Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Crime and Punishment Achievement with Bots
By Aero
Simple guide to unlocking Heavy's 'Crime and Punishment' achievement on 2Fort, with one bot and two commands.
You should really be able to get this after a few games on CTF on a public server. In case you're struggling, here's a how-to on getting it with bots on a solo server.
Setting Up
To get started:

  • Go to the TF2 Main Menu
  • Enter 'map ctf_2fort' into the console
  • Once the map loads, join BLU and spawn as Heavy
  • Make your way to BLU's Intelligence room

Now you're ready to spawn the bot.

  • Enter 'tf_bot_add medic red' into the console
  • Enter 'mp_disable_respawn_times 1' into the console (speeds things up)

If bots spawned automatically, just use 'tf_bot_kick all' and then do the two commands above.
Unlocking the Achievement
This part is simple. Stay in BLU's Intel room and camp the intelligence. Make sure you have your minigun drawn.

You'll be teleporting the RED bot right on top of your Intel, letting it collect it, then killing it before it can even react. Hence, it's best to make the bot something weak like a Medic or Engineer, or just disable it's ability to shoot by using 'tf_bot_fire_weapon_allowed 0'.

When you're ready to go, follow the steps below:

  • Enter 'sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport [BOT NAME] 465 -3338 -61 75 -57 0; sv_cheats 0' into the console
  • Kill the bot once it has your Intel
  • Let the bot respawn (look at the HUD)
  • Rinse and repeat until your achievement triggers

(NOTE: If the bot won't teleport, make sure its name is only one word. For example, the bot named 'The Administrator' won't teleport even if you do 'The_Administrator', but the bot 'AmNot' will. If you get a bot named with two words, just kick it and spawn another until their one-word name.)

Best of luck, this should only take a couple of minutes!
Aero  [author] 12 Feb @ 1:17pm 
No problem at all, glad I could help
NIKILARATUTU 11 Feb @ 4:18am 
Thank you so much dude
I had probloms with that achiewment because it wasn't counting for most of the times