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MPF Service Manual
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MPF Service Manual for the new and old MPF-units. Created by DarkLaplander and Nutella, with contributions from Deathis. Nutella posted it on steam for way easier access as well.
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MPF Service Manual - Page 1: Radio Codes & Service Terminology
Catagories in order to ease your browsing:
- Responses.
- Informing.
- Requests.
- Questions.
- Problems.
- Orders.
- Status.
- Civilian Code.
- Radio Classification Codes.
10-2: No/Negative.
10-4: Yes/Copy.
10-22: Disregard.
10-23: Arrived on scene / standing by.
10-6: Busy.
10-7 Off duty.
10-8: On duty.
10-15: Prisoner in Custody/Transporting Prisoner.
10-19: Returning to Nexus/Designated Post.
10-36: Information is Classified/Confidential/Request for Information Denied.
10-50: Going to/patrolling area.
10-58: Directing Civilians/Directing Units/Directing Movement.
10-64: Found Contraband.
10-67: Person is Requesting Assistance.
10-76: En route.
10-85: Arrival delay due to ___.
10-92: Suspect in custody.
10-93: Group of Citizens, Proceeding to Isolate.
10-96: Mental patient.
10-97: Arrived at scene.
10-98: Assignment complete.
10-101: Ending Inspection.
10-103: Possibly need assistance / Suspicious Disturbance.
10-108: Officer in Danger.
10-1000: Homicide/Policide, Dead Body Confirmed.
10-13: Requesting Transit Advice/How to Proceed to Location.
10-21A: Requesting Nexus/LEADER/Commanding Officer Advisement.
10-34: Assistance Requested at Nexus.
10-39: Requesting Response/Requesting Additional Responder(s).
10-40: Requesting Availability of Unit(s) for Radio Transmission(s).
10-47: Emergency Patrol Assistance Needed/Requested.
10-78: Need assistance.
10-99: Under attack/wounded. Officer needs assistance.
10-2000: Reinforcements Required Immediately.
10-20: Location.
10-25: Do we/you have contact with . . .?
10-44: Permission to leave patrol(?)
10-12: Witnesses/Civilians/Observers Present.
10-14: Citizen(s) are with Suspect(s).
10-31: Violation in progress.
10-30: Doesn’t conform to Protocol/Regulations.
10-32: DB/Dead Body, Death by Drowning.
10-33: Alarm/Alert/Request.
10-56: Suicide.
10-57: Hit and run.
10-66: Suspicious Person.
10-71: Shooting.
10-74: Theft/Thievery/Larceny.
10-79: Explosive(s) Threat/Bomb Threat.
10-80: Explosion(s).
10-100: Violation Taking Place, Reported/Violation Reported.
10-103: Suspicious Disturbance.
10-103F: Disturbance by Violent Actions.
10-103M: Disturbance by Mentally Disabled/Deranged Person.
10-107: High-Priority anti-citizen.
10-00: Officer down, all units respond.
10-9: Repeat last message.
10-12: Standby.
10-17: Respond to request.
10-18: Complete assignment ASAP.
10-19: Ripcord/Return to ___.
10-33: Emergency, all units hold.
10-37: Identify Perpetrator/Operator.
10-59: Priority Check/Security Check/Security Investigation.
10-65: Prepare to copy.
10-84: Advice ETA.
10-45A: Status is Good/Healthy/Minor Injuries/Uninjured.
10-45B: Serious/Lethal if Left Untended/Dangerous.
10-45C: Critical/Party is Unresponsive/Potentially Fatal.
10-45D: Dead/Deceased/Classified as Dead Body.
Citizen Code:
10-91: Citizen/Etcetera.
10-91A: Citizen/Etcetera, Loitering/Stray.
10-91B: Citizen/Etcetera, Loud/Yelling/Noisy.
10-91C: Citizen/Etcetera, Injured/Wounded/Incapacitated.
10-91D: Citizen/Etcetera, Dead/Deceased.
10-91E: Citizen/Etcetera, Assaulting a Citizen/Officer.
10-91F: Multiple Citizens/Etcetera Assaulting One-Another/Officers.
10-91P: Picking up Incapacitated/Injured Citizen/Etcetera.
10-91J: Officer, Retrieve/Pick up that Incapacitated Citizen/Etcetera.
10-91L: Citizen/Etcetera, Restrained/Detained/Both.
10-91MV: Citizen/Etcetera, Mentally Disabled/Deranged, Violent.
10-93: Group of Citizens, Proceeding to Isolate.
10-94: Multiple Citizens Engaged in Physical Activities.
Radio Classification Codes
Anti-Citizen - Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations; MALIGNANT.
Administer - To issue a verdict to a resident. (E.g. Administering a beating)
Amputate - To kill or remove limbs from the body.
Breach - To force entry to a designated area, often used in sweeps when breaches are placed or the door is kicked in.
Bio-signal - A suit mechanism that is responsible for lifeline monitoring as well as synchronization to the Civil Authority system
Clamp - Restrict residential access to a certain area; Deploy standard
Contain - To clamp off entrances of a area and confine the situation to a certain area.
Contact - Hostiles spotted, prepare confirm to engage.
Contact Confirm - Contact is confirmed malignant and hostile, engage!
Cycle - A day ICly, five minutes OOCly.
Deploy - Often used in reference to the deployment of equipment or a squad. (I.E Deploying sterilizers at block; A )
Diagnose - Determine and investigate level and situation.
Divisive - Having a quality that divides or separates from the Civil Populace(Causing malcompliance or other forms of rebellion).
Extract - Withdraw subject out of Location 1 to Location 2.
