

86 ratings
Ptk's Beginner's Guide to Subnautica (With Updates)
By Ptk
A basic guide showing what crafting items are, where they can be found/how they look like. Also going over basic beginner steps on what to craft first in order to survive the longest.
Basic Controls
TAB will open up your inventory,
Spacebar will allow you to float upwards, or go up when in a submarine. (Useful if in need of air quickly)
WASD - Your generic movement Up left Down Right.
Mouse1 (M1) - Interact button. Used to pick up items ect.
Mouse2 (M2) - Use item that is equipped.
1 2 3 4 - Are all button you can use once you have equipped an item through the (TAB) inventory Screen.
First Steps
You are slow, Fish are fast. You must survive. In survival mode you will have a measure of your hunger and thirst. (Bottom left) The game will refer to them as Caloric Intake and H20.

To remedy this speed differential you need to craft flippers. They are really easy to make, thats why they are step one. Swim Straight down, grab 6 (Handfuls?) Inventory slots of sand, swim back to the pod.

Go to your super awesome crafting machine(Also known as fabricator),
and craft some Silicone.

Next, Use that silicone to craft fins. You need x2 silicone to make fins. Extra Speed from fins does not stack.

How is your hunger doing? Hopefully well because we are not yet ready to get food. Although if you are really desperate, grab some salt,

And a fish,

Go back to your Pod and cook it up. Warning, sometimes it is a little bit glitchy, and doesn't fully register that you have a fish. When this happens, realease your fish and catch a different one.

Eating a cooked fish will replenish hunger and minor H20. Eating a raw fish will replenish hunger, but will have a very negative effect on your H20. Try not to do it as clean water is an issue for us still.

Lets make a tank. No not a pew pew tank, a scuba tank. You can make and hold as many scuba tanks as your heart desires. Each grants an extra 30 seconds of air. They do take up 4 inventory slots. So I kinda lied. You can only have as many as your inventory allows.

To make a tank you need 2 scraps of metal

Metal looks like this and can be found nearly everywhere.

Now we are ready to make a knife. The knife will help us protect ourselves from evil sea monsters, and will allow us to harvest carbon from them. Key warning, Knife vs Seamonster is not Super effective. So you should still try to avoid them for now.
Also, General rule of thumb, If it looks like it can kill you, It will kill you.

For the knife you will need x2 pieces of scrap metal, and x1 Emery

Emery, Zinc, Copper can all be found by breaking Limestone.

Which will it be? Nobody knows. Just gotta keep looking until you find what you need. Copper is copper, zinc, is silver, Emery is purple.

You can now use this knife, to cut vines,

Or to cut Coral,

You can then Take that coral chunk, and use it to create calcium. If you use Calcium and Salt together, you can create Clean Water. This is the best way to recover H20. While Cooked Fish is the best way to recover hunger. Its probably a good idea to carry 1 of each in your inventory when you go for long distance trips.

Now for the Almighty SeaGlide. It is a fast little zippidy doo da that allows you to travel through water at a much faster pace than previously allowed.
You are going to need x2 metal, x1 battery, x1 silicone.

A battery requires 2x zinc, and 4x carbon. You can get carbon either from stabbing sealife, or farming mushrooms.
Mushrooms can be crafted into carbon*

Now you are ready to zip around in your SeaGlide water scooter.

Some Notable mentions that were not used in this guide,

This type of formation will give you either Quartz or Magnesium.

Deadly Fish pods. Stay away unless you wish death upon yourself.

Flint crafting material.
Beacons and Flares.

There is more to do, more to explore, and not all the types of areas nor creatures that you will meet were covered in this guide. I leave those things for you to explore and enjoy the surprise and mystery of the ocean.
Mango Turtl 23 May, 2017 @ 7:11am 
Everyone please note that all of the information (and I mean all of the informaton, almost every single little bit of it) is outdated by a good 2 years (the screenshots were taken in december of 2014). Do not follow the information in this guide.
Jinx 14 Feb, 2017 @ 3:44pm 
Ugh right off the bat the sand thing won't work. How lame.
Arathorn 1 Jan, 2017 @ 9:41pm 
Magnesium is fabricated using 2 salt.
goldfishie 💕 29 Dec, 2016 @ 3:49pm 
what does the magnesium look like?
saint.of.altra 16 Oct, 2016 @ 5:34am 
note the pics are outdateid
POKE MARK COW 26 Aug, 2016 @ 5:32am 
go to kelp, opposite of the big ship to your pod. find glowing seed, those thing can craft into rubber for your knife
big poopy pants 16 Jun, 2016 @ 7:36pm 
Can't collect sand--you can only dig it
DireFox 10 Jun, 2016 @ 8:23am 
I've been having a glitch where an item can be put to a quick slop, but once something is picked up and equiped, it can not be changed unless I drop something else and pick it up. Can someone explain?
Sylvandria 19 Mar, 2016 @ 6:55pm 
Cannot figure out how to make the knife. It is not in the fabricator. :(
Laserbeak43 28 Feb, 2016 @ 9:39pm 
Can't grab sand. Only dig