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Real portrait(For Thai-Sub Mod) Update
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สำหรับท่านใดที่ต้องการหน้าตัวละครเเบบสมจริง พร้อมกับซับไทย
-วิธีดาวน์โหลด กดตรงตัวอักษร + หรือ สมัครสมาชิกทั้งหมด ก็ได้
-วิธีเรียง เรียงตามที่ผมจัดไว้เลย ส่วนมอดซับไทยให้ไว้ล่างสุด
-สำหรับใครที่อาร์ตทับกับของตัวเกม ให้ลบ improve map performance ออก
-หากท่านโหลดมอดเพิ่มเติม ให้ใส่ไว้ข้างบนมอด enhanced camera, bgm
-สามาถเล่นกับมอด MTU, Wu ได้ เเต่ต้องปิดมอดซับไทยตัวที่ 3
*ถ้าท่านใดต้องการใช้เฉพาะ MTU เชิญลิงก์นี้
Öğe (19)
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
Yaratıcı: Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
The Gathering : Sandbox 2.3.55
Yaratıcı: Inter-object 2.3.55 - Update for TUP update. New UI Why is my <The Gathering> mod series being attacked with 'negative ratings'? 2.3.50 - Log Viewer : Click 'Log' button after a command 2.3.40 - Help panel : help for 103 commands 2.3.31 ...
New120 Add on collection(新增将领合集) V7.5
Yaratıcı: AW
Hello everyone~it's me AW Here is the Add on collection (新增将领合集) This is a collection for only NCG WuJangHeJi or Wu_Kingdaissance (This is not for the original game) (This is not for the original game) (This is not for the original game) Very important so ...
All in One Historical Figures Season (1) 传奇人物大合集 第 1 季 V2.0
Yaratıcı: AW
AW-Design All in One Historical Figures Season 1 传奇人物大合集 第 1 季 199 character changes, yes 199 Generals (All Original no need other's Mod) Okay so this is all I have for now, here are the figures included 这是2024/10/18 我目前全部的放在工作坊的MOD,订阅这个退订我其他的全部的MOD 排序顺序: ...
All in One Historical Figures Season (2) 传奇人物大合集 第 2 季 V2.8
Yaratıcı: AW
AW-Design All in One Historical Figures Season 2 传奇人物大合集 第 2 季 45 Legendary Characters (All Original no need other's Mod) Hello everyone, I am AW The first season plus the second season has completely collected 244 characters, including 88 legendary figure...
All in One Historical Figures Season (3) 传奇人物大合集 第 3 季 V1.2
Yaratıcı: AW
AW-Design All in One Historical Figures Season (3) 传奇人物大合集 第 3 季 The third season of ALL IN ONE has 73 new character illustrations 第三季的合集带来有73位新增角色立绘 Hello everyone, I am AW 大家好我是AW 我本来这块写了快400个字结果不让我存,那我只能再精简再精简! 言而总之我不可能做到每一位都让你们满意,青菜萝卜各有各爱!(先求有!再求好!最后抓完...
MRC(Modify Regular Characters) 原版风格大众脸女性立绘替换 (part of Female) 2024.4
Yaratıcı: Pieces
想不想我更新?还是有概率的~ 其实这个mod做的时间很短,是基于我没做完的一个mod里提取的,所以一部分立绘有重绘,一部分属于刚涂了下脸,一部分统一光影简单ps拼接。 我现在每天大概只能睡6-7个小时左右,是没什么时间和精力花在搞立绘这方面的,之前搞mod时候,睡眠时间更少,严重影响工作,到了男性立绘,几乎是硬挤出时间的,所以整体质量更为一般,再加上一些乱七八糟的事,放弃了,大家凑合玩吧,毕竟这是全战,人物丰富的机制在这,立绘的数量是没法跟三国志相比的。 在这里,我解释一下,那段时间,我最多的不是搞立绘,而...
