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Hidden Piercings and Computer Wallpapers(Very WIP)
By Dork
Throughout the map, you can find hidden intractables that usually reveal a hidden piercing or in-game computer wallpaper to use.
I will organize the guide by "district", so everything in Skipnose Ave will be in one section with specific directions.
Also, both types of unlocks have an order that each new item is unlocked. So you would need to unlock all previous themes to get the next rather than finding it in a specific location.
I admittedly haven't found many of these myself, but I wanted to make a guide where people can come to share their findings so its easier for more people to find them!
How to equip found piercings
First off; if you already have found any piercings, you may be wondering how to equip them:

  • You'll want to head on over to Root Street.

  • Pan to the right until you get to Decima's Shop and head inside.

  • Click on this device hanging from the ceiling and it'll open up the piercings menu for any you have unlocked!
Skipnoise Ave

Piercing 1
Perhaps the easiest hidden item to find. Simply pan aaalllll the way to the right of the first screen of this zone and it will be sitting out in the open for you.

Theme 1
Next, head inside the Candle Wax Club(green door with the OWO sign).

Head into the backroom through the doorway.

Pan a little a the right, and you will see the Wallpaper at the top of the screen.

Piercing 1
Pan to the right of the lobby until you see the green door.

Once inside, the piercing is right on the shelf.

Root Street

Theme 1
Pan all the way to the right of the first screen until you see the crosswalk sign and Click on the panel at the base of it.

Flip the switch that should now be visible.

Click on the button on the box to the right of the switch you just turned, and the new wallpaper is there.

Theme 2
Enter Decima's Shop(directly to the left of the previous collected Theme, pan all the way to the right, and click on the toolbox in the bottom corner of the screen.

Theme 3
(prerequisite: have completed Day 2 Main Event)
Enter the staircase near the entrance of the zone.

Enter the door on the right(apartment 9)

Click on the yellow cabinet near the top left of the screen and the theme is inside.

Piercing 1
Enter the Alleyway near the entrance of the map.

Click on the switch above the woman, and it will open a panel with the hidden piercing.
Friend's Appartments

Piercing 1
Pan all the way to the right of the screen and you will see the piercings on the ground.
Unlock Order
Nose Stud

Left Brow Bar


Occular Seam-Splits



Lily Pond

Star Water
akiradice 6 Jan @ 10:13am 
Nice guide, thanks! I was hoping to see if anyone logged the sex machine locations yet but apparently not...
Yensil 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:21pm 
The one by the pillory mistress can get blocked by the machines you have set up there. If you remove the machine you can grab it, then put the machine back.
vozchik 23 Nov, 2024 @ 8:59am 
omfg it wont let me click on the one by the pillory woman after clicking the switch :videoverse_sad:
Dork  [author] 11 Nov, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
@NekoiNemo I found out while making this guide that each collectible actually contributes to an overall progression to unlock the next item in the list rather than specific items being found in specific spots. I tried organizing the guide a bit to express that more clearly, so hopefully that makes more sense.
Also apologies for not updating the rooftop location. I have been super busy lately and haven't actually had time to progress the story enough to gain access to that and other spots.
NekoiNemo 11 Nov, 2024 @ 9:05am 
Ok, seems like Star Water is located at the first place you check. Did MQ2, unlocked Olivia & Forcier's apartment, and the cabinet in the screenshots was empty because i picked it up on the roof
NekoiNemo 10 Nov, 2024 @ 8:43am 
For me the Star Water was on the roof of HC's apartment
Gobrul 9 Nov, 2024 @ 1:35am 
There's a Star Water wallpaper in Olivia and Forcier's apartment, in a cabinet on the left of the screen