Expose Flush - Suspects or expose them from cover.
Hold - Maintain position defensively.
Isolate - To disband a large group of Citizens. (Two is Company, three's a crowd, four is a party!)
Inoculate - To protect or safeguard from a threat.
Intercede - Take immediate control of the situation; Ambush/surprise hostiles.
Inject (To formally deploy) - Move into a establishment or block.
Malignant - Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations. Subject is contagious and contains devised behavioral pattern.
Prosecute - To administer verdict to a resident through means of prosecution.
Pacify - To detain an individual non-lethally.
R.O.E (Rules Of Engagement) - Often set for breaches or sweeps by the team leader.
Ripcord - Fall back to move back or away
Restrict - To prevent access from a designated area or location.
Sterilize - Clean a designated area of Anti-Citizen/Civil Activity.
Stabilize - To restore order to a situation by any means necessary, this is determined lethal/non-lethal by your commanding Authority.
Sociocide/Sociocidal - Attempted disruption of the social order.
Stand By - Await orders.
Unlawful Procreative Activity (UPA) - Attempting to performed intercourse.
Unrest - Rebellion or Riot.
Infestation - High amounts of necrotic/parasitic activity.
Biotic Non-naturalized - Alien species. (E.g. Vortigaunts, Headcrabs, Etc.)
Infected - Hostile Protection unit under Parasitic control.
Exogen - Antlion.
Necrotic - Zombie.
Parasitic - Headcrab.
Virome - Poison/Fast Headcrab.
Outland - Foreign.
Bouncer - Grenade.
Restrictor - Thumper.
Viscerator - Manhack.
MPF Service Manual - Page 2: Violations & Response
Level 1:
- Movement Violation: ( e.g Running & Jumping. )
- Audio Violation: ( e.g Yelling & screaming. )
- Uncivil Behavior: ( e.g. any kind or form of provocative gesture or movement like dancing, singing, hand-gestures.)
- Level 1 Contraband: ( Possession of level 1 contraband. )
- Punished with re-education and 1 Verdict Point. (Contraband is punished with one verdict point per single contraband).
Level 2:
- Malcompliance: ( Failure to obey given orders from MPF Unit. )
- Minor Vandalism: ( Littering & destruction of low-value items. )
- Malignant Behaviour: ( Commiting a violation right after being charged with a verdict. )
- Uncivil Distracting: ( Speaking to CCA without proper reason / wasting Protection-teams time. )
- Procreative Activity: ( Gambling, writing literature. )
- Minor Trespassing: ( Trespassing on non-owned civilian property such as non-owned apartment. )
- Level 2 Contraband: ( Possession of level 2 contraband. )
- Punished with 3 point, re-education and 1 cycle. (Contraband is punished with 2 points).
Level 3:
- Major Malcomplience: ( e.g refusing to apply, suspect is forcefully trying to disobey given orders )
- Major Vandalism: ( Destruction of valuable machinery, windows, doors, items or property of value. )
- Major Trespassing: ( Trespassing on non-owned CWU property such as stores or warehouses. )
- Violent Conduct: ( Attacking / robbing another citizen or CWU member. )
- Illegal Dialect: ( Usage of any other language then ENGLISH. )
- Inaction: ( Failure to report in a crime. )
- Theft: ( Suspect has stolen from another civilian or property. )
- Unauthorized Clothing: ( Any kind of clothing that isn't allowed in the standard issue citizen outfit. )
- Level 3 Contraband: ( Possession of level 3 contraband. )
- Punished with 5 points, re-education, and 3 cycles in detention. ( Contraband is punished with 3 points. )
Level 4:
- Capital Malcompliance: ( Suspect has directly disobeyed or resisted active protection-teams/active civil protocols, such as JW. )
- Anti-civil Behaviour: ( Rebellious activities against the UU. )
- Civil Agitation: ( Suspect has tried to disrupt the civil order by posting propaganda or trying to agitate the citizen to riot or via other undefined means. )
- Policide: ( Assault/theft on MPF or personel of UU. )
- Imperfection: ( Mental, physical. )
- Universal Trespassing: ( Trespassing on any and all areas under the control of the Universal Union. )
- Universal Vandalism: ( Destruction of any MPF/UU-property. )
- Illegal Reproduction: ( Unauthorized reproduction activity. )
- Level 4 Contraband: ( Possession of level 4 contraband. )
- Punishment: Amputation. ( Clearance for amputation must be get from OfC or higher. )
MPF Service Manual - Page 3: Unauthorized items & Prohibition
Contraband List
Level 1:
- Non-Branded UU-Food.
- Flashlights.
- Procreative Items: ( Basketballs and such. )
Level 2:
- Non-UU approved literatery.
- Non-UU approved alcohol.
- Bleach.
Level 3:
- Unauthorized Union Card.
- Zipties.
- Unauthorized health items: ( Health kits and vials. )
- Steroids, antidepressants and vegetable Oil.
- Ammunation and weapon parts of any kind.
- Non-issued Universal Clothing.
Level 4:
- Radio Items: ( Handheld / stationary radio. )
- Weaponry.
- Resistance uniforms.
- Combine / Union locks.
- Breaches.
MPF Service Manual - Page 4: Anti-Citizen, Verdict Points and Consequences
Verdict Point List
5 VP: Denied to work in a workshift.

