Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Gold Edition

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Gold Edition

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[ALL-IN-ONE GUIDE] Modded Rainbow Six 3 in 2025 (Singleplayer/Co-op)
Av blueq
Everything you need to know when starting Rainbow Six 3 in 2025. Modded files, DLC's, tutorials and tips. Includes the Community Remaster. Full Screen Windowed mode has been patched into the DLL files.
- Intro
Welcome, this guide will help you setup the game in it's best form using a collection of mods. The game will play very similarly to modern tactical shooters like Ready or Not or R6: Siege. We will start with getting the game setup with mods and using a borderless window then move on to game basics and tutorials. By the end of this guide you will see why this game has been considered the best tactical shooter for over 20 years.

- Installing the Overhaul Mod
Now we will start the Modding process. This mod compilation was based on juguLator01's mod guide which you can find here: Jug's Modding Guide

The mod pack I will provide will include everything in this guide + much more including skins, maps, DLC and other improvements. If you prefer to mod the game yourself, you can visit the link above and follow Jug's guide.

Download Link:
Rainbow Six 3 Community Remaster[]

Updated 2/23/25
- fixed Athena Sword hostage textures
- fixed Athena Sword and Iron Wrath briefings
- Turned off Mouse smoothing. (Can be turned back on in the user.ini file)
-- Credit to jas7300 for providing these fixes

Updated 2/12/25
- added R6 Siege callsign to Gerald Morris (Deimos)
- added R6 Siege callsign to Kure Galanos (Skopós)

Updated 1/30/25
- fixed MP5 not spawning
- added pre-plans for Iron Wrath maps.

Updated: 1/28/25
-upscaled internal resolution to 4k

Updated: 1/27/25
- fixed planning phase issues

BIG UPDATE: 1/26/25
- DxWnd is no longer needed for windowed borderless. The game has been patched to be built-in along with much sharper graphics, cleaner visuals and better performance. This was achieved with DgVoodoo and I will later post a separate guide on how this was done.
- Renamed the mod pack to Community Remaster.

This pack is a compilation of all the best mods from modb and includes the Supply Drops Mod by Twi. Credits go to those who made the mods.


1. Download the mod pack

2. Open the compressed .rar file using WinRar or 7zip

3. Drag all of the files inside the .rar file into the main game directory.

- Supply Drops
We are almost done with setup. Last thing you need to do is startup the Supply Drops Mod. This mod adds tons of custom content such as guns, optics, and skins.

1. From the main menu select options

2. Select custom game. From there, first double click the third option "Unlock Mods! (you only need to do this the first time.) and then double click the very last option called "Supply Drops for Single Player."

Updated 1/4/25

Starting the game in Supply Drops Mod.

1. Find the file OpenRVS.ini in your game's directory system folder.

2. Find the line ForceStartMod= and type in SupplyDrop.

3. Save and close.


Note: If you want the MP5-SD SFX for the MP5-N, you must remove MP5-Silenced.uax out of your game files.
- Gamemodes Explained
From here on out will be a guide on the basics and hidden tips in the game. If you are interested in how to use planning and keybinds, that is up next. Otherwise this is the end of the modding guide.

Gamemode Explanations:

Practice Mission: basically a level select for campaign missions. This includes gamemodes like bomb defusal, hostage rescue, and other exclusive gamemodes.

Lone Wolf: Get to the extraction zone alone without dying.

Terrorist Hunt: Kill all of the terrorists in the map.

Hostage Rescue: Save the hostages in the map and bring them to the extraction zone.

Assassination: Kill your target in the map without getting caught or alerting the enemies. Hold space on dead bodies to drag them.

Countdown: Complete the mission under a time limit

Hostage Random: Hostage rescue but with randomized hostage locations.
Warning: This mode has some crashing issues so if you play it, make sure to save your plans.

Stealth Wolf: Get to the extraction zone without alerting the enemies. Hold space on dead bodies to drag them.

Defend the VIP: Eliminate the enemies in waves while protecting the VIP. Build fences to defend yourself.

Bot Match: Play multiplayer game modes such as TDM and DM with bots. Select your loadout and start the match to configure the mode. It is recommended to not play with more than 15 bots in a match due to lag. Selecting maps marked MP will be a better experience.

Note: If you get soft-locked on the configure screen, hit 7 and then left click, the match will then restart. You may need to restart the game if this happens.

