KARDS - The WWII Card Game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game

Otillräckligt med betyg
How to spot the Cun% in Kards Volume 2
Av The Guv'na
Welcome back to all the MEN reading this guide. To the Cun#s reading it...buckle up. You're about to be EXPOSED.
Getting tired of seeing the same ole "meta"? Bored at seeing the same losers using the same cards? This guide is for you.

These decks are not ranked in any order as they all smell of after gym Cun#.

1.Ramp. Yep. Ramp. These little boogers always play the same card on turn two. Mad they lost the election to the Republican party, these liberals always cry if you hit them fast with aggro.

2.British air. "How can i not have to try or be original mom? *Use air cards sweetie!* (mom says from the kitchen)." Enough said? Tally ho.

3.Germany anything. Yikes..these creatures of the gay bar are in every match in custom match. If you think i'm wrong go try and play and count how many closeted "men" you come across. Death from above and anti tank to counter these boys. Good luck, true cringe.

4. Kredit loss Japan. Oh my goodness are these bald spotted men everywhere. We told you Rogaine doesn't work, yet you rage quit when we have air defense and healing to counter your"Big Brain Final move." True creeps.

5. Jaggro. Yes still on the list is the "look for blitz, add it in the deck." Nation. Disgusting Pedo's love this deck, and your nephew. Guard him from these non registered offenders with healing and guards to end their court case.

6. Push. Special prisons in Serbia are made for men that use this deck. With no respect for women or god, these "pushers" get their butt pushed with healing and lots of it.

7. Retribution. A cancer brought on us from devs that think waiting 40 seconds while your opponent chooses a card multiple times is "FUN." Suppress these clowns back to their mom's basement and laugh hard while doing so.

8. Card milling deck(Compromise/France/any) You're life mission is to sit in custom lobbies because you know you'd get POUNDED in any real match..you are the lowest of low coc# suc@#rs on the planet. You can't keep a woman due to your inadequacies, so you decide to play this deck. Geezer.

Special mention* Glamour boys(in any deck) Glamour indeed, as their user is sure to use Grinder apps and shave his chest. Do your self a favor, bring a hammer to avoid them nailing you as you pick up the soap with Bette Midller playing in the backround.
Game stallers and trolls ive xome across: #1647 (some chinese dude) *work in progress.
I now feel confident you can spot the cun* in kards. Just remember these creeps are just as stinky as the devs themselves, as they are always going for "got ya" moments. Good luck out there soldier!
Avoid these gremlins at all cost!
6 kommentarer
The Guv'na  [skapare] 5 dec, 2024 @ 17:19 
@ 20swords1demon My family grieves with you that you had to face that kind of scum. Fear not for your opponent is in a back alley somewhere giving up his cherry to a man in a trenchcoat. Suppress cards are almost always needed these days.
20swords1demon 5 dec, 2024 @ 17:10 
I went against a retribution with my air superiority deck (I haven't played in like a year and I used to main it) and it was the most bs ass deck i have ever seen. 22 kredits, 30 def HQ with five infantry squads on the field.
The Guv'na  [skapare] 1 dec, 2024 @ 10:38 
@ Markatta aka (tickles!)Delusion suits you.
⚜️Markätta⚜️ß 1 dec, 2024 @ 10:37 
And i'm proud of it to be that C**t to beat your Bri'ish butt.:BEmockery:
The Guv'na  [skapare] 1 dec, 2024 @ 10:30 
@Markatta (aka Tickles!) If it brings you joy, you just may be a cu%t!
⚜️Markätta⚜️ß 1 dec, 2024 @ 10:28 
Watching my opponents milling to death with 50+ heath bring me such Joy lad!