10 VP: Denied rations.

13 VP: Mandatory re-education / search.

15 VP: Amputation.
MPF Service Manual - Page 5: Loyalists, Armbands & Consequences
Gaining Loyalist Points:
Reporting a level 1 violation: 1 LP
Reporting a level 2 violation: 2 LP
Reporting a level 3 violation: 3 LP
Reporting a level 4 violation: 4 LP
Handing over level 1 Contraband: 1 LP
Handing over level 2 Contraband: 2 LP
Handing over level 3 Contraband: 3 LP
Handing over level 4 Contraband: 4 LP
Cleaning: 1-2 LP ( taking trash to trash cans or handing a CP the empty soda and suppliment cans. )
Civil Service: 1-2 LP ( Performing a real job assigned By a MPF Unit. )
Saving a Citizen’s Life: 3 Loyalty Points.
Saving an Officer’s Life: 10 Loyalty Points.
Saving the Administrator’s Life: 15 Loyalty Points.
Armband System
Loyalist Armband(s):
Red Armband: 10 LP
- First stage of loyalist progress. No extra benefits apart from recognization as a loyalist.
Blue Armband: 25 LP
- Second stage of loyalist progress.
- Extra ration given from the RDC.
- No unnecessary brutality or rudeness from the MPF Unit(s)
- Doesn't require to present proof, when reporting in minor crimes: ( Level 1 )
Yellow Armband: 50 LP
- Third stage of loyalist progress.
- Extra ration given from the RDC.
- No unnecessary brutality or rudeness from the MPF Unit(s)
- Can request 250 tokens each week from a MPF Unit.
- Doesn't require to present proof, when reporting in minor crimes: ( Level 1 )
White Armband: 75 LP
- Fourth stage of loyalist progress.
- Extra ration given from the RDC.
- MPF Unit(s) are polite to the White Armband Loyalist.
- Can request 500 tokens each week.
- Doesn't require to present proof, when reporting in minor crimes: ( Level 1 )
Black Armband: 100 LP
- Fifth stage of loyalist progress.
- Two extra rations given from the RDC.
- MPF Unit(s) are polite and respectful to the Black Armband Loyalist.
- Can request 750 tokens each week.
- Doesn't require to present proof, when reporting in minor crimes: ( Level 1 and 2. )
- Can request minor crimes to be erased from records. ( Level 1 and 2. )
- Doesn't get tied and inspected in JW or inspections.
MPF Service Manual - Page 6: Divisions, Equipment & You

-RCT Basically a citizen in a suit, they have NO authority at all. They are not allowed to leave the nexus unless told by a compass unit. They need to be trained before becoming an 05.

-05 The first rank of enlisted MPF. The 05 is issued a Stunstick and is able to patrol the streets without the authority of superiors. Access to the basic gear of his division. (Not augmented or brainwashed).

-04 The first "rank" in the the MPF. They are issued a sidearm and are able to patrol the streets without the authority of superiors. Gains access to his first firearm, the 9mm standard issue pistol. (Not augmented or brainwashed).

-03 A junior NCO in the MPF, they hold the authority similar to a corporal in the real world military. Gains access to smoke/flash grenades and a MP7. (Not augmented and slightly brainwashed).

