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Short Achievement Guide (English)
Por Seebs
Most of the achievements are rather easy to obtain, you just have to play the game and explore the various story branches (just keep exploring all the question marks). For that reason, they won't be included in this guide.

This short guide will explain how to get the [All I see is (name)] achievements and the hardest one of all [The chosen Black sheep!]

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment :D Give a thumbs up as well since you're here :>
Investments - Game Mechanic
Investments is the primary game mechanic, and knowing how it works will help you with the next 2 achievements.

You can make a investment whenever the [Campfire] branch pop up. There will be at least 1 in each chapter excluding Chapter 6:

Chapter 1 - [1 Campfire]
- The first campfire at the beginning will not allow you to invest
Chapter 2 - [2 Campfires]
Chapter 3 - [2 Campfires]
Chapter 4 - [1 Campfire]
Chapter 5 - [2 Campfires]
- Chapter 5 will contain the last investment opportunity.
Chapter 6 - [No Campfires]

How it Works
Whenever you encounter a [Campfire], you will have the option to browse your computer.
Browsing will allow you to see your current capital and allow you to make investments into products of your choosing.
In the Asset tab, there will be a explore button in the middle of the screen, clicking it will direct you to the Explore tab in the computer. You have the option to then pull 5, the game basically gives you 5 random products to invest into.

Investments have 4 Factors:
1. Pre-Investment Valuation
2. Risk Factor
3. Expected Return
4. Investment Amount

Pre-Investment Valuation
The pre-investment valuation is the valuation of the product before it receives any new investment. Basically it is the estimated worth and shows you the growth potential of the product.

Risk Factor + Expected Return
Each investment has a assigned risk factor. The higher the risk, the higher the expected return!
The risk factor can go up to 5 stars. And in this game, to get a lot of money i recommend giving the 5 star risks a chance because they can make you very rich very quickly. The 5 star risks are worth it because they usually have very high expected return multipliers.
The 2 star investments are not really worth it due to their low expected return multipliers

Investment Amount
This is the important part! This is basically how much YOU are going to invest into the product. Every investment has a different minimum amount and a maximum amount. So use your money cautiously or just risk it all!

Let the money roll in! or not..
After you have made a investment into your product, you will have to wait until the next [Campfire] branch (the next opportunity to use your computer) to see the profits or losses.

If you head over to the Project tab on your computer, it will list all of your investments there. And the ones that are ready to collect have a pink Cash Out button. Clicking those will allow you to collect your returns. Do note, when you click Cash Out, there is a chance that you will either get incredibly rich or you will lose money instead of gaining money. Investments are very RNG so you should hope for the best.

All I see is (name) - Achievement

In total, there are 8 of these achievements for each idol girl.

How to Obtain:
When you get up to Chapter 3 - New Heights, in the [Idol Trainee] branch of the story, you simply have to spend $500,000,000 on every one of the idol girls.

NOTE: You do not have to spend $500,000,000 on everyone ALL AT ONCE.. You just need $500,000,000 once, no need to try and get that much for every girl (also this is impossible so if you manage to do it, respect)

To obtain sufficient money, you will have to go back through Chapter 1 and 2 to try and get lucky with your investments in the [Campfire] branches, which are the branches that let you use your computer. (this may take a while depending on your luck)
They are the branches with the little computer icon on them!

To have a easier time completing this achievement:
It is recommended that you have played through Chapter 1, 2 and reached the [Idol Trainee] branch in Chapter 3. This is so you can skip forward and back if you do not meet the money requirements for the achievement.
In Chapter 1, there is only one [Campfire] branch towards the end of the chapter, then there is another [Campfire] half way through Chapter 2.
These two campfires will be your only opportunities in investments before the [Idol Trainee] branch.

After you have earned the required amount, you can simply just invest $500,000,000 into every idol one by one! Once you have invested into one person, you can exit the branch and reopen it again to gain all of your money back, then you spend the same amount on the next girl.

The chosen black sheep! - Achievement

NOTE: Thank you to @nutcrackr for information on the investment returns. I was able to obtain this achievement because of them.
The full investments spreadsheet is here:

How to Obtain:
You will have to spend 1 Billion ($1,000,000,000) on a idol girl in Chapter 3 - [idol Trainee] branch.

To obtain sufficient money, you will have to go back through Chapter 1 and 2 to try and get lucky with your investments in the [Campfire] branches, which are the branches that let you use your computer. (this may take a while depending on your luck)
They are the branches with the little computer icon on them!

To have a easier time completing this achievement:
It is recommended that you have played through Chapter 1, 2 and reached the [Idol Trainee] branch in Chapter 3. This is so you can skip forward and back if you do not meet the money requirements for the achievement.
In Chapter 1, there is only one [Campfire] branch towards the end of the chapter, then there is another [Campfire] half way through Chapter 2.
These two campfires will be your only opportunities in investments before the [Idol Trainee] branch.

How I obtained the achievement
Below is what I did to get the required amount. Do not cash out till the third step.
1. In Chapter 1 - [Which to Invest]:
Fully invest in Local Flagship and Food Review APP

2. In Chapter 1 - End of Chapter [Campfire]
Fully invest in these products if they appear. Keep retrying the [Campfire] until they do. These products are the best investment options as they usually provide a lot of potential earnings:
  • Bitcoin (ONLY ROUND A)
  • Lili Game
  • Kuailai Comics
  • Fulu Garden

NOTE: Round D of Bitcoin generally gives negative returns, but this product usually appears later in the game.

3. In Chapter 2 - The [Campfire] in the middle of the storyline
You can now cash out all of the previous investments we have made. If everything goes well, you should have $1,000,000,000 in your account. If that's the case, you can simply skip forward to Chapter 3 - [Idol Trainee] branch.

IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH: keep retrying these steps till you do.

10 comentarios
zackly 27 OCT 2024 a las 10:23 p. m. 
Thanks but can you please marry me
Seebs  [autor] 27 OCT 2024 a las 4:03 a. m. 
Thank you so much! :steamhappy:
nutcrackr 27 OCT 2024 a las 3:38 a. m. 
Go for it, use it or modify it however you like :chuchelsmile:
Seebs  [autor] 27 OCT 2024 a las 3:06 a. m. 
That is really well done, do you mind if i provide the link to that spreadsheet in the guide? (will provide credit of course)
nutcrackr 27 OCT 2024 a las 12:53 a. m. 
Best investments based on Potential Earnings:
CATL Energy
Bitcoin (ONLY ROUND A)
Lili Game
Pilot Machinery (story option)
Kuailai Comics
Pin Xixi
Local Flagship (story option)
Fulu Garden
Food Review App (story option)
Poison APP
Internet Plus

Note that Round D of Bitcoin generally gives negative returns, this usually comes later in the game.
Seebs  [autor] 26 OCT 2024 a las 6:01 a. m. 
Didn't know that, will update. Thank you!
Ytse 26 OCT 2024 a las 12:38 a. m. 
FYI for "The chosen black sheep!"
I spent 1 billion on an idol girl, and that achievement was unlocked.
Kaspy Waspy 25 OCT 2024 a las 8:18 p. m. 
10/10 tho
Kaspy Waspy 25 OCT 2024 a las 8:18 p. m. 
No way you actually made a guide.