Battlefield™ 2042

Battlefield™ 2042

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Stop EABackgroundService automatically when closing the game
Por ᴾᵁᴮᴳESTONIA RuukuLada
Do you hate the EABackgroundService? Me too,
1) First make ur script
Make a new text document called StopEA.txt.
Open the file with Notepad or Notepad++ and paste in the following:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo Input string: %1 set "INPUT=%~1" set "INPUT=!INPUT:*theme=!" set "INPUT=!INPUT:~1!" set "PROGRAM=!INPUT!.exe" echo Detected program: !PROGRAM! start "" %1 timeout /t 60 /nobreak >NUL :LOOP tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %PROGRAM%" 2>NUL | find /I "%PROGRAM%" >NUL if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( echo %PROGRAM% is running. timeout /t 10 /nobreak >NUL goto LOOP ) else ( echo %PROGRAM% is not running. net stop EABackgroundService )
2 ) Rename ur script so it end in .bat!
Make sure to rename the script so it end with .bat instead of .txt!

3 ) Copy the path of the file
In Windows 11 you can do it this way:
4 ) Paste "<path>" %COMMAND% into launch options
Right click the game click properties

And paste in the path (with quotes around it) followed by %COMMAND% like so:
"C:\Users\eshiru\Documents\Scripts\StopEA.bat" %COMMAND%
5 ) Launch the game 😎
When you launch the game it will open up a terminal window where the script runs
It'll look like this! It will automatically close after you close the game.
Feel free to move it to the side, minimize it, or just ignore it

Here is how it works if you care:
  • First it detects which Battlefield game is launched by parsing input
  • Then it waits 60 seconds to make sure the game has started
  • Then it checks whether the game is running every 10 seconds
  • If it sees the game is no longer running, it closes the EABackgroundService!
1 comentarios
虫二想鸟鸟 21 DIC 2024 a las 5:43 p. m. 
The British?have see <<lain>>!