38 ratings
INI Tweaks to Improve Your Game
By acbatchelor
Learn how to improve your game by increasing the refresh rate above 60 FPS and other graphical options like removing bloom or changing anti-aliasing. No need to download anything or use third-party tools.
All tweaks in this guide are accomplished by editing .ini files. No need to download mods or use third-party tools.

The tweaks below will need to be added to your "Engine.ini" file which should be located in the "Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake\Steam\Config\WindowsNoEditor" folder.

You shouldn't need to change the file to read-only. The game modifies the file during play but it doesn't remove or change anything you put there.

Changing the FPS Limit
The game gives you a 30 and 60 FPS limit in the options menu. However, you can force a higher limit if you want to take advantage of your high refresh rate display and make the game look smoother.

Add the following lines to the "Engine.ini" file:
[/script/engine.engine] bUseFixedFrameRate=True FixedFrameRate=120

This sets the FPS limit to 120. Change the number to whatever FPS limit you desire.

Keep in mind that using this method will cause the game to run slower (like slow motion) if your system can't keep the game running at the rate you set. So don't set the frame rate higher than your system can handle.

Warning: I've encountered a staircase in the Tower of Transcendence that you can't climb if your FPS is higher than 144. You might be able to force your way up by holding the run button depending on your FPS. I was able to at 160 FPS but not at 240 FPS. I also had a little difficulty climbing a ladder in Aliahan but was able to successfully climb it about half the time by just moving back and trying again.

TLDR: Set your frame rate to 144 or lower to avoid potential problems.

It is possible to either remove bloom or reduce the strength of it.

Add the following lines to the "Engine.ini" file:
[/script/engine.renderersettings] r.BloomQuality=0

By setting the number to 0, the bloom effect will be removed. You can also adjust the strength of it by changing the 0 to a number from 1 to 5. The game uses 5 by default which is the strongest.

Click Here[imgsli.com] for a comparison of all the different bloom qualities.

Here's a screenshot of bloom set to 5 (game default):

Here's a screenshot of bloom set to 3:

Here's a screenshot of bloom set to 0 (off):

You can change the type of anti-aliasing the game uses.

By default the game uses FXAA as the anti-aliasing method. The anti-aliasing option in the game only changes the quality of the anti-aliasing method used.

Add the following lines to the "Engine.ini" file:
[/script/engine.renderersettings] r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=1

The number here determines which type of AA to use. You can set it to the following values:

0 - Turns off AA
1 - FXAA (game's default)
2 - TAA
3 - MSAA (buggy)

Click here[imgsli.com] for a comparison of the different types of AA. I took the screenshots in a lower 1080P resolution to better show the aliasing. I normally play in 4K so the aliasing isn't as bad for me.

I personally like the look of MSAA the best but I've noticed a few graphical glitches with it, such as enemies in combat being partially transparent for some reason. Thus, I don't recommend MSAA.

Shadow Resolution
You can change the shadow resolution to improve the look of shadows.

Warning: This change can impact your performance.

Add the following lines to the "Engine.ini" file:
[/script/engine.renderersettings] r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=4096

The default resolution is 2048 at the highest shadow setting. You can increase this to 4096 to make the shadows look noticeably better. You can also set it to 8192 but this is very performance heavy and can tank your frame rate in certain areas, thus I don't recommend going above 4096.

Click here[imgsli.com] to see a comparison of the different shadow resolutions.

Click here[imgsli.com] to see another comparison.

Increase Foliage Distance
It is possible to increase the draw distance of foliage.

Warning: This change can impact your performance.

Add the following lines to the "Engine.ini" file:
[/script/engine.renderersettings] r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0.5

The default setting is 1. By setting this to 0.5, you can render foliage at a greater distance. You can set this value even lower but very rarely are you able to see far enough in the distance to make a difference and it will hurt performance even more, so I don't recommend it.

Click here[imgsli.com] to see a comparison.

Click here[imgsli.com] to see another comparison.

Closing Comments
I've checked for many other possible tweaks but in my testing they either didn't do anything (as far as I could tell) or the difference was almost imperceptible, so I didn't bother including them here.

If anyone has found some other useful INI tweaks, I'd love to hear about them.

acbatchelor  [author] 5 Dec, 2024 @ 5:30pm 
Yeah, I've seen that. It fixes the slow motion problem but the rare issue with stairs or ladders still exists.

I haven't mentioned it here since this guide is focused on avoiding mods or third-party tools. I may make a section in the future about DQ3Fix for people who don't mind using it. All the tweaks here can be used with that tool as well in the console section.
Fl4sh 5 Dec, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
Regarding the framerate being tied to the gamespeed there is a mod called DQ3Fix which adds console support, an ASI loader and Ultrawide compatibility. I found it on Nexusmods and it fixes the gamespeed being tied to your framerate so you could theoretically have unlimited fps without any draw backs in dropping said frames. Real qiality of life mod.
acbatchelor  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 3:24am 
As stated in the guide, it can cause your game to appear to be in slow motion if you can't maintain the FPS you set.

For example: if you set it to 240 fps but your PC can only run the game at about 120 fps, the game will be running at half speed. It can be annoying but not game breaking. Just don't set the FPS to higher than your system can run it and everything will be fine.

Also, there can be a spot or 2 in the game where you can't climb stairs or ladders if your frame rate is too high. I've literally only found 2 spots so far in the game. It seems to only be a problem above 144 fps so stay under that and you are safe. I'll update the guide to add this info.
pRogz 30 Nov, 2024 @ 4:39pm 
Does changing the frame rate affect the game at all if you increase it from 60fps?
Slime Drips 25 Nov, 2024 @ 4:37am 
echoing what Harlockin said but giving the entire path:

/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2701660/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake/Steam/Config/WindowsNoEditor
chad 22 Nov, 2024 @ 7:48pm 
Wish there was a tweak somewhere (or a mod) to change the walking speed!
Taquito 19 Nov, 2024 @ 9:14am 
Thanks for the info @acbatchelor and @Harlockin
Harlockin 19 Nov, 2024 @ 6:43am 
@Taquito on the Steam Deck the file can be found at


and then you navigate as if you where on a windows os
acbatchelor  [author] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 3:03am 
I'm afraid I don't know anything about Steam Deck. I'm fairly sure they should still work if you can find the location of the file though.
Taquito 19 Nov, 2024 @ 2:45am 
I just installed this game on my Steam Deck.

Do you know where this file is located in the Steam Deck?
Do these tweaks also work in Steam Deck?