More Flag Variations In Battle - 战场旗帜多样化
Yaratıcı: contactnovuspc
中文用户请注意,这里的使用此mod推荐搭配作者Toshin的 ”游戏文本优化:国号、爵位与外交” mod使用更佳。对应的修改比如董卓的国号改成了“周” 、袁绍的国号改成了’赵‘,士燮的国号改成了“南越”(旗帜上只显示越字)。如果不使用此mod的话原版文本未修改就会造成例如袁绍的原版宋国顶着赵的旗帜,很违和。两个MOD已经基本匹配,这是我引导本mod作者做出的改动,一切为了贴合历史,提高沉浸感。 First of all, I would like to thank Hooveric for allowing...
Units Remaster All In One | 单位重新换肤多合一
Yaratıcı: deema
This mod is a compilation of all my unit reskin mods. I was waiting for CA to fully flesh out Three Kingdoms before making something like an all in one pack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Unsubscribe to all of the mods included in this pack if you plan to use this: Vanilla Un...
Better Faces Plus | 將軍臉部重塑 +
Yaratıcı: deema
This mod aims to make characters look better by making changes via retextures. Changes that can found in this mod vary a lot from changing eyebrows, making armors shinier to changing skin hues. I did not increase the texture size so there shouldn't be any ...
Generals Face Overhaul | 将领脸模大修
Yaratıcı: deema
This mod makes generals look better via mesh reskin and retextures. Includes: -Cao Ren - Ma Chao - Huang Shao - Ma Teng - Sima Yi - Xiahou Yuan - Zhang Liao - Yue Jin - Xu Huang - Gongsun Zan - Kong Rong - Yuan Shu - Han Sui - Zhang Kai - Pei Yuanshao - Xu...
Distinguished Generals Overhaul | 弃叛之世"传奇将领模型优化
Yaratıcı: deema
I really like all of the tertiary generals that were added in A World Betrayed DLC and so I made a reskin mod for them. This will be dumping ground for all the current and upcoming tertiary characters. Includes - Liu Yao - Wang Lang - Li Jue - Ji Ling Comp...
Horse Equipment Overhaul 2 | 给马装备马铠
Yaratıcı: deema
This mod distributes horse armors to top tier and general bodyguard cavalry units. This mod is a version of my Horse Equipment Overhaul mod which I personally use. I put some effort into making this. So, I thought I might as well release this. Bodyguard Ch...
Ink selection marker
Yaratıcı: Little Fighter
Graphical MOD, use materials from Shogun 2 Change the style of selection markers in battle, now they are ink rings...
Colorful Buttons
Yaratıcı: Dead Baron
This mod will color in many of the all white icons or buttons in the game. It doesn't recolor everything that is white, but a lot of the ones you see. I will continue to work on this over time. Nanman culture cities will have green roofs on their icon and ...
Unique Culture U.I.
Yaratıcı: Dead Baron
This mod takes the concept of a unique user interface that the Nanman culture has and expands it to cover Bandit and Yellow Turban cultures. I stuck with paper style for the buttons. Bandits get old parchment, paper much like the Nanman, as well as red and...
Recruited unique character can use their special units
Yaratıcı: Alex Zhao
Introduction: This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry. This is done by a...
Enhanced Battle Camera
Yaratıcı: Petellius This mod is designed to give you further control of the in-game camera, allowing you to get closer (or further away) to the battlefield. This will be perfect for those who want a more cinematic view of their handy work, or s...
1.7.1 史诗音乐BGM V1.9 Musical epic 180 songs / 200多个小时制作
Yaratıcı: 羞羞的么哈
重要申明 此MOD内的所有歌曲归版权作者所有,禁止一切商业用途! 本人只是个人喜好做了筛选,本人充分尊重作者的意愿,如果有冒犯请给我留言,我会删除非常感谢! 我想这会是一个让你体验大不相同的MOD,你应该来试试它。花了200多个小时,解压了1000首歌曲,一首一首听,然后做记录找适合的歌曲,一首不错的曲子我大概需要找30-50首,然后替换这些歌曲工作也很繁琐,工作量非常巨大。有些音乐觉得还是不太满意,但个人精力有限,不能完全找到合适的,目前版本已经有了大幅度改进,还有些地方可以继续优化提升。这不是违和版本,...