Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

97 valoraciones
The Reality Behind Persistent World!
Por Skipper
Do you play PW? Do you want to know the hard truth? This guide will give you the harsh reality behind the popular mod commonly known as Persistent World!
So... let's be honest here. You just stopped watching your latest episode of Game of Thrones. Nothing beats that show, it is so in-depth with the lore, politics, intrigue, war. If only somebody were to make a decent game that would suit the world of Westeros (apart from the mod for CK2)! But wait! You just had a fantastic idea! Why not play Persistent World? It is a roleplay based medieval online sandbox that allows you to do pretty much anything within a medieval society! Fantastic!

You came, you saw, you conquered.

You go in with a great attitude.

You come out poor and depressed.

So how is this possible?

Section 1: The People Within PW
Whilst playing on PW you will meet many people... unless you are on an empty server...

These are the different types of people you will meet:

-The Noob: This guy has just got the mod, poor fellow, he is running round the map trying to work out what to do. When he tries to speak to you in local he yells it into global. He thinks there is a team chat. When he tries to buy things he ends up crafting them, just to be told he doesn't have the skills. He was exploited into dropping all his starting money by more experienced players.

-The Roleplayer: This guy loves his RP. In-fact, he loves to roleplay so much that he feels a need to describe every little action to the people around him from *Leans in to whisper* to *Breathes in... Breathes out...*.

-The Lagger: This guy needs to upgrade his PC... seriously... You see him constantly dying because he is lagging off of walls and into water due to his low fps.

-The Pinger: This guy is suffering high latency. With an average ping of 2000000 he is constantly accused of combat logging and health glitching when in reality he is just losing connection.

-The Naked Guy: One of those guys who makes a really ugly character, trains forever on nditions, gets a great sword, looks for fights, then spams his unexpecting opponent to death.

-The Tin Can: Proud of the fact he has been playing on the server longer than you, the tin can feels like a God. He rides around with his fellow tin cans and robs peasants. After all, he wouldn't want to lose his expensive armour...

-The Randomer: This guy thinks he is an exception to the RDM rule. He runs up to you, kills you, loots your stuff, runs off then finds an excuse to get out of it when the admin hunts him down.

-The Thief: This guy will rob anyone at any time in any place in the hope of profiting from their hard work. He will find a way past any rules such as "no robbing the same person until 15 minutes have passed" by getting his accomplice to rob you.

-The Outlaw: Usually groups of "think we are hard" gansta'z who run around in groups because they know they have lost all power when alone.

-The Guy Who Left The Gate Open: This guy doesn't know how to shut a gate in the middle of a siege...

-The NW Player: Hailing from a Napoleonic Wars regiment, this guy laughs at people who prance around with medieval weapons and always has a few hundred men to back him up.
Section 2: The Average PW Run
Here is the average run on PW:

You go onto the mod expecting a great time, but first you need money!

You spend the next 10 hours of your life gaining millions.

You buy the most expensive gear you can.

You are robbed of half of your earnings.

You hunt down the thieves.

On the way your ping shoots up to 9999999999999999999999.

Whilst in purgatory due to your ping some douche RDM's you.

The admins refuse to be helpful.

You leave with no money and frustrated.

This has never not happened to me.
66 comentarios
cian 14 ABR 2018 a las 12:02 p. m. 
your mums got cancer
SoloTOV🐱 28 NOV 2017 a las 6:19 a. m. 
I'm joking bud xd
Skipper  [autor] 28 NOV 2017 a las 5:47 a. m. 
It's not wrong, it's just very old.
SoloTOV🐱 28 NOV 2017 a las 5:18 a. m. 
delete this guide,its dead wrong
Cpt.Cocksuck 24 NOV 2017 a las 10:12 a. m. 
-The Naked Guy: One of those guys who makes a really ugly character, trains forever on nditions, gets a great sword, looks for fights, then spams his unexpecting opponent to death.
The best thing to do
(Sheep)TacoTuesday 25 JUN 2017 a las 6:14 p. m. 
where can i get the PW mod? cant find it on the workshop at all
Balex55 21 JUN 2017 a las 5:27 p. m. 
too much fucking Randomers and Trolls in PW "PS: im the Medium Roleplay Type"
Aperson54 4 JUN 2017 a las 1:04 p. m. 
What if you are the Tin Can robbing people instead?
AttilaLaDank 26 DIC 2016 a las 11:40 a. m. 
I hope to have a great time though I doubt it
Mr. Shaggnificent 17 JUN 2016 a las 8:25 a. m. 
I wanted to learn the basics so I purposely picked an empty server. In the 45mins I was there learning about how labor/crafting mechanics work, no less than three people came in and said something along the lines of, "Why the fuck are you playing on an empty server dumbass?" When I reply, "To learn the basics", they answer with nuggets of wisdom like, "Just go to [high pop server] you fucking scrub".

There was also one guy who said the same-ish stuff, minus the profanity and name calling.