The mod pack includes the 50 tango mod by arch now allows the player to spawn up to 50 terrorists instead of the vanilla 35. For balancing reasons, 35 terrorists is recommended.
- Loadouts, Roles, and Stats
Once you selected your map, terrorist #, and difficulty you will move on to the loadout room which looks like this:

1. Select your operators from the left panel and assign them to one or more squads.

2. The 3 items at the top of the middle panel allow you to change your weapon, optic, and gun skin.

3. Clicking on the operator in the middle will allow you to change character skins.

4. The items to the right of that will allow you to change your secondary weapon and utility/grenades

5. Clicking the arrows will assign the specific items/skins to all of the operators in your squad

6. The 3 arrows pointing left under the selections will assign selected items/skins to all squads.

Loadouts will not save between matches. My personal favorite guns are the MP5-N, the CM901 and the SR-25

Weapon Statistics

Range: Max distance a weapon can fire.

Damage: Amount of damage inflicted at point-blank range.

Accuracy: Base accuracy of the weapon

Stability: Maximum recoil of the weapon

Recovery: How fast the reticule recovers after shot.

Operator Statistics

Assault: Affects general accuracy with all weapons other than sniper rifles.

Demolitions: Affects how fast you can plant explosives.

Electronics: Affects how fast you can plant or disable electronics (ex. bomb defusal).

Sniper: Affects general accuracy with sniper rifles.

Self Control: Affects how willing AI controlled squad members are to shoot when there is a good chance at missing the target. (Higher the value, the longer they wait and the more accurate they become.)

Leadership: Affects the length of time between issuing orders and teammates responding

Observation: Affects how observant AI squad members are.

Operator Roles

Assault: Specializes in all weapons other than snipers.

Recon: Specializes in stealthy movement and being undetected.

Sniper: Specializes in using sniper rifles.

Demolitions: Specializes in explosives.

Electronics: Specializes in placing and manipulating electronics/utility
- How to use Planning
One of the best parts of this game is the planning phase. Although skipped by some, when used correctly it becomes a very powerful tool. The planning phase will allow you not not only help you keep track of direction but allow you to program team AI to do exactly as you tell them to before the match starts.

1. To start placing waypoints, click on one of the red squares on the map. These are insertion zones. Green squares are extraction zones.

2. From there you can click around the map placing waypoints around the map. This is the direction squad leads will take their squad.

3. Controls for the planning table include:

WASD: to pan the map.

Q and E: Rotate map.

T and G: Angle the map to be 3D.

R and F: Zoom in and out.

4. The squad colored dots at the bottom left let you toggle between selecting each squad. The goggles will toggle between hiding/showing that squads waypoints.

5. Hitting the 3D button will show a gameview window at the selected waypoint.

5.1. Clicking and dragging on the window will give you a look around where the waypoint is placed.

6. The arrows will control what waypoint is being selected.

7. The middle panel will control the map such as changing floors.

8. If you need to delete waypoints, you can use these buttons to control what waypoints are being deleted.

9. You can change the Rule of Engagement between placed waypoints by right clicking the circle with the gun on it.

Assault will have your team fire at will at any terrorist in sight,

Infiltrate will force the squad to use silenced weapons and stay quiet.

Recon will make your team only use silenced weapons and fire only when being fired upon.

Blitz, Normal and Cautious will dictate how fast your squad moves.

10. You can right click on a selected waypoint and tell the squad to throw a grenade. Your squad must have that grenade equipped in the loadout menu. Once you select the grenade, choose where the grenade is being thrown by clicking in a near area.

10.1 You can also throw a grenade through a door (ex. performing a flash and clear) by placing your squad close to a door and placing the grenade icon on the other side of the door.

11. Go codes are useful for syncing squad actions such as breaching a door. Using the "Breach" option near a door will spawn an icon on the door indicating that the squad will C4 to door.

Go codes A, B and C are activated with the J, K, and L keys

Giving a squad a go code will have the team wait to do an action until the player hits one of the go code keys before continuing with the waypoints. The example below has red squad breaching the door but waiting until green squad gets there. Once the "J" key is hit to activate go code "A", red squad will then blow up the door.

12. Go codes will also allow you to setup snipers. Setting a squad to snipe will make the squad go prone and snipe until the go code is hit to continue with the waypoints.

13. When giving yourself waypoints, you will have blips floating to tell you where to go. This includes when you set yourself to snipe, breach, throw a grenade or wait for go codes.

