Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Hello Kitty Island Adventure

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Master Collections Spreadsheet - A Panda Checklist
By Diplopanda~
I actually got annoyed with how the collection sheet was organized and how I wasn't able to look at my collections while visiting my friend's shop so I made a whole overhaul checklist for myself and thought I might as well share it
Intro as to Why I've Done This
(Link is at the bottom of this guide if you want to skip my text)

So this all started when I got frustrated at how in the "Collections" menu collected comics didn't seem to have any sort of order to them as well as the fact that I could not check my collections while I was at a friend's island.

I decided to write myself my own "little" comic collection spreadsheet and have a checklist. That's when I started to fall into my rabbit hole and it extended into Furniture, Clothing, Weather. . and then I realized I should add the collections Recipes and Events and just publicly share what I had created anyways.

I do have plans to add all the sizes for all the fishes locations and times, as well as the critters collections as well into the spreadsheet but I wanted to share what I already have out. That shall be added in due time.
What Does it Entail?
I used google spreadsheets to create this, and I'm not too well versed in creating spreadsheets, I do like organizing though. (:

At the bottom of the spreadsheet you can see the different categories of the collections that I have created.

The current categories include:
- The Comics Collection
--> Including locations and rarity on how to obtain them
- The Clothing Collection
--> This is actually the category I'm most unsure about, I will be updating this if there is anything wrong with it
- The Furniture Collection
--> Furniture Logo and collection name
- The Events Collection
--> Some information is actually '???' on the wiki so I guess only time will tell what's in the collection
--> The rought timeframe that the events are going to be up (based on previous years)
- The Weathers Collection
--> Just the items that the respective weather type allows you to purchase or collect
- My Recipe Book
--> Every single station's (not including crafting, I'm not insane) recipes and different variants for certain items.
--> Note: You do not need to obtain the recipe from characters or finding them elsewhere, you can craft whenever you have the chance to craft.
- The Critters Collection
--> Time, location (as an image on the map), weather to find each creature

I do plan on adding one more category, which will be done in due time, I just wanted to share what I have so far - This one will probably take me the most time to complete
- The Fishing Collection
--> Time, location (as an image on the map and written in text), weather for each fish and the respective sizes 'Tiny,' 'Regular,' 'Huge'

Each collection has a drop-down, checkoff, button to either mark off if
--> Collected the item
--> Not yet collected the item
--> Obtained the recipe for the item (suggesting you have not crafted the item, just know how to)
--> As well as a 'notes' section on the side for each item in case you want to make notes of your own for certain items.
The Link to the Spreadsheet
Alrighty! You can open up my spreadsheet and make a copy of it for yourself if you'd like.

I don't really know if anyone is actually going to use this, but since I made it, I thought I'd make it accessible for anyone else, especially for those who may also be trying to fill out all their collections and such just as I am.

HKIA - Master Collections by Diplopanda[docs.google.com]

Updates will be made to the spreadsheet overtime as corrections may be made, information may be corrected or updated, and new collections or information may be added.

Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely day!
thank you for sharing this!! :arrie_heart:
Belarie 4 Mar @ 5:25pm 
Amazing! Thank you~
SleepyHuna 3 Mar @ 1:04pm 
Love it!!
Neraxi 2 Mar @ 5:49pm 
Dustin 1 Mar @ 12:28pm 