Lambda Wars
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Roleplaying With Lambda Wars
Da Eric
One of the most common questions asked when playing Lambda Wars is: "How Can I Roleplay?" This guide will provide some nice roleplaying suggestions for you.
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City Roleplay
In this roleplaying game, you set the gamemode to Annihilation. (Do this for all games in this guide unless otherwise specified.) It involves the Rebel(s) being cities under the Combine(s) control.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: None. It is unrelated.
  • If there are 2 Combine and/or Rebels, make the game a 2v2 game.
  • At the beginning of the game, the Combine tell the Rebels where to build and their boundaries. They may tell different groups of Rebels different boundaries. (Example: Red, stay at your spawn and do not leave it. Blue, stay near the upper right flag.)
  • Next, the Combine tell the Rebels what they can and cannot build. (You may not have Xenian entities nor may you possess AR2's)
  • The Combine can give Rebels other orders, however they may not make unfair orders (Orders that make the game unplayable) (No having builders, no moving, etc.)
  • The Rebels may talk out agreements and may beg for mercy. (Hey, can we expand our boundaries so we can retrieve scrap?)
  • The Combine may ONLY attack or raid (Go into their boundaries) Rebels for breaking rules or insulting them, but they can spy on the rebels)
  • If the Rebels use a scanner to kill spies, they may do so without punishment unless The Combine banned scanners.
  • The Combine can not use headcrabs to work around these rules.
  • The Combine cannot get too close to Rebel boundaries (So they don't automatically fight).
  • Thank you, Lawfulpotato! Combine cannot order the Rebels to break the law.
Elimination Roleplay
This game is based off of the Idea that the Combine would not automatically go overkill on a small Rebel group, making the game a bit more fair. It also makes the game slower, and easier to roleplay in.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: 1 month after the Combine take over the world.
  • You may choose to set it to a #v# match for Combine Vs. Rebels, or, if you want rival Rebel groups and "Combine Miscommunication" events, leave it at FFA. Combine and Rebels may not be on the same team.
  • At the beginning of the game, the only building Combine may create (That Can Create Units) Is the Nexus and the Garrison. They can always build buildings that do not create units.
  • The only unit the Combine may create at the beginning of the game is Stalkers, Loyal Citizens, City Scanners, Metro Police.
  • Once the Combine detect (Either by spying or by an Rebel attack,) any Rebel Unit Or Building, they may build Combine Soldiers.
  • Once the Combine detect Saboteurs or Pyros, they may build a Special Operations Building, Combine Elite, and Snipers.
  • Once the Combine detect RPG Soldiers, they may build Synth Factory, Claw Scanners, and Ministriders.
  • Once the Combine detect Vortigrunts or Antlions, they may build Striders.
  • If the Combine detect a higher level unit, they may build units from levels below. (Example: If they see RPG soldiers but they have not seen Saboteurs/Pyros, they can still build Special OPS.)
Game Master
Thank you, {[Řℓ§]}13SithDeceiver13!
Set The Gamemode to Sandbox
In this fun RP, one player creates a scenario for the other players (Kind of like in D&D or Mistrunner).
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: Varies depending on GM.
  • Designate one player as the Game Master (GM). He is the only one allowed to use the Unit Panel.
  • You may designate multiple players as GM's if they want to work together on a scenario. It is reccomended you put them on a team together.
  • The GM makes a scenario/mission for the other players. This usually involves a goal, or multiple goals, that the other players need to complete to win.
  • The GM must make the scenario fun for all the players (So it is not Impossible or Random).
  • The GM May not abuse his power.
  • The GM sets rules that the other players must follow throughout the scenario.
  • It is recommended to rotate the player who is the GM between Rounds or Missions.
AntLion Roleplay
Thank you, The Russian Mafia!
Set The Gamemode to Sandbox
The Rebels want to focus their efforts into befriending the Antlions via Vortigraunts. The Combine want to stop them.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: None.
  • Set the teams to 2v2
  • On one team, have one Rebel Player and one Antlion Player. On the other team, have 2 Combine Players.