14. After you set your plans up, You will see this menu where you can select which squad you want to play as. The bottom middle button will let you observe the AI complete the mission by themselves using your plan. Clicking the arrow on the bottom right will start the mission.

Note: Game can crash at anytime so make sure you save your plans!
- Keybinds
Some important keybinds to remember.

Q and E will let you lean left and right

1-4 keys will let you change between weapon and utility/grenades

5 key will turn your night vision on like this:

6 key held down will pull up a weapon wheel like this:

7 key held down will show all active operators and squads like this:

8 key will call for a status report of all squads

F1 key held down will show all HUD

G key held down to display the map like this:

B key to change rate of fire

N key to skip waypoint blip

Space bar to interact

Scroll Wheel to open a door fluidly

Space Bar held down will open up team commands for AI squad members. Pressing the Space Bar and looking down will order your teammates to regroup.

Spacebar + Rightclick will queue an AI squad command, which can be activated by pressing the "," key.

Z will regroup your squad

H will hold your squad

X to crouch and prone

C to stand back up
- Extras & Tips
Some extra tips and features offered by the game and mods.

Snake Cam
1. To snake cam, crouch and look at the bottom of a door to enter the snake cam. Move away to get out.

1. Pressing ALT while ADS will cycle reticule for some optics.

1. Pressing ALT while not ADS will turn on the laser sight on some guns.

Canted Sights
1. Opening the console using the "~" key and typing in modweapon 1 will give your gun a canted RMR backup sight.

2. Typing in modweapon 0 will give your gun canted ironsights.

Holding ALT will switch between the sights.

Canted sights can be glitchy so it is not recommended to switch between the two options in one session. you can quick load the command in the console by hitting the up arrow once it's been activated once.

Toggle Lean
1. You can change the leaning mechanic to be toggle instead of hold by opening up the user.ini file in the game directory. Rainbow Six 3 Gold / Save / Profiles / user.ini.

2. Find Aliases 6 and 7 under [Engine.Input] (aka "PeakLeft" and "PeakRight"). Delete the word Button replace them with Toggle

3. Save the file and launch the game.

Note: Toggle lean is a bit funky but exists for those who want it. Reverse these steps to switch it back.

Hold ADS
1. To switch to hold Right mouse button to ADS find your user.ini file in the game directory and open it with a text editor.

2. Find Aliases 15 under [Engine.Input] and paste this command:

Aliases[15]=(Command="Zoom 1 | OnRelease Zoom 0",Alias="ZoomAlias")

3. Find RightMouse=Zoom and switch it to RightMouse=ZoomAlias

4. Save the file and launch the game.

Note: Can be glitchy when switching weapons by swapping values. Double click the right mouse button to debug. Also recommended to not use the dashing command with Hold ADS which is up next. Reverse steps to switch it back.

For realism reasons you may want to add this console command that makes you put your weapon down when you run. This mod is disabled by default. Twi added this feature in his Supply Drops Mod

1. To use this command, press the "~" Key to open up the console in-game.

2. Type setdashspeed 350 to enable this feature. (You only need to do this once until you turn it off)

3. If you want this feature off, type setdashspeed 0

FOV Change
1. To change your FOV, find OpenRVS.ini in your game directory system folder

2. Open the OpenRVS.ini file in a text editor and find FieldOfView=

3. Change the value to whatever FOV you'd like. Default is 90.

Pro Tips
1. Equip smokes on all operators. Smokes are the most powerful grenades as they can almost always be accurately thrown and allows your teammates to see through them while the terrorists cannot.

2. Make sure to have the highest leadership stat operators (ex. Ding Chavez) as squad leads as they will be able to issue commands much faster.

3. Use one of the squads as a sniper team to provide over-watch from a distance.

4. Use go-codes frequently when forming a push.

5. Prioritize stealth.

AI Ladder Bug fix
If squad AI ever climb a ladder and stop moving, you can use this work-around.

1. Place a milestone under the ladder in the planning phase so you know when ai are using the ladder

2. Wait around 5-10 seconds depending on how many squad members there are so they can all get up or down the ladder first.

3. Press the "H" Key twice to have teams first hold and then continue moving.

This should unlock their movement to continue with the mission.

Particle Bug
If particles do not load after changing a level (ex. blood, dust, etc.), wait about 1-2 minutes in game by staying idle, or restart the game completely. You can also try disabling pre-caching in the ravenshield.ini file and increasing cache size to see if it loads faster for you.

