Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV

201 ratings
Saints Row IV - Weapon / Power Kills Grinding Guide for Achievements and Challenges
By Yuri
This is just a platform-agnostic mini-guide to grinding kills after you beat the game. This assumes you have maxed out your Super Powers and weapons already. Using these methods you won't have to deal with managing Zin heat, Wardens and Command CIDs when grinding, while maintaining an excellent kill speed. The method for grinding weapon kills requires you to have the Enter the Dominatrix DLC. Unfortunately, if you don't have the DLC, you'll have to look for another way to do this. I hope this info is somewhat helpful. Thanks for reading and/or watching and have fun!
Super Power kills - Achievements and Challenges
This will help you get achievements dealing with Super Power kills:

I Am Become Death
Kill 1000 Aliens with any combination of Super Powers.
Chill Out
Freeze and Shatter Kill 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power.
Pounding the Pavement
Kill 150 Aliens with the Stomp Super Power.
Here! Catch!
Kill 100 Aliens with the Telekinesis Super Power.
Bringin' the Heat
Kill 100 Aliens using the Fire Buff Super Power.
Fist Meet Ground
Kill 100 Aliens with the Death From Above Super Power.[/list]

This is also helpful with the following challenges:
  • Telekinesis Kills
  • Throw People With Telekinesis
  • Superpowered Beatdowns
  • Death From Above Kills
  • Aliens Super-Kicked
Super Power kills - The grinding process
  • 1. Go to Fight Club Super Fight Training (Hard) on Loren Square.
  • 2. Start the Activity
  • 3. Reach Wave 2 - King of the Hill.
  • 4. This wave requires you to fight off a never-ending stream of enemies armed in baseball bats, there can be up to 10 of them attacking you simultaneously. Wave is completed if you stay in the green circled area for a certain amount of time, not giving in to their attacks.
  • 5. What you want to do is ignore this wave's objective and move away from the green circle. The goons will attack you relentlessly. Killing them counts as regular Alien Kills, so kill them off one by one and when you have to wait for the Super Power to recharge, just jump up and float in the air, aiming with Death From Above.
  • 6. When the timer hits zero, the Activity will be failed, but your kills STILL COUNT. You will lose progress if you choose the RETRY ACTIVITY option, so choose EXIT ACTIVITY. I can confirm it works that way. Further confirmed by WAND3R3R_R33C3 (Thanks!): "The Super Power Fight Club trick works, but only if you DO NOT RESTART. RESTARTING WILL CLEAR ALL PROGRESS. You must exit and re-enter."
  • 7. Start the Activity again and repeat the process until you get the required amount of kills.
Super Power kills - Instructional Video

In this video I've had about 950 total combined Super Power kills and all mentioned achievements except "I Am Become Death". In this situation I recommend using the Freeze Element Buff, shattering the goons one by one, waiting above them for Buff to recharge and smashing about 5-10 at a time with Death From Above after activating it in the air. This way you ensure that all kills count towards the achievement.

The achievement pops in 3:03.
Super Power kills - Notes
When trying to get kills with a specific Super Power, be sure to choose the right Element for it. "Chill Out" and "Bringin' the Heat" both require specific Elements when killing enemies, but there's more. Killing with some elements actually doesn't count (or doesn't always count) as Super Power kills. For example, I've noticed that killing with Explosion Element Stomp won't get you far in getting "Pounding the Pavement", because most kills will count as unrelated Explosive Kills.
Weapon kills - Achievements and Challenges
This will help you get achievements dealing with weapon kills:

Experimental Tech
Kill 25 enemies with each: Dubstep, InflatoRay, Bounce Gun, Disintegrator, Abduction and Black Hole.
Hello Little Friend
Get 250 kills with the Minigun. (Enter the Dominatrix DLC)
Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower. (Enter the Dominatrix DLC)
Ultimate Hot Potato
Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher. (Enter the Dominatrix DLC)

This is also helpful with the following challenges:
  • Dubstep Gun Kills
  • Bounce Rifle Kills
  • Inflato-Ray Kills
  • Targets Abducted
  • Tentacle Bat Beatdowns
  • Enemies Disintegrated
  • Targets Blackholed
Weapon kills - The grinding process
  • 1. Go to a Friendly Fire store or a Gateway and equip the weapon that you want to grind with.
  • 2. Return to the Ship and start the second Mission of Enter the Dominatrix DLC - Meet the Dominatrix.
  • 3. Listen to the dialogue with Donnie, go to the objective marker.
  • 4. The Dominatrix appears - defeat her. The easiest way to do this is with a fully upgraded Disintegrator rifle. A headshot can off her in one shot!
  • 5. Now you get the objective of rescuing Pierce. Ignore it. You will be constantly attacked by enemies in groups of 8-16 per wave, each wave starting a few seconds after all enemies have been killed. The attacking gimps count as Alien Kills. Now you can grind to your heart's content.
Weapon kills - Instructional Video

Some stats:
- First kill with Flamethrower at 3:27.
- OMGWTFBBQ pops up at 14:41.
Looks like it took me 11 minutes and 14 seconds to get the achievement, with a rate of about 8,9 kills per minute, each kill taking about 6,74 seconds. This can be measured precisely, because before recording this video I dind't have any Flamethrower kills.
- First kill with Grenade Launcher at 25:11.
- Ultimate Hot Potato pops up at 30:31.
Looks like it took me 5:20 minutes and 14 seconds to get the achievement, with no more than a dozen previous Grenade Launcher Kills.

I didn't measure kills with the Heavy Minigun, as I had previously made an unknown number of kills with it (seems like it's glitched somewhat, should have gotten the achievement waaay before recording this).

I'd say that depending on the weapon this is a pretty effective method, the flamethrower was slower because it's difficult to control and not destroy cars with it. I definitely prefer this to constantly chasing Golden CIDs or button mashing those Wardens.
Weapon kills - Notes
  • Try as best as you can to avoid damaging the cars that enemies drive. Upon reaching your destination they all immediately exit the vehicles, so wait until they do. Car explosions killing gimps will count as unrelated Explosive Kills and may not count toward your achievements and challenges.
  • It's a good idea to throw leftover cars away after each enemy wave with Telekinesis. This way you can minimize the risk of them exploding and killing gimps.
  • It is best to approach this whole idea of grinding with max upgraded weapons. It will make things easier and the endeavor faster.
  • Heavy Minigun with upgrades is an unstoppable machine of constant death and destruction. Aim carefully, just a few rounds can make a car explode. It's best to just aim at heads or feet of enemies.
  • Grenade Launcher with the special proximity detonation upgrade makes things a lot easier for it's achievement. With maximum damage upgrade you can just shoot directly at enemies at close range and just one shot will kill them.
Yuri  [author] 3 Jan, 2019 @ 10:01am 
ADHD MAUR MAUR 31 Dec, 2018 @ 1:13am 
wow, tysm for this guide, is to useful:2018bestcoffee:
Olianiii 19 Aug, 2018 @ 7:31am 
Extremely useful guide, nice :D
Turpentine 31 Jul, 2018 @ 3:09pm 
Thanks! Saved me hours of grinding
Yuri  [author] 15 Mar, 2017 @ 11:28am 
You're welcome! Cheers! :happy_creep:
PaleRider 15 Mar, 2017 @ 11:20am 
Thanks for making this guide! Really helped out!
Yuri  [author] 20 Sep, 2016 @ 10:07am 
Thanks for the tip, I'll add it to the description!. :blissful_creep:
WAND3R3R_R33C3 20 Sep, 2016 @ 8:14am 
Wow! A Saints Row 4 guide that's actually useful!

Just one problem: The Super Power Fight Club trick works, but only if you DO NOT RESTART. RESTARTING WILL CLEAR ALL PROGRESS. You must exit and re-enter.
Yuri  [author] 17 Aug, 2016 @ 11:38am 
This is a good plan, maybe i'll do this on my next co-op run! Thanks! :happy_creep:
Ellie ♥♥ 16 Aug, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
I couldn't find a way around the explosive kills, but the DLC Dubstep Gun for sure counts towards the challenge. I don't remember if it said alien kill or not but either way it works. It's been a few days since I got the achievement and I've been on other stuff, so I can't remember what all happened. Know that we know this info, someone should grab one of the guns, fully upgrade including explosive wubs, kill an enemy, and then see if the challenge counter went up. If it didn't, and the kill was marked as explosive, then it doesn't work. You could probably do this with a new save, and if not if you get the DLC you still have another way to get the achievement if you're 90% there like I was.