Singe's Skills for Gorbad Ironclaw
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24 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 7: 28am
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Singe's Skills for Gorbad Ironclaw

I mean, it was pretty obvious they were leaving it open for Gorbad to come back and still be used, right? Surrounded by Dwarfs, but without confirmation of his death? Yeah, course he was coming back. Not to mention orcs live for ages in any case.
Genuinely really enjoy this guys campaign - I personally like playing with all lords confederated at the start so you're doing multiple empire buildings at once, and unlocking all the special tactics for each Legendary Lord is very fun. Even if they did make the 'Netters' tactic really annoying.

Five skills for the Smartest Boss Dere Is, mixing everything together
Drill Da Gobboz basically makes Goblin archers slightly better than useless
Call Dat A Formashun lets da Boyz be better at weathering punishment
Gnarla's Runtz gives Orc Boar Boyz some real oomph, and a bit of melee attack so they're not utterly useless post-charge
Squig-Stampede toughens up that Squig Herd you're using as a crutch
Target Practice makes Greenskin artillery a bit more dangerous, and also lets them get a bit of a clop on

Singe's Skills for the Greenskins
6 ความเห็น
Singemeister  [ผู้สร้าง] 7 ม.ค. @ 11: 08am 
@Brother Azkaellon
There used to be a mod for it, but I think it's depreciated. The easiest thing to do is get the Web Editor and force confederate with that on the first turn
Brother Azkaellon 6 ม.ค. @ 11: 43am 
How do you start confederated? Id like to try that
Singemeister  [ผู้สร้าง] 26 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 6: 14am 
I'm being paid by Big Squig
skoobeldoobel 25 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 21pm 
"man, when singe's skill mod for gorbad comes out i definitely won't be tempted to spam squid herd anymore!" 😭
Singemeister  [ผู้สร้าง] 24 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 9: 15am 
I suppose it's sort of because Gorbad is essentially THE greenskin lord - not BlOrcs like Grimgor, Savage Orcs like Wurrzag, Goblins like Grom or Night Goblins like Skarsnik - he uses all of them.
Deeyourelf 24 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 9: 13am 
I love Gorbads campaign, I always thought it was like strange that his unique skill line didn't buff any of the new units from the canpaign that he's in. I guess it was to encourage using the new planz to buff them? Still, weird, glad this mod buffs squigs andbthe artillery