Space Engineers

Space Engineers

110 次評價
BACTRIAN - Emplacement Destroyer
Type: Blueprint
標籤: large_grid, rover, base, safe
10.345 MB
2024 年 12 月 17 日 上午 7:25
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BACTRIAN - Emplacement Destroyer

在 Metrovania 的 1 個收藏中
Metrovania - All Time Super Best
24 個項目
Scripts - 2, 1 required 1 not.
DLC - All
Printable - Aside from bridge its one piece.
Mods - Not required but present.

PCU - 64563
Blocks - 10933

--Retracting bridge for controlling the rover
--Mass-missile-printers capable of firing swarms of 36 short-range missiles
--Full interior comprised of numerous decks, crew quarters, overlooks, etc.
--The survival suite on steroids. 4 Full refineries and assemblers, cargo, hydrogen, pressurization, a medical station, etc,
--Easy ground access should you need to board without a jet-pack.
--Hydrogen boosters to allow for easy driving over any terrain
--Redundant central track to prevent ground scraping on bumpy terrain
--8 Dorsal landing pads.

And now dear reader, the lore:

The Bactrian Emplacement Destroyer is a titanic weapon of war developed to destroy buried Commission Missile Silos and other such fortifications. They were deployed from orbit using a specialized carrying rig, and set free to roam the planet during the initial hours of the invasion. The Bactrian is equipped with a Ground-Penetrating Radar to help it find such installations, at which point it uses its on-board missile artillery to destroy them.

The invasion lasted months, but from the onset put the Land-ships at a disadvantage. Many of the Land-ships' support craft (such as the PV-70 AAC) were damaged or outright destroyed during the landing sequence, leaving them largely exposed and vulnerable to faster enemy vehicles. The Bactrian suffered no such losses during planet-fall and was able to use the high operational range of the PV-70 to evade enemy forces.

This luck wouldn't last however. Following yet another ambush, the Bactrian limped into the Pertian desert before becoming inoperable. For years it rotted away, finally being discovered by a salvage team surveying the area for debris fields. Orbital conflict often scatters valuable scrap-treasures across a planet's surface, hence their interest. The salvage team contacted Commission authorities, but before they arrived one brave soul chose to enter the Bactrian.

Thank you for reading. This took 3 months of my life.

Whip's Door Manager Script:

RDAV's Missile Script:

Digi's Track Mods and API:

Other build's of mine that were mentioned:

25 則留言
ZoomBomb 3 月 9 日 下午 10:34 
yeah, in hind sight it's quite obvious and i completely get why you did it, it's by far the best rover iv seen and even more so one that can move (even though it's wise not to go over 30mps) thank you for this
Metrovania  [作者] 3 月 9 日 上午 7:50 
The middle wheels are set to be the only ones that brake to prevent forward or backward tipping if I recall. A build this big had quite the potential to be undrivable, so I went to alot of effort to make sure it was still good. The thrusters are another example of that.
ZoomBomb 3 月 9 日 上午 3:33 
i spent way too long before realising the 2 middle wheel on either side are set to brake..... awsome build, definetly one of my favs, thinking of starting a rover only world with my friends
Metrovania  [作者] 2 月 20 日 下午 7:38 
Its quite good at landing on flat ground, even at reasonably high speeds. 5x5 suspension is insanely powerful. If anything else is giving you trouble just mention it
Squigdude 2 月 20 日 下午 7:27 
Heard, i was trying to spawn it close to the ground to keep the malevolent physics engine happy
Metrovania  [作者] 2 月 20 日 下午 5:14 
Make sure you're posting it high above the ground. Otherwise, idk. Maybe try making sure each subgrid is not a station as well? The main ones are all part of the folding hatch.
Squigdude 2 月 20 日 下午 5:09 
For some reason when I spawn it in it just floats and stays stuck in the air even when converted to or spawned as a ship, the only thing that works for me are the thrusters which cant move it and the bridge raising and lowering
Sniper 2 月 18 日 上午 9:26 
I know I have like all the cosmetic DLC's and there's no additional mods listed other then the tracks and scripts which ive had for a year now and its still telling me im missing blocks.
Travis0618 1 月 17 日 下午 4:03 
I've always thought land-ships were a cool concept and i absolutely love the work you put into this with the lore of it being found and video to go with it

I'm assuming you used the CV90 Mk.4 tracks from
Sebastian Rowelle 2024 年 12 月 23 日 下午 11:00 
I love this. only thing i wish it had was a projector for easier repairs after it takes damage, but that's more of a nitpick than an actual issue. thanks for the hard work.