  • The Antlions build on one side of the map, the Rebels on the other, and the Combine in between.
  • The Rebels spawn themselves one Vortugraunt immediately. If he dies, the Combine Win.
  • If the Vortigraunt touches a unit on the Antlion player's team, the Rebels Win.
  • The Antlions can not attack, but they may defend themselve if provoked. (Kill Units attacking antlions)
  • The Combine can only attack after 3 waves of Engineer-Rebel forces or 1 wave of special units/Vortigraunts attack them.
  • There can only be 25 Antlions on the Antlions team.
  • The Combine can not spy on the Rebels.
  • The Rebels cannot build RPG users and/or Veterans
  • The Combine cannot build Striders, Hunters, and/or Snipers.
The Combine Overthrow
Thank you, The Swedish Mobster!
The Rebels are planning their final assault to wipe out the Combine. A phase-based strategy RPG.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: Unknown/None
  • Set up the game to have 1v1 or 2v2. If it is set to 2v2, have 1 player on each team be an attacker (Prepares attacks during defence phase, than executes them during attack phase). The other player will be a defender (Builds defences, does not attack)
  • Make sure all players stay near their base, do not allow them to set up multiple bases.
  • The Rebels can not use RPG users untill the 1st defence phase occurs. Than they may be used for any phase.
  • The Rebels can not use Saboteurs unless they are attacking.
  • The Rebels can not use Veterans unless they are defending.
  • The Combine can not use Striders unless they are attacking.
  • The Combine can not use Snipers unless they are defending.
  • The Combine can not use Hunters unless they are attacking.
  • The Combine can only have Metropolice inside their base.
  • The Combine get 1 minute to prepare defences after the game starts.
  • After the minute is over, It is the Rebels Attack phase.
  • The Rebels cannot be attacked during this phase. However, they may attack the Combine.
  • After a certain amount of failed assaults, It switches to the Rebel Defence Phase. (I reccomend 3, but you can choose any number you want.)
  • During this phase, the Combine can attack and the Rebels cannot.
  • After the same amount of failed assaults, this time by the Combine, It switches back. Repeat untill one team dies and the other one wins.
Zombie Infestation
Thank you, BilbotrejCZE!
The Combine have decided to destroy the rebels with headcrab canisters.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: None/Unknown
  • Set the gamemode to 1v1 or 2v2
  • Each team builds 1 base. They may only build on their base, so they cannot attack or build units.
  • After they have built their bases, the Rebels make their total units 2 Engineers and 5 Rebel Soldiers.
  • The Combine Build 3 headcrab launchers total, aimed at the Rebel base.
  • When both teams agree, the Combine shoot their headcrab canisters at the Rebel base while the Rebels escape.
  • If the rebels sucessfully escaped, they begin to build a new base.
  • Both teams are now able to build units freely, but they can only build Engineers, Rebel Soldiers, Stalkers, City scanners, and Combine Soldiers.
  • After a while, RP a situation in which the Combine discover the Rebel base.
  • The Combine attack the Rebels in waves with fair amounts of soldiers. The teams will agree on what counts as "Fair".
  • After 1 wave of Combine attack, the Rebels send 1 wave to attack the Combine. Repeat until 1 team Is wiped out.
Sabotage Roleplay
Thank you, Commander Mameshiba!
The rebels are readying an attack on the combine, but they must weaken them first.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: During Half-Life 2
  • Set the game to 1v1.
  • The Rebels may not create any units except for the Saboteur and cannot build any buildings unless it is needed to build the Saboteur.
  • The Combine, while the Rebels are doing this, build a city. They are then allowed to make Metropolice, turrets, and combine soldiers. No other units can be made.
  • The Rebels then send in the Saboteur to destroy the combine buildings.
  • If the Saboteur dies, the Rebels lose.
  • When the saboteur destroys all the power sources, the Rebels create 25 Partisans, 2 Arsonists, and 10 AR soldiers.
  • After the units are created, the Rebels attack with their army.
  • The Rebels win by destroying the city.
