ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition

ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition

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"Enslaved: Odyssey to the West" Remastered [ENG]
By ꊐꃃꋪꉢꏿꈣ ꏿꉢꂅꈥ
I'm writing this guide because I've spent too much time fixing the game myself, solving technical problems, and just digging through configuration files. I don't want others to repeat my experience.
Basic settings
Firstly, right-click on the game title in your Steam library, go to «Properties», then to the «General» section and click on «Launch Options». Here, type: -nostartupmovies. This will prevent you from watching intros in the future.

Secondly, launch the game, go to settings, screen, and turn off all effects. Set your resolution and graphics to maximum.

Thirdly, exit the game. If you wish, you can edit the background of the game profile, logo and cover. For this purpose, you can take an image from this link: Steam Grid[www.steamgriddb.com].

Config changes and bug fixes
Here comes the most interesting part — changing the game configuration for more stable performance, bug fixing, FPS improvement and graphics enhancement.

**Follow this path**: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\MonkeyGame\Config\.

Open the file **MonkeyEngine.ini** using Notepad.

Make the following changes:

* MaxMultisamples=1;
* ShadowFilterQualityBias=8;
* MinShadowResolution=128;
* MaxShadowResolution=2048;
* ShadowFilterRadius=5.0;
* ShadowDepthBias=0.036;
* MaxAnisotropy=16;
* MaxMultisamples=8;
* bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE;
* MaxSmoothedFrameRate = (your monitor's Hz. For example, mine is 144).

**Attention!** Changing the frame rate value may cause an error in chapter 13, preventing you from progressing until you change the FPS limit to 60. This can be fixed by exiting the game using the Alt+Tab shortcut and returning to it using the same shortcut.

Save the changes and in the file properties, make it **read-only**.
Upscale video
Improved versions of cutscenes are available on the Nexus Mods website. The quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p and 4K thanks to upscaling and neural networks, but the difference is not too great. However, if you still decide to download them, keep in mind that with an internet speed of 3 MB, it may take a long time. I've told you about this opportunity so that you are aware of it.

Reshade is a program that allows you to add various effects. It can make the game more beautiful, as well as allow you to adjust colors, add filters, and change the lighting with anti-aliasing.

What is Reshade for?

Reshade can be useful for those who want to improve the graphics in the game. The program can also help those who just want to make their game more pleasing to the eye.

With Reshade, you can:

- Add beautiful filters and effects that will make the game brighter and more saturated.
- Change the colors in the game to match your preferences.
- Improve the lighting in the game, making it softer or more contrasting.
- Make the game more realistic or, conversely, more fantastic.
- Improve anti-aliasing

Pros of using Reshade:

Improved graphics. Reshade allows you to improve the graphics in games without having to buy new hardware. This can make games more beautiful and interesting.
Customization. With Reshade, you can customize the graphics in the game to your preferences. You can make the game brighter or darker, add beautiful filters or change colors.
Ease of use. Reshade has a simple interface that is easy to understand and use. Even if you are not very good with computers, you will be able to customize the program for yourself.
Free. Reshade is a free program. This makes it accessible to anyone who wants to improve the graphics in their games.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Preset[sfx.thelazy.net]

1. Download the program.
2. Open it and select the exe file of the game.
3. Select Directx 9.
4. If you downloaded the preset, specify the path to it for automatic configuration.

Link to download the program: Reshade[reshade.me]

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