-02 Similar to a sergeant in the pre-7 Hour War military, the 02 is allowed to command squads of 4-5 lower ranking MPF units. Gains access to the Mp7 or the Shotgun. Depends on what you prefer. (Slightly augmented and moderately brainwashed).

-01 The 01 is tasked of running the peacekeeping of the streets on a typical orderly day, and Is usually the highest rank seen on the streets unless a crisis of some sort is occurring. All of the stated above. (Slightly augmented and moderately brainwashed).

-OfC He's the above average unit. Wears a standard CCA suit with a trenchcoat. This unit is equipped with upgraded Kevlar body armour, most of the time. They usually are selected out of the 01s. Gains access to all kind of grenades, allowed to use a 9mm pistol, Shotgun or SMG (Moderately augmented and moderately brainwashed).

-EpU This unit is equipped with upgraded Kevlar body armour, most of the time. They usually are selected out of the OfC's. Gains access to the revolver. (Heavily augmented and heavily brainwashed).

-DvL A DvL (Divisional Leader) is the leader of a Division. Divisions are usually specialized in certain tasks, like patrolling, breaching, or judicial affairs. Gains access to the pulse rifle/energy balls. (Heavily augmented and heavily brainwashed).

-CmD The Commander is the second in charge, he is able to give orders to any MPF below his rank that is in his area. He is rarely sent outside however because of his high rank and can lead patrols into restricted areas (slums, sewers and so on). All of the stated above. (Heavily augmented and heavily brainwashed).

-SeC Sectorial Commander is the highest rank generally given to a member of the MPF, making them apart of the CCA. The Sectorial Commander (or SeC, for short) is almost exactly what it sounds like, being the commander of a specific Sector. Usually, there is only one SeC in a city, and being the SeC means that you are the commanding officer of all MPF units in that specific city, or sector. All of the stated above. (Heavily augmented and heavily brainwashed).
Standard Divisions

UNION - Average Patrol Units. UNION is tasked with the basic jobs. They are universal units, they have no strengths, but no weaknesses either. A good choice for players who can't decide which division to choose or just looking for something universal.

HELIX - The HELIX division is the medical division of the MPF. They work as both non-combat medics and combat medics. They can be found on the field or inside performing medical procedures or even surgical procedures if they have enough experience.

GRID - The Engineers/ Mechanics of the MPF, they build new technology for the Combine. They can also build security measures and weapons and Repair certain things.

JUDGE - JUDGE units are the Judge and Jury of the MPF, they can charge people with punishments for verdict breaking as well as order amputation. They also work as jail wardens.

SAVAGE - SAVAGE units are anti-necrotic units. They fight zombies, headcrabs, and anything else that is non-humanoid. They have been trained to deal with anything ranging from fast zombies to Vortigaunts.

Elite Divisions


SWORD - Combat Specialist of the MPF. They are trained heavily to deal with any situation. They can be patrol units as well. They are experienced and highly trained with mostly every gun. Mainly used for riot control.

GHOST - GHOST are Reconnaissance or Scouts of the MPF. They are highly trained and none match their skills. They can infiltrate and kill any target they are assigned to. They are highly trained in hand to hand combat.

NOVA - NOVA are the science group working towards better equipment for the universal union and working towards a way to get better knowledge of minerals for the union to exploit. They also give surgical help from

XRAY - XRAY, the snipers of the MPF. They are rarely in use, but when they are, they do not miss their targets. They can hit a fly from a thousand meters away.

JURY- Only Officers can be transfered into the Jury division
They recieve minimal ammounts of brainwash but they get brain/internal augmentations which allow higher amounts of Logic use.
Being the elite detectives in the Metro police force. They get minimal to no firearms but are allowed to carry heavy weapons, they choose to not carry automatic/heavy weaponry by choice
They get free permission to lockdown any region of the city when the Judge Divisional/Commander/Sectorial is not online for their own purposes which benefit the union.
Being able to command anyone below the rank of Divisional leader since they are trusted to always make the right decisions.
When combat starts they are not the ones fighting in the from. In most cases they will not even be fighting.
Patrolling is a duty they don't need to do and they choose not to do it. except for scanning/investigating
They rarely enter District 4.

The Jury division does not have any other rank than the one of "Officer" no divisional leaders either but they do have a judge divisional to control them along with Commander and Sectorial.

Before a major metro police force raid they investigate the pathway and weakspots troughout making sure that no units will lose their life that day.
They do not communicate with other divisions unless they need to.

Civilians have no knowledge of the Jury division and noone in the MPF would know what Jury is except for the Commander/Sectorial and the JURY themselves

Their only objective is to keep the city in order both up and underground. anything illegal they discover and then inform other units.