  • The Combine win by surviving the attack or by killing the saboteur before he can destroy the power sources.
Robot Roleplay
Thank you, [GMHNS] Snowhunter!
Robots have replaced humans in war.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: None.
  • Set the game to 1v1
  • The only unit people can create is builders.
  • At the beginning of the game, The Rebels must work to create a DOG. (It is reccomended that the Combine team should start making an army of builders.
  • After the Rebels have created 1 DOG, they must destroy all units except for their DOG.
  • The Rebels cannot create any more builders, only DOG's.
  • After the Rebels have created their 1st DOG, the players can begin fighting each other until they win.
Survival Roleplay
Thank you, ThunderDSGP!
A small rebel base is being watched by the combine. Soon, they will need to hold off waves of attackers.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: Unknown/None.
  • Set the game to 1v1 or 2v2 (Combine vs Rebels)
  • For 5-10 minutes, the Rebels may build up to 6 billets, 2 junkyards, 1 barracks, 3 Partisans, 4 builders, 2 Shotgun Rebels, and nothing else.
  • During that time, the Combine cannot build, but instead spy on the Rebels.
  • Neither team can attack the other until the time is up.
  • After the 5-10 minutes, the Combine may build buildings but can only create Soldiers and Metro Cops as units.
  • After the Combine have finished building their units, they may send some or all of their units to attack the Rebels.
  • If the Rebels survived against the units the Combine sent, the Combine must wait 2 minutes before sending the next wave.
  • On wave 4 and after, the Combine can create AR2s and Shotguns.
  • After wave 6, the Combine can create Spec Ops.
  • After the tenth wave, the Combine no longer need to send units in waves. They can now create Hunters and Claw Scanners. The Rebels can now create AR2 units, Veterans, and Saboteurs.
  • The game ends when one team wipes out the other.
Thank you, ALEXDOOM
Headcrab warfare has become the dominant form of warfare, causing chaos.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: None.
  • Set all players to Combine.
  • The players cannot attack another persons base with anything other than headcrab canisters.
  • The game ends when someone wins by wiping out all the other players with headcrabs.
Unit Shortage
Thank you, ALEXDOOM
Set The Gamemode to Destroy HQ
All teams in this war are running low on soldiers, so they only allow the best of each type of unit to join the war.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: Unknown/None.
  • Each team can only have 1 of each type of unit they can create, except they can create 2 manhacks or 2 rebel soldiers.
  • Each team can only build up to 2 manned guns.
  • Combine players can only build 1 headcrab launcher.
  • Players can build any other types of structures as much as they want.
  • When a team captures 4 control points, the unit/building caps increase to 4 manned guns and 2 of every type of unit.
  • Whoever wipes out all opposing team's headquarters wins.
Guerilla Warfare
Thank you, (◕ᴥ◕し)
The Combine are making rounds across the Rebel-occupied area, preparing a devestating attack on the Rebel HQ. The Rebels must prevent it.
  • At the start, all points are captured by Combine, and are guarded by 2 Combine Soldiers.
  • The Combine has an army worth 50 unit points.
  • The Combine can only have infantry, and can only have turrets at their base.
  • The Rebels have an army worth 20 unit points.
  • The Rebels can have any units they want.
  • By capturing points, the Rebels gain Sympathy of the locals, granting them 2 additional unit points per capture.
  • The Combine must do 3 loops around the map succesfully.
  • The Combine may not use shortcuts, and must always follow the longest path possible.
  • The Combine must rest after being halfway through a loop.
  • Resting causes the Combine units to be immobile for 30 seconds.
  • The Combine finish and start a loop upon reaching their base / city.
  • Once inside the base, Combine can rest and heal their units up.
  • After every loop, the Capture Points must get re-captured by the Combine.
  • The Rebels must stop the Combine from completing 3 loops.
  • If there are still any Combine units alive once they finish all 3 loops, they must fight against 6 baisic rebel units.
  • The winner of this battle is the winner of the Game.
Thank you, ThatOneCloaker!
