Power Assembly Failure
"Yep, this was certainly an eye opener for me too...

The blade rod on the right hand PA actually cracked at the wrist of the connecting rod & blade. Damage was not only exclusive to the PA it came out of, but also to the one mounted on the other side of the block too!
It is pretty evident the broken off blade got hammered quite a few times by the broken con rod before shattering some things... Heck, even the con rod actually got bent & twisted! I think it goes without saying, that should never happen.

Just some of the intriguing things you see every once in a while at a place like this.
This one certainly takes the cake though!

(Fun fact: This locomotive was nearly at full rpm/load when this happened, before the crankcase pressure button popped... Yikes, I would not want to have been at the controls when this occurred...)"