They can command other units.

MPF Service Manual - Page 6B-1: Duties of Judge
Section 1:
Detainment and Prison Procedures
The first and most basic duty of the JURY division is to manage the detaiment block. Citizens that have been apprehended are brought to the detainment block for holding, unless otherwise ordered by a JURY EpU+ or a DvL+ of another division. Any citizens entering the detainment block must be tied and searched before entering. Any contraband should be stripped from the citizen, and should be noted in the report. The next step is to bring the prisoner into one of the two cells avaliable in the detainment block. Most prisoners will be placed into the Community Cell for holding. High risk prisoners will be placed in the Isolation Cell until further instructions are given. Once the prisoner has been secured, a punishment must be decided upon. View the 'Metropolice Force Violation Levels' for proper punishments for the various violations a citizen may commit. After the punishment has been decided, a JURY unit (or another unit if a JURY unit is not online), must complete a report to be placed on the JURY Divison Leader's desk for review. The report should follow the below format:

Citizen Name:
Arresting Officer(s):
Additional Notes:

Copies of the report may be beneficial to be made for submission to other DvL's if the unit is not of the JURY division, or if a non-JURY unit was involved in the arrest.

Section 2:
The second division specific duty of the JURY division is that of investigation. Officers will provide on-scene crime analysis, and will research and write up any information found on the subject of a crime. During investigation, it will be necessary to cooperate with other divisions to obtain proper information from evidence, such as requesting the aid of a HELIX unit for DNA analysis, or from a GRID unit for computer files and information. Investigation efforts are ongoing, especially for large scale crimes, and are of vital importance to the city safety. Any evidence or information found by JURY units must be submitted to the DvL's desk for review.

Section 3:
The final division specific duty of the JURY division is that of interrogation. JURY units are trained to extract vital information from citizens, and thus if a unit is avaliable, they are given priority interrogation rights over any unit, excluding ranks SqL+. Interrogations will generally take place in the Interrogation Room, but may take place elsewhere. The tactics learned to successfully extract information remain secret to the general public.

Section 4:
When there are no division specific duties to see to, or enough JURY units are completing the division specific duties, remaining units may patrol in a fashion similar to the UNION Division.

Section 5:
Extra Information
JURY Division supplies (notepads, ties, radios, etc.) can be found in the armory.
MPF Service Manual - Page 6B-2: Helix Handbook
Section 1
Welcome to the HELIX Standard-Issue Medical Handbook. This guide can be accessed from your datapad anytime by any unit registered in the HELIX division. Please review over this guide before you perform an operation for the first time or if you are preparing to take the standard HELIX divisional test.
Section 2
The following list is the set of rules that you are to follow during your stay in HELIX. These rules are subject to change without warning if the DvL sees fit.

1. Sterilize your medical tools after using them.
2. Clean up the operating table after performing a surgery. This means wiping down the table, putting equipment back where you got it, tossing out used syringes and bloody rags, etc.
3. When bringing a citizen into the med-bay, make sure they are tied and unconscious first. Once you put them on the operating table, restrain the citizen's arms, legs, and neck to the table. Then inject anesthesia and painkillers to keep them unconscious for the duration of the surgery.
4. Treat your fellow HELIX units with respect, especially if they are of higher rank than you.
5. Have common sense.
Section 3
Standard HELIX Med-Kit Supplies

- One Small Steel Scalpel
- One Medium Steel Scalpel
- One Large Steel Scalpel.
- One Pair of Steel Forceps
- One Steel Sewing Needle
- One Twine of Medical Thread
- One Pair of Steel Medical Scissors
- One Large Tube of Rubber Bone Adhesive
- One Small Tube of Biological Regeneratory Gel
- Three Small Vials of Concentrated Morphine
- Three Small Vials of Concentrated Anesthetics
- Ten Small Disposable Syringes
- One Small Vial of Anti-Biotics
- One Bottle of Disinfecting Ethanol (Alcohol)
- Three Tourniquets
- Five Large Bandages
- One Roll of Gauze
- Any other supplies not listed are considered advanced supplies or are too large to carry in a HELIX med-kit, such as electric bonesaws and fake tissue can be found inside the large, metal cabinet to the left of the operating table or within the freezer.