The Combine and the Rebels have each found 4 people who they think can win them this war. They each take their respective commandos to the front lines. The end of the war depends on the outcome of this battle.

  • Set the gamemode to 1v1, one Combine team vs. one Rebel team.
  • Before either side can attack each other, both teams must obtain 4 "Commandos" (Veterans if Rebels, Combine Elite if Combine).
  • The maximum amount of Builders/Stalkers is 4 for each side.
  • The Rebels cannot build Vortigaunts, DOGs, and/or explosive units.
  • The Combine cannot build Synths, Manhacks, City Scanners, and/or explosive units.
  • Commandos are only allowed to flee from combat if they will be killed otherwise (Outnumbered 3-1, lower than 50% hp, etc.) and they are not battling another Commando.
  • To win, one team must assassinate all of the other teams Commandos.
"We got ourselves some puppets!"
Thank you, The Shining Diamond!
The combine have made an alliance with a rebel group, promising them their freedom if they assist in taking down their former allies.
Place in the Half-Life Storyline: 1 year before Gordon Freeman is awaken by G-Man.
  • Set the game to 2v2, with all Rebels on one team, and the other team having both a Rebel and a Combine. We will be referring to these 2 teams as as the "Rebel" and "Combine" teams respectively.
  • An Engineer or Stalker is required to assist building any building unless it is a Power Cell or a Billet or another minor building, and up to 5 Engineers/Stalkers can be at the construction site at one time.
  • On the Combine team, the rogue Rebels and the Combine forces must assist each other when they can, such as by sharing defenses.
  • Rebels need to kill an enemy using a weapon before they are able to use the same weapon (not including the default weapon for their first combat unit).
  • Rebels cannot produce Veterans, Flamers, and/or Saboteurs until the Combine produce Soldiers.
  • Only Metro Cops, Metropolice, SMG units, and Molotov Partisians can be sent out of the Citadel area initially by the Combine, and the Special Ops building cannot be built.
  • This roleplay revolves around groups of rebels and combine being killed before advancements are made. For the purposes of this roleplay, a "Group" refers to 5+ units that are adjacent to each other or are guarding/in the same area.
  • If the Rebels kill 3 groups, the Combine cans send out Combine Soldiers, Manhacks, and Claw Scanners.
  • If the Rebels kill 5 groups, the Combine can send out AR2 units and Shotgun units.
  • If the Rebels kill 6 groups, the Combine can send out Elites and Overwatch Snipers.
  • If the Rebels kill 10 groups, the Combine can send out Medics, as well as being allowed to build the Special Ops building.
  • If the Rebels kill 20 groups, the Combine can send out RPG units, DOGs, and Synths.
  • If the Rebels kill 100 groups or destroy the Citadel, they win the game.
  • If the Combine destroy all of the Rebel Command Posts, they win the game.
If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments!
114 commenti
El Papu Gomez 19 mar, ore 14:11 
hell no
Blooming Chaos 20 mar 2022, ore 18:18 
Suggestion: Xenian Invasion
my ping is exactly 36650,17ms 27 set 2021, ore 16:31 
aurora best map for small bois who want rp operation
Emb'd 22 mag 2020, ore 10:16 
ha ha, silly yoda,
Agnet 3 apr 2020, ore 4:15 
shut it
otneK 20 mar 2020, ore 23:51 
Oh god it looks like roblox roleplaying
aquamarine 25 feb 2020, ore 2:28 
Hello. Can I translate your guide into Russian in a separate guide? Of course, I will specify the original version, it would be great if the popularity of your guide was captured by the Russian community, wouldn't it?

На русском
Привет. Могу ли я перевести ваше руководство на русский язык в отдельном руководстве? Конечно, я укажу оригинальную версию, было бы здорово, если бы популярность вашего руководства была захвачена русским сообществом, не так ли?
legoman1661 7 dic 2019, ore 20:45 
city roleplay is unfair & boring
Rebels 10 nov 2019, ore 7:38 
w o t
Milk Man 9 nov 2019, ore 14:39 
This jailbreak server is trash dog