- Zombies Mode & Mercenaries Mode
Zombies Mode
1. To play zombies mode hit Options, and then Custom Game. Select Rainbow Six: Zombies to start.

Keep in mind, Supply drops do not work in this mode so some guns may be missing, however supply drop optics still work. You can force supply drops to work by loading into zombies first then supply drops, and then back into zombies.

2. Select Fight the Infection to get to the map select.

3. You can play any map you'd like but smaller maps are typically better. At the top right, you can select dedicated custom zombie maps, recommended maps, or all maps.

4. Survive as long as possible while collecting powerups.

To enable Nightmare difficulty, crouch 5 times before the start of round 1.

Mercenaries Mode.
1. To play mercenaries mode hit Options, and then Custom Game. Select Mercenary 2 to start.

Supply drops do not work in this mode

2. Start the mode, pick a map, and equip your character.

3. When loaded in, you will see your cash and weapon at the bottom left of your screen. You will earn cash by killing enemies.

4. With earned cash you can buy new weapons and utility by going to the pause menu.

5. Keep going until you complete the mission.
- Multiplayer/Co-op Online
This section of the guide will focus on setting up a local modded server for you and your friends to play CO-OP and PVP on. This will be very similar to the single-player modded game-play with some minor differences.

You can play on modded online servers and modded Singleplayer with this mod pack.

1. You're going to want to download a free Local Network Emulator such as Radmin VPN[] or Hamachi VPN[]. Everybody in your party must download the same one.

2. Everyone in the party must download the Multiplayer Mod Overhaul with this link:

Multiplayer Mod Overhaul[]

Updated: 1/28/25
-increased internal resolution to 4k

2.1. This mod overhaul does not work with the single player one so if you want both, you need to copy two separate folders of the game. One for single player and one for multiplayer. You can put both of them in the steam folder next to each other and can make it look something like this:

When you want to pick one to play just rename the folder and delete the SP or MP from the folder name of the version you want to play.

3. Install the mod pack into the main game directory.

4. Start the Network emulator for everyone to join.

5. Launch the game and the host will need to create a server. As host, make sure the dedicated server option is off. You also may want to restrict vanilla guns to keep the load-out menu is lag-free.

6. Once the server is up, everybody else in the party will switch to the LAN tab and hit refresh to see the host's server.

7. Join the server.

Admin Commands
Server commands are enabled with the mod pack so here are a few that that the host can use.

help - Lists all commands.

pausecount - Stops the timer in the load-out menu.

adminpanel - Brings up a GUI for admins to control the server.

kill - Kill a specified player.

start - Sets all player as ready.

mod restartround - Restarts the round.

maplist - See all available maps.

mod map <#> - Changes the map.

togglecounter - Turns on or off alerts to all players on how many terrorists are alive.

Playing on Public Servers
1. If you want to play on public servers such as the ALLR6 servers, you must take the SFXMOD files out of your game.

They are located:

Your Rainbow Six 3 Gold Directory > Mods > modded > textures

Inside the texture folder, take out SFXMOD_d and SFXMOD_t. Don't delete them, just store them somewhere safe if you want to play locally again.

2. Before joining a server change your connection to T3 in the options menu to make sure your game receives all of the public server mods.

Athena Sword and Iron Wrath maps.
1. You can play these maps by having everyone enable them in the mods menu.

2. The game may ask you the sign in. Just hit the X button. The game will ask you for a key when hosting or joining. Don't input anything, just hit the check-mark.

3. If it fails, restart the game and try again. You should only have to do this once.

1. If you want to use a snake cam, it must be equipped in the load-out menu. You can also snake cam corners by crouching and looking at a corner and holding the run key.

2. AI backup has been changed from ECT to Rainbow AI Enhancer Mod as it is more compatible with multiplayer.

3. Pressing F4 will bring up a map to draw and plan on. You can pre-plan by pausing the timer using the pausecount command and pressing F4 in the loadout menu.

4. Each player can get an AI squad to command by enabling it in the host lobby menu.

5. Using the command modweapon 1 (RMR) and modweapon 0 (Ironsights) will also work here to give your gun canted backup sights.