Section 4.1 Bullet Removal
1. Inject patient with painkillers and anesthetics.
2. Locate wound on the body.
3. Get a rag, put alcohol in the center. Clean out the outside of the bullet wound.
4. Get a sterilized scalpel, make two diagonal cuts over the bullet wound. This should open it up.
5. Take the rag again, apply more alcohol if necessary. Clean out the wound better now that is opened up.
6. Get out a pair of sterilized forceps. Identify where the bullet is, and if you can get it out without damaging anything. CAREFULLY reach in and withdraw the bullet, and dispose of it.
7. If significant tissue and/or muscle damage is present due to a high caliber round, sew fake tissue and apply bio-gel to the area to repair it.
8. Take a roll of gauze, and wrap up the wound. Make sure it's wrapped up tight to stop any blood flow.
Sub-Section 4.11 Pulse Round Wounds
1. Inject patient with painkillers and anesthetics.
2. Locate the wound, and disinfect it with alcohol and a rag.
3. Due to the nature of pulse rounds, very severe tissue and muscle damage is most likely present. Apply a moderate amount of bio-gel to the inside of the wound.
4. Sew some fake tissue on top of the wound.
5. Slow down the bleeding with direct pressure with bandages/gauze.
6. Wrap a large bandage around the wound.
Section 4.2 Broken Bones
1. Inject patient with painkillers and anesthetics.
2. Feel along the area for the source of the fracture.
3. Take a sterilized scalpel, and make a gash big enough to reveal the fracture, straight through to the bone.
4. Get a tube of rubber adhesive bone cement and a brush. Wet the tip of the brush in the liquid.
5. Spread the adhesive on the fracture, carefully placing the two pieces of bone back together.
6. Sterilize the wound you made using alcohol and a rag.
7. Get a twine of medical thread and a sterilized needle, stringing the thread through the top of the eye of the needle.
8. Carefully sew the gash back up again, tying it off at the end and snapping it from the rest of the thread on the twine.
Section 4.3 Cuts and Gashes
1. If the bleeding is bad, quickly apply pressure with bandages to stop the blood flow. If not, skip to step 2.
2. Give patient painkillers.
3. Get a rag, put alcohol in the center. Clean out the cut with it.
4. Get a twine of medical thread and a sterilized needle, stringing the thread through the top of the eye of the needle.
5. Carefully sew the gash back up again, tying it off at the end and snapping it from the rest of the thread on the twine.

[NOTE: If a large section of the tissue has been destroyed, retrieve a piece of fake tissue from the medical cabinet. Cut it to shape, fit it in, and sew it to the real tissue.]
Section 4.4 Height Reducing
[This is for when a citizen is above height regulations. Anyone breaching the height regulation of 6'3 needs to have this operation performed on them.]

1. Inject patient with painkillers and anesthetics.
2. Grab an electric bonesaw from the medical cabinet [See Subsection: Standard HELIX Supplies].
3. Cut out a section of the shins that puts them down or below the height regulation of 6'3. Dispose of this.
4. Retrieve rubber adhesive from your med-kit. Apply it to both bone ends, on each of the severed parts.
5. Press the foot and bottom part of the shin into the top of the shin/knee, carefully sealing them with the adhesive.
6. Get a twine of medical thread and a sterilized needle, stringing the thread through the top of the eye of the needle.
7. Begin to sew the two pieces of tissue back together, making it so that the bone and the tissue are now reconnected.
Section 4.5 IV Cables
1. Retrieve your desired IV fluid from the freezer section of the medical cabinet [IE: Blood or Anesthetics].
2. Attach it to the IV stand, and grab the clear cable, the side with a small hole at the end.
3. Attach it to the bottom of the IV bag, locking it into place.
4. Grab the other half clear cord. This should have a needle on the end.
5. Take the patients wrist, slipping the needle into one of the exposed veins.
6. Press the small button on the IV stand. This should send the liquid flowing through the tube.
7. When the patient has received sufficient IV fluids, press the button again. The liquid flow should come to a halt.
8. Remove the IV cable from the patient's wrist.
9. Remove the IV bag from the stand, and put what is left of it into the medical cabinet.
Section 4.6 Infections
1. If a gash or bullet wound has experienced prolonged exposure, it is possible that it could have gotten infected. This will need to be treated immediately.
2. Identify how bad the infection in. Use the amounts of material accordingly.
3. Get a rag, put alcohol in the center. Clean out the infected wound with it.
4. Get another rag, getting out a canister of biological regeneratory gel. Put some of the gel onto the rag.
5. Clean out the wound with the gel. This should remove the infection.
6. If the infection has spread to other parts of the body, administer antibiotics to the patient.
Section 4.7 Severe Burns
1. Inject patient with painkillers.
2. Locate the wound and evaluate the damage. Use materials accordingly.
3. Disinfect the wound using alcohol and a rag.
4. Apply some bio-gel to the burn.
5. Wrap a large bandage around the wound.
Section 4.8 Limb Amputations
1. Inject painkillers and anesthetics into the patient.
2. Wrap a tourniquet above the location where you will sever the limb. This will cut off blood flow.
3. Grab the large cauterizing tool from the cabinet and turn it on, letting it heat up.
4. After a few minutes, grab an electric saw and saw through the limb quickly and cleanly. Dispose of said limb afterwards.
5. Press the hot side of the cauterizing tool to the open wound. This will seal it off.
6. Wrap a large bandage around the wound.
7. If a mechanical replacement is due, contact a Grid unit to install.
MPF Service Manual - Page 6B-2: Helix Handbook (cont)
Section 4.9 Biological Engineering
Biological engineering is extremely classified. It is taught by high-ranking HELIXs to HELIX units once they reach the rank of OfC. As it is highly classified, no information is allowed to leak out of the division. Archives of previous biological engineering experiments and procedures can be found in the HELIX database, accessible by HELIX OfCs and higher at any terminal or via their datapad.
Section 5
All HELIX units are required to write out a report after performing a surgery on a fellow civil protection unit. HELIX units are not required to write reports for surgeries done on citizens or CWU, unless you feel the situation was very important, unique, or strange. Reports are to be placed in the HELIX DvL's office, inside the reports bin on his desk. They will be read and then scanned into the HELIX archive database. The report should be in the following format:

