalm::protozoid::pbomb: