The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

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The Stanley Parable: Useful Achievement Guide 2014
By 428
Very useful guide for The Stanley Parable achievements from a person who unlocked them all. (Including Unachievable and Commitment)
Beat The Game
Go to the Freedom Ending. (Left door, upstairs, Mind Control Facility, OFF)
Welcome Back
Quit the game, and then start it again.
You Can't Jump
Press the SPACE button several times.
Click On Door 430 Five Times
Click on door 430 five times, obey the narrator.
Enable Achievements in the game menu.
Input 8888 on the keypad in the boss's office twice.
Unlocking this one is very questionable. The easiest way is to enter ent_fire cmd Command _u into the developer console.
Go Outside
Don't play The Stanley Parable for 5 years without deleting it. However it can't be done yet, because it's from 2013. You may just change the clock from 2014 to 2019 with the game closed.
Speed run
You have to complete Freedom Ending in 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

Helpful things to do:
  • Enter the password at least 3 times.
  • Restart the game for short or blue corridor.
  • Don't go throught Mainstaince Room.
  • Get on a chair and walk on the fence in Monitor Room.
  • Don't let walls stop you.
Play The Stanley Parable for 24 hours during Tuesday. Or just imitate it.

Helpful things to do/know if you have a life:
  • Change your clock to 11.59 pm, Monday.
  • Minimalize your window to see clock and other things. Alt + Esc to let the game run in the background.
  • You can't Alt+Esc the game if it's on full screen.
  • Hibernate.
  • Speed up your clock.
  • You can go to the side menu, but not to the main menu. That means you can't load saved data.
  • You can go to developer's console.
Video Games!!
Put a cup in the bin.

NOTE: This achievment disables after a couple of seconds.