Lambda Wars

Lambda Wars

25 ratings
The Infestion tactic
By Honor Guard
This tactic makes rebel(and traitous combine) go bonkers,works best is if they are defending
what you need
You'll need a area that is easy to defend,and head crab canisters launchers(and arc reactors)

The area should be near a enemy defence or base (like on mine(map) ,the middle part)

If they have lots of troops(rebels) they will be at less of a danger unless they do not jump on fast (due to once it starts spreading it hard to contain,easy)

Use a city scanner (you buy from your HQ as combine) to overwatch the area

Why/how this works well
The idea is very easy to understand,it cheap if you do it effectivly,it also easy to with a good rep/power income

The basic idea is this enemies soldiers(yes they will attack you as well),gets swarmed which causes
(head crabs that kill humanoid enemies(combine soldiers,and rebels troops,all but vortiguards,hunters,striders and such can't turn) will turn them into zombies which deal higher damage and can help the head crabs infest better

So let say you fire 5 head crab canisters,if you fire them near rebel parties(groups) they get a small 2 second stun from what i seen so 1st stuns them,second keeps stun ,infests the group from 1st,others landed nearby but afew got destroyed,the idea is to Infest a area with zombies due to them dealing slash dmg (bonus damage to lights,and mediums) so they will kill more so easy the rebels,and/or infest better ,now the base is mildly infested,keep a guy watching the fight abit,fire extra canisters around the area it will cause chaos due to they would need to kill off all to get rid,so what do they do?They make more troops that can get infected thereby they will need either help,or something

I seen zombies do magic(i did not lose a troop),i infested a base,the guy by how things when wasn't producing more units,the zombies attacked his buildings destroyed some,my allie when in mopped up the mess with hunters,striders and elites(elites being tougher/in heavy so zombies get no extra dmg from hits)he cleaned up the mess,i started to shell next area

6 pods can do wounders if fired in abit of rapid succession
What units to use when doing Step 3: INVADE
Ok to advoid your own men become zombies,use heavy/synth units

As i said synthic units (hunters,and striders) can't turn,and are tougher then most,elites are heavy units,so the zombies do not get extra dmg from slash on them and elites can use shotguns which can effectivly take on zombies in groups,they also have a larger Health Pool
Flaws to this tactic
This tactic like all have flaws

1.the defence - yes you must go out of your HQ to do this usally,thereby you must defend the launchers,by keeping the arc reactors online and the launchers protected,so you need to defend it vs rebels

2.What if they use vortigurats only - then tactic is unable to work,due to vortiguardions can't be turned

3.You need eyes on - a sniper helps due to there cloak,just turn fire on sight off

Thank you very much for reading,this guide is a W.I.P and Ty space engieers devs for the picture
I accept feedback,comments and such that,that help the guide (saying "This sucks",and that doesn't help)

Thanks Mccomb for reminding me of the scanner
moch 31 Jul, 2023 @ 4:51am 
if you have rebels on your team ask them to make a radio tower to reveal thier base so you can bomb em
oliverhappleton 28 Apr, 2023 @ 11:15am 
i'v done something similar but i spawn lots of loyal citizens. send them in and launch the canisters.
the reason for loyal citizens is because they will become zombies and attack the enemy.
NogNub 6 Jun, 2021 @ 7:57am 
Additionally, sending in a scanner in some place that has a little wall to separate the scanner to the desired infested area will most often mean the headcrabs will only target the enemies, and even if the headcrabs target your scanner, just send your scanner in with all of the headcrabs beneath it.
NogNub 6 Jun, 2021 @ 7:56am 
Actually, synth units are not at all required.
Combine soldiers with AR2s are capable of shooting the headcrabs so fast that even if there was 12 canister's worth in the enemy base, the headcrabs would still die, as you are given the advantage of knowing what direction they're coming from, not having to attack the headcrab pods, not being stunned, and also just generally having more units.
HunterWithAJailbird 14 Jan, 2021 @ 6:08pm 
i launched 16 headcrab canisters at the ememy base and they had about 100 rebels and they killed the headcrabs before they got out so thats a flaw i tryed to clear them out with 4 striders and 12 hunters but they died then i just sent in 100 cps and 20 manhacks but they died as well so i turned their stragglers to zombies and led them their while i flanked them and won. man that was so hard.
Star_Ranger11 30 Sep, 2017 @ 5:55pm 
seems legit.....
maybe ill try it
Cantina 31 Aug, 2016 @ 3:09am 
well you cloud shoot canisters at one area because the headcrabs attach to your scanner and will try to destroy faling miserably but you cloud lead them to there defences carefully and make them SUFFER! yeah think thats a bit better
Honor Guard  [author] 20 Jul, 2016 @ 4:19am 
well you bugged him abit i guess lol
Baconinvader 20 Jul, 2016 @ 4:17am 
I tried this to get back at my friend a few days ago, and he unfriended me XD
Void Noodle 11 Aug, 2015 @ 4:06am 
Nice, good to see players spreading the word, though can I suggest putting this bit of info/alternate strategy in?: Firing the Canisters unto key points or passages can effectivly halt an enemy approach due to the headcrabs, forcing them to take a longer path as to avoid loosing troops. Not to mention on smaller maps, firing it unto the only exit from a players area makes them unable to leave once infestation starts to happen, then you can move the canisters closer to finish em off.