Amazing World

Amazing World

Drugs in Amazing World
由 xX_masterchief_Xx 發表
How to get drugs, and make your own.
The easiest way to get drugs, is from a dealer, but who are they? Where do I find them?
The first is Cannoli
He is the best and biggest drug dealer, even suspected of running the drug ring.
Another is Karma
He is big on weed, grows the weed. Blunt or Joint, what ever you like, he can make it for you.
The nameless meth cookers Maybe as good as Walter White, they ONLY make 99.98% pure. It costs alot, but its worth it.
Finally we have Cosmo
He brings drugs from other worlds, I personally don't trust them, but some Zings say it makes you see weird things.
People to stay away from
There are people who will rat you out for having, or being on drugs. STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE.
Bloom is the worst, rats out everything.
The Knight in Picnic Park.
Gelato, thinks drugs ruin his alcohol business
Growing your own
Its easy to buy plants, and easy to take care of them, you don't have to do much.
This is my farm, all you need to do is wait until it looks like this, then cut it, roll it up, and you got your stuff.
Hiding from the police
Do drugs in your house, its very rare police will seach your house, they will only search if they suspect you. Dont be suspicious. If you do get caught by the police, I said nothing, this conversation never happened.
5 則留言
extraordinary beautiful heaven 2017 年 1 月 21 日 上午 10:08 
Yo i got pop'd in the hood 4 buyn drgs from yepi after cosmo he shot me in the ancle with a lazer plz help
werd 2015 年 8 月 7 日 上午 1:32 
i shot gelato and hd his body in my house and it is growing magic mushrooms
♂TheRealSmiley♂ 2015 年 6 月 18 日 上午 8:23 
thanks! now i can blazeit in game and not get cought
Mar 2015 年 2 月 8 日 下午 3:18 
fuck gelato guy always around
shane 2015 年 2 月 7 日 上午 5:53 
great. this guide changed my life for the better. thank you