6. Holding F1 will show you all of your hud.

7. Pressing F will change your squads Rules of Engagement. You can hold F1 and see what it is set to at the top left of the screen.
- Custom Map Pack
I have hand picked maps from around the internet in which i consider to be the best custom maps for Rainbow Six 3. The criteria for these selections are: Working planning phase, Visual quality, Doesn't crash and Map flow/routes. This map pack contains 31 New Custom Maps and 11 New Optional Thunt Maps from the Ravenshield community over the years. It is recommended to play campaign before downloading this map pack.

The install is straight forward.

1. Open the .rar file and open the folder inside. Drag all file contents inside to the Rainbow Six 3 main folder and replace whatever files it asks you to.

2. If you are using Dxwnd, Add your path to ravenshield.exe and add -norunaway to the launch bar. This will prevent any crashing.

If you are not using Dxwnd just do the same thing but in the steam launch options.

Download Link:
Rvs Custom Map Pack[]

Updated: 2/12/25
- removed neighborhood and mountain lodge (maps did not fit in)

Updated: 1/28/25
- fixed some maps with wrong images

Updated: 1/27/25
- added 4 new maps

Maps Included

Ancient temple
Small map taking place in an old temple.

El Diablo's
Large map in a Bar/Club and restaurant with an outdoor patio.

London Wharf
Large map at a cargo dock with some office spaces.

Alley Strike
Large map taking place in hotel rooms with large underground tunnels.

The Mall
Large map in a mall with lots of backrooms and some open stores.

Large map at a hidden terrorist compound with multiple buildings.

Disgruntled Customers
Large map at a TV station with detailed office spaces.

Made of Stone
Medium sized linear map inside of an ancient cave.

Large map within a construction site compound.

Metropolitan Library
Medium sized map at a library.

Falling Rain
Small map in an Italian styled compound during a storm.

Port Town
Large map near the seaside.

Operation Black Star
Medium sized map of a compound in the jungle. This classic map was originally in R6: Crirical Hour.

Vice Bar
Medium sized map in a gangster owned bar.

Residential Trauma
Small map taking place at a suburban home with big underground tunnels and sewers.

Emergency Room
Very small map taking place within an emergency room hospital.

Medium map taking place inside a car factory.

Egyptian Art Museum
Medium sized map in an art museum. This classic map was originally in R6: Rouge Spear.
(Practice mission to play HR)

Oil Tanker
Medium sized map taking place at an oil tanker in the middle of the ocean. This classic map was originally in R6: Rouge Spear. (Practice mission to play HR)

Weapons Cache
Large map raid on a weapons cache compound.

Chemical Zero
Medium map taking place in an underground chemical plant.

Alley Cat
Large map down a street with many open buildings. This map includes many routes and sewers with a big hotel in the middle.

Chalet Fall
Medium map with an outdoor section taking place at a ski lodge in the middle of fall.

H2 Oppression (Day/Night)
Large detailed map placed at a water treatment facility. Includes both a day and night variant.

Quartier General
Very large map taking place at a mansion/castle.

IG Embassy
A remake of the original embassy with a different layout.

Large outdoor city with enter-able buildings

Locked Up
Medium sized prison map

Convenience Store
Small sized map taking place in a grocery store. Map originally from Rouge Spear.

Bowling Alley
Small map placed in a vibrant bowling alley and arcade.

White Oak
Medium sized map taking place in a mansion.

Custom Map Resources:


Tactical Ape[]


- Custom Map Pack Pt. 2
(Optional) Terrorist Hunt Maps
These maps do not have a working planning phase, but they were so well designed, I figured some may still be interested even without a planning phase. These maps are included in the download in a separate folder and are marked (TH) in the level select menu.

(TH) Opera House
Large map in an opera house.

(TH) U.W.A
Large map set on a college campus.

(TH) Summit Lodge
Large labyrinth of a map set in a hotel.

(TH) Mr. Deaths Villa
Large detailed map set inside a rich villa.

(TH) Silver District
Seems to be an large expanded redesign of the bank map.

(TH) Cinema
Medium sized map set in a movie theater.

(TH) Stone Set Luxury
Large map set in a mansion.

(TH) Skyscraper
Large indoor skyscraper.

(TH) Vegas Library
Remake of the Library from Rainbow Six Vegas.

(TH) Market Night
Large map in the desert city with many open buildings.

(TH) Westcott Residence
Large map with a garden outside and a detailed house.