Patient: (The name of the unit who received the surgery. Include division, rank, and unit numbers)
Diagnosis: (What was wrong with the unit?)
Treatment: (What surgery did you perform? How did you do it?)
Results: (What were the results of the surgery? Was it successful?)

Signed, <your name>.
MPF Service Manual - Page 7: Vocabulary in Full
This Section will outline the Radio Classification Codes

Inject (To formally deploy) - Move into a establishment or block.
Contain - To clamp off entrances of a area and confine the situation to a certain area.
Unrest - Rebellion or Riot.
Anti-Citizen - Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations; MALIGNANT.
Malignant - Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations. Subject is contagious and contains devised behavioral pattern.
Administer - To issue a verdict to a resident. (E.g. Administering a beating)
Pacify - To detain an individual non-lethally.
Clamp - Restrict residential access to a certain area; Deploy standard
Clamps - To restrict activity/provide protection.
Cycle - A day ICly, five minutes OOCly.
Unlawful Procreative Activity (UPA) - Attempting to performed intercourse.
Expose Flush - Suspects or expose them from cover.
Stand By - Await orders.
Intercede - Take immediate control of the situation; Ambush/surprise hostiles.
Extract - Withdraw subject out of Location 1 to Location 2.
Clear Often - Used as a breach term to inform the team that the area is clear of contraband and anti-civil activity.
Breach - To force entry to a designated area, often used in sweeps when breaches are placed or the door is kicked in.
Stabilize - To restore order to a situation by any means necessary, this is determined lethal/non-lethal by your commanding Authority.
Deploy - Often used in reference to the deployment of equipment or a squad. (I.E Deploying sterilizers at block; A )
Prosecute - To administer verdict to a resident through means of prosecution.
Isolate - To disband a large group of Citizens. (Two is Company, three's a crowd, four is a party!)
R.O.E (Rules Of Engagement) - Often set for breaches or sweeps by the team leader.
Amputate - To kill or remove limbs from the body.
Hold - Maintain position defensively.
Ripcord - Fall back to move back or away.
Diagnose - Determine and investigate level and situation.
Inoculate - To protect or safeguard from a threat.
Sterilize - Clean a designated area of Anti-Citizen/Civil Activity.
Contact - Hostiles spotted, prepare confirm to engage.
Contact Confirm - Contact is confirmed malignant and hostile, engage!
Sociocide/Sociocidal - Attempted disruption of the social order.
Divisive - Having a quality that divides or separates from the Civil Populace(Causing malcompliance or other forms of rebellion).
Restrict - To prevent access from a designated area or location.
Bio-signal - A suit mechanism that is responsible for lifeline monitoring as well as synchronization to the Civil Authority system.
Infestation - High amounts of necrotic/parasitic activity.
Biotic Non-naturalized - Alien species. (E.g. Vortigaunts, Headcrabs, Etc.)
Infected - Hostile Protection unit under Parasitic control.
Exogen - Antlion.
Necrotic - Zombie.
Parasitic - Headcrab.
Virome - Poison/Fast Headcrab.
Outland - Foreign.
Bouncer - Grenade.
Restrictor - Thumper.
Viscerator - Manhack.
MPF Service Manual - Page 8: Apprehending & Detainment
This page will show you the proper way of how to apprehend and detain a violating citizen.
You see a citizen running ( L1 Movement Violation ), and as a officer of MPF, you are required to respond to such uncivil behaviour.
Step 1: Order the citizen to stop moving.
- After the order has been issued, and citizen halts, move in to detain the citizen.
- If the citizen ignores issued order and keeps moving, or worse, has begun to run from the authority figure ( YOU ), you will need to chase the suspect down. You are authorized to utilize standard issue stunbaton to pacify the target.
Step 2: Order the citizen move against the wall, facing it, to allow you place restraints (zipties) on him.
- If suspect ignores this demand, you are authorized to utilize non-lethal suggestion methods.
Step 3: Utilize standard issue zipties to restrain the suspect.
- This is a matter of great importance, many MPF casualities on field are due not restraining the suspects, leading them to become victims of suprise attacks from the untied suspects.
Step 4: Search the citizen for any and all hidden contraband, or unauthorized items.
- All contraband items ( Page 3 of MPF-SM ) are illegal, and the subject holding contraband is to be punished accordingly ( Page 2 ).
Step 5: Have the citizen apply, and access the suspect's records with your PDA, and mark the violation.
Step 6: Punish the citizen.
- Easiest part of the procedure. You will punish the citizen according ( Page 2 ) for his crime(s). The citizen in this example, has violated level 1 violation, movement violation, and punishment is re-education and one Verdict Point on his official record.
- If possible, administer the punishment in a descreet location.
- NOTE: If subject is charged with a verdict that issues him cycle(s), this is the part where you will need to, put it bluntly, knock the suspect out to transport him to a cell.
Step 7: Release the citizen from his restraints, and order him to get out of the area.

