Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

莉莉娅(人类的毁灭者和国家的吞噬者)- Arborea - 不平衡 :^)
97.324 MB
12 月 25 日 上午 10:03
12 月 26 日 上午 7:36
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莉莉娅(人类的毁灭者和国家的吞噬者)- Arborea - 不平衡 :^)

在 Daemon 的 1 个合集中
7 件物品
要求所有 Arborea 候补领导人


添加拥有激光眼的莉莉娅作为 Arborean Expanse 的替代领导者。
树木。山脉。森林大火。精灵。仙女。雪。只有化身,所有 6 个莉莉娅的主人,才能如此强大。


所有单位忽略森林和雨林的移动惩罚,在森林中战斗时获得 +8 战斗力。

所有空中单位 +2 攻击范围和 +4 战斗力。

杀死一个单位会提供相当于其战斗力 100% 的食物和信仰。

允许在有神社的城市购买有信仰的建造者和定居者,建造者获得 1 次额外充能。

单位免受森林火灾的伤害。与莉莉亚交战的文明在友方领土内遭受森林火灾的伤害 +100%。

雪和苔原 +1 科学和食物。

所有具有迷人魅力的未开发地块 +1 信仰和生产力,具有惊艳魅力的地块增加到 +2 信仰和生产力,未开发鹿的地块增加三倍。

公民可以耕种山地,山地受益于持久增长的食物奖励。各区将其城市中山脉地块的产量增加 +2 相应的产量。
5 条留言
Daemon  [作者] 12 月 26 日 上午 8:06 
thanks, yeah societies is very good with this for voidsingers. Also religion expanded mod, wondrous wonders, and workable 4th ring so you can place your preserve a little further out. glad u like it :sans:
ranma_hf 12 月 26 日 上午 7:53 
so two hours later its more addictive than just flat out busted (which is good). The early ability to plant trees to slow down civs trying to rusht you to combo is the best mechnic. Higher difficulties vs other high fan mods, its a blast t use. Theres a secret society called twisted loach, the buffs from this reminds me of that one. I didn't turn on ss or hero for these guys, but i imagine with heros turned on the faith generation would let you go crazy.
ranma_hf 12 月 26 日 上午 5:34 
im goofing boss gonna try the game out today eager to see how fun it is
Daemon  [作者] 12 月 25 日 下午 5:17 
I guess I haven't tried the most busted mods :0
ranma_hf 12 月 25 日 下午 3:29 
Oh is that all. its low average for one of the busted azure lane fan made mods lol. I heard destroyer of humanity and was like "Oh i wonder if it'll be up there with the sky net civ." Looks fun ill givve it a shot. Love the name but over hyped.