- [Mod List]
Every mod included in the Singleplayer Community Mod Pack

- Iron Wrath DLC
- SupplyDrops (+patch)
- Elite Counter Terror v2.074 (ECT)
- 50 Tango Mod
- RvS Bot AI (Jan 2025)
- OpenRvS 1.6
- Ravenshield 2.1
- Mercenary 2
- R6 Zombies
- Twi's Tango AI (Jug's tweaks)
- Bullets Through Walls
- Twi's New GameTypes
- New Blood Decals
- DLC Pre-Plans
- New HD Skyboxes
- New HD Skyboxes for DLCs
- Apkin's Modern Outfits 2019
- Apkin's DevGru Outfits
- Apkins MR65F Outfits
- Apkins Merge Outfits
- Apkins Heavy Night Ops Outfit
- Apkins Nightmare Ops Outfit
- Apkins SAS Outfit
- Apkins Siege Outfits
- Apkins Gen III Outfits
- Jug's Templates
- Reverted RvS 2.0 Silhouette Mod
- Crazy Jake's Ragdolls
- Weapons Pack for Singleplayer
- HQ Explosion Sound Effects
- Particle Effects Mod V2
- FF ImprovedWeapons
- Legacy's Optimization Patch
- Twi's Realistic Smoke Mod
- Jas7300's AS Hostage Texture Fix

Modpack also includes the modded .DLL file to make the game higher resolution, widescreen, and fullscreen borderless. This removes screen flickering and allows you to Alt+Tab.
- Outro/Credits
This guide has provided everything you need to know about Rainbow Six 3 in 2025. Resources included. If you want to contribute mods or ask questions you can find me in the discords provided below or leave a comment below.

Online Multiplayer/Co-op in 2025
If you would like to play this game in multiplayer or join a community who loves this game, join the Tactical Gaming Network Discord[]

Operation Athena
If you want to play a new game inspired by Rainbow Six 3, check out Operation Athena or join their Discord[]

Thanks to Twi, juguLator01, Legacy Tactical, apkin, and all of the community members and modders preserving this game and making it an enjoyable experience for so long.

Mod rights are reserved to their creators.

Steam Art
23 kommentarer
blueq  [skapare] 24 feb @ 14:56 
@Hawkster94 no, you should be all good to install that one :steamthumbsup:
Hawkster94 24 feb @ 11:43 
I noticed that Armored Mercs Pack is not in this modpack. Would my game get issues if I install that one?
blueq  [skapare] 19 feb @ 20:56 
@jas7300 Yeah, that's really the goal. Making the modding process for this game as consumer friendly as possible. And yes, the mod pack includes the latest version of ECT. I sent you a friend request on steam. You can send me a friend request on Discord if you're on Legacy's server and we can get that fix in the mod pack.
jas7300 19 feb @ 20:05 
Thank you for putting this together. I've been meaning to put together some kind of mod pack for awhile now since modding Raven Shield is pretty tedious for the average person even with Jug's fantastic guide.

Does this include the latest version of ECT (2.074)? Also, I do have a fix for the hostage texture issue in the Athena Sword missions I can share here. Basically it references raven shield hostage templates instead of the Athena Sword one and fixes the texture corruption.
blueq  [skapare] 11 feb @ 11:21 
@Hawkster94 Yeah i'm not sure why. It improves performance tremendously on my end. I explained the process of how i did it on this guide:

You can mess with the settings to see if it helps but you otherwise may just need to use DxWnd.
Hawkster94 11 feb @ 3:54 
@blueq I'm playing on a 1920x1080p monitor and my GPU is RTX 4070.
blueq  [skapare] 10 feb @ 12:16 
@Hawkster94 are you playing on a 1920x1080p monitor? Also what is your gpu? The d3d8.dll should not slow down the game but if that is the case, you can look at my other RavenShield guide to make your own d3d8.dll.
Hawkster94 10 feb @ 10:21 
Since I'm obligated to take out d3d8.dll since it slows down the game, I can't help but feel frustrated that whenever I open the game, it messes with my monitors and the position of whatever app I have in each of them.

This forces me to use DXWND, which is frustrating considering with the mod megapack was built with no longer needing it. Any way to solve this through would be a great help
blueq  [skapare] 23 jan @ 22:31 
You can also try taking out d3d8.dll out of your files to see if that helps.
blueq  [skapare] 23 jan @ 15:41 
@Night Channels find ravenshield.log in the game files to see if any errors are in there with the mod overhaul installed.