This should cover the basic core of how to apprehend and detain a citizen.
MPF Service Manual - Page 9: Promotions & How they work.
How to Get Promotions:

This Section will Detail the Promotion Point System. This will be how you get Promotions and privileges.

Promotion Point System:
1 Point: Administering Punishment for a Level 1 Violation
3 Points: When trained by the DvLs and EpUs.
1-5 Point(s):Doing something for a DvL+ when asked
5 Points: Administering Punishment for Level 2 Violations
10 Points: Administering Punishment for Level 3 Violations
15 Points: Administering Punishment for Level 4 Violations
20 Points: Capturing anti-citizen one.
1-20 Point(s): Awarded by DrS unit when trained and how much is determined by skill in training.

Instant Promotion: Capturing Anti-Citizen One. Saving a CCA/Administration Life.

Report: Final Verdict Administered, Also report the Level Violation and Amount of Verdict's Adminstered to Recieve Points.


Promotions can be gained other ways such as being on the force for an extended amount of time without Promotion. And being highly productive with Division Priorities (Grid repairs APC's, Helix does surgery on a Unit, Jury Interrogates and administers justice to large amounts of Citizen's, Malignant's, and Anti-Citizen's.). Helping Other Units with Assignments, Patrols, Interrogations and Administering of Punishments.


04: 05 Prerequisite, 50 Points. Not augmented and moderately brainwashed.
03: 04 Prerequisite, 100 Points. Slight Brainwashing.
02: 03 Prerequisite, 150 Points. Slight Augments and Moderate Brainwashing.
01: 02 Prerequisite, 250 Points. Slight Augments and Moderate Brainwashing.
OfC: 01 Prerequisite, 375 Points. Moderate Brainwashing and Moderate Augments
EpU: OfC Prerequisite, 400 Points. Heavy Augments and Heavy Brainwashing. Interview with DvL
SqL: EpU Prerequisite, 425 Points. Application and Interview with DvL.
DvL: SqL Prerequisite, 475 Points. Application and Interview with the SeC or CmD
CmD: Handpicked DvL, must have at least 500 Points as a DvL to be chosen for this Rank.
Well this is the end of the guide, thanks for reading.
12 comentários
NotDaFundraiser 1 jan. 2023 às 6:15 
Idk i just found it through friends and family
RogueSebek 20 set. 2020 às 23:43 
Someday this will all be a good memory..
Sgt.Slaughter 2 fev. 2015 às 23:17 
IGN 10/10
Nova 28 jan. 2015 às 12:17 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) out of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tactical Droid  [autor] 18 dez. 2014 às 6:55 
.... :P
Fluff3y3 6 dez. 2014 às 3:40 
Very good guide. Nice!
Sentient  [autor] 6 dez. 2014 às 2:01 
Eh... Thanks?
stepan bandera 4 dez. 2014 às 10:24 
Good to read when you know everything. :)
RogueSebek 3 dez. 2014 às 3:15 
Great , Well , Its abit much better than the other CCA Standard Manuel guide , Now instead of just going to the forums and see every code like example 10-blah blah , I can just refer to this guide instead in 1 Web and Page.
quakefile 1 dez. 2014 às 5:05 
Welll this explains litterly evey thing about the MPF
thanks mate :demoticon: