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FF7 FF8 Yamaha XG SoftSynth Accurate Midi Driver FFNx
By nameless27
Ever wondered how the MIDI music was supposed to sound using a Yamaha S-YXG* like the way it was recorded.
Back in the days the official CD's shipped with a MIDI driver and environment to set up an accurate Yamaha XG SoftSynth. Final Fantasy VII shipped with the Yamaha S-YXG70 SoftSynth. Final Fantasy VIII included an update to Yamaha S-YXG80 SoftSynth. All these XG SoftSynth's are based on the same hardware with minor upgrades so the S-YXG50 midi environment we are going to set up will process the MIDI files to sound exactly like they were meant to, full and rich.

This Guide will take you through the steps to set up that environment in Windows XP - Windows 10. (Haven't tried 11 but will probably work) then you can run the game with the MIDI music (and different options for it) as intended running through an accurate and vibrant Yamaha S-YXG50 SoftSynth.

Setting up the Yamaha S-YXG50 SoftSynth Environment

VSTi MIDI Driver (as a system MIDI synth)

VST MIDI Driver allows to use any VSTi as a global system MIDI synth. In this case every game or MIDI player, which uses the default system MIDI synth, will use Yamaha S-YXG50.

1. Install the Falcosoft VSTi MIDI Driver[].
2. If you are on Windows 8 or newer, also install the Coolsoft MIDI Mapper[].
3. Unzip the yamaha_syxg50_vsti.7z from the yamaha_syxg50_vsti.7z[] into any directory.
4. Open VSTi MIDI Driver settings, click “Load VSTi” button and choose the syxg50.dll.
5. OpenCoolSoft MIDI Mapper, choose “VST MIDI synth (port A)” as the default MIDI synth.

Ready! Now Yamaha S-YXG50 VSTi will be used as the default system MIDI synth.
Final Fantasy VII with official Yamaha XG MIDI's FFNx

First of all grab the latest FFNx release but this time for FF7 1998 release.
The steam version of FFNx for some reason wont work with this method, but anyways there is a workaround.

Ok now we are gonna set this game up in the 1998 style.

1. First for this you need to move your steam directory to a non system folder, I always choose to cut and paste it to the root of the "C:\" drive so the games in steam are always compatable with 3rd party mods! Navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\" then right click the "\Steam\" folder and choose cut. Now go back to say "C:\" or "C:\Games\" or wherever you want to put it outside of the "Program Files" folders and "Users" folders. Then paste.

This is completely supported by Steam now open that folder and start steam.exe again you might need to log in again but after that everything should be working.

Or copy your "\Steam\steamapps\common\Final Fantasy VII\" folder to C:\Games\ or wherever.

2. Next we need to set up FF7 for the 1998 release, the Semi Legacy version of 7th Heaven will automatically set things up as long as all the General Settings point to your correct "\Final Fantasy VII\" folder so download it here: 7thHeaven-v2.7.1.0[]

3. Extract the Semi Legacy version of 7th Heaven to a folder in \Documents\ and run "7th Heaven.exe" inside this folder then set the settings to the desired the desired new FFVIII folder such as: "C:\Games\FINAL FANTASY VII\" for each option in general settings. Such as

You may also set the on/off options above the same for best results (Please disable automatic updates to 7th Heaven).

Don't worry even though this is the Semi Legacy version of 7th Heaven it can still download mods from the regularly updated channel the same as the New Version 4.0 can.
You can also update FFNx from the Settings section. (Turn automatic updates off for the 7th Heaven version as the new one only works for the Steam version though very similar to this one.)

4. Run the program and press Play in the top left corner to convert Steam FF7 to the 1998 release everything in the program you can follow it as it goes. It will automatically add the correct Reg Keys and you should have a working legacy FF7 for use with FFNx 1998 FF7 version.

5. Once you have your Steam version converted to 1998, HIT Settings then Game Driver above then click the Advanced Tab make sure you selected Original MIDI in the Music Option not VGMSteam. Such as:

6. Now HIT Settings then Game Launcher above then set the MIDI Device to CoolSoft MIDIMapper and then make sure you selected Yamaha XG MIDI in the MIDI Data Option. Such as:

Now the game should be using the official Yamaha XG Synth and Yamaha XG MIDI data originally created for it. Then Save and hit Play.

Now you should now have the original official music playing using the Yamaha S-YXG* SoftSynth the way it was meant to sound (Vibrant and Rich).

Have fun and download mods and set up as you like.

Final Fantasy VIII with official Default Yamaha XG Synth FFNx

First of all grab the latest FFNx release but this time for FF8 2000 release.
FFNx-FF8_2000-v1.20.*.* []
Keep this 2000 release in a safe location for later.
The steam version of FFNx for some reason wont work with this method, but anyways there is a workaround.

Ok now we are gonna set this game up in the 2000 style.

1. First you have to move your FF8 directory to a non system folder, this will make it compatible with 3rd party mods! Cut and paste to wherever you want to put it outside of the "Program Files" folders and "Users" folders. Or the FF8 converter will ask and copy it to "C:\Games\" when it's run.

2. Next we will need to convert this to the FF8 2000 release, the FF8 GameConverter will automatically set things up to either your folder "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIIII" or "C:\Games\FINAL FANTASY VIIII", if you have steam installed in your "C:\" "\Program Files\" folder then the FF8 GameConverter will copy it to "C:\Games\FINAL FANTASY VIIII" if you press Yes[Y].

Download the here: FF8 Game Converter
FF8_GameConverter_7H_64Bit[] FF8_GameConverter_7H_32Bit[]
Disclaimer this only contains legally distributed files on the internet like the FF8 XP Update Patch. You may want to skip to the last step (7) and make the blank image files first then carry on.

3. Run the program from anywhere as Admin, then go through the steps in the program to convert Steam FF8 to the 2000 release and copy it to "C:\Games\FINAL FANTASY VIIII" IF YOU CHOOSE, everything is labeled in the program so you can follow it as it goes. This was updated from the FF7 GameConverter for use with FF8.

4. Once you have your Steam version converted to 2000 run the [RunFF8Configurator.bat] in your games destination directory You should not run it as Admin, just double click, it may ask where to install the first time it is run so please use the default location (\FINAL FANTASY VIIII\Addon\). Next set the settings in [Graphics] tab to all unchecked except No Background Blurring , and (Hardware Acceleration) for best look of the FF8 game if you are using upscaled texture MODS that work the same way as Steam version.

Then make sure you selected the MIDI device in the [Sound & Music] tab that was installed with the Yamaha XG Synth, the CoolSoft MIDIMapper, then run the PlayFF8.exe as admin and you should now have music using the Yamaha S-YXG50 SoftSynth.

Also change in your "\FINAL FANTASY VIIII\Addon\config.ini":
For the best Sound!

5. Now take the latest FFNx FF8 2000 release and extract it to your \FINAL FANTASY VIIII\ game folder.
The steam version of FFNx for some reason wont work with this method, but anyways this is the workaround. Copy and Paste the contents into your FF8 2000 Games directory overwriting any files.

6. Run the [RunFF8Configurator.bat] in your new game directory whenever you would like to change options.


7.Making the legally owned BLANK IMAGES to skip the disc check when it plays movies and redirect it to read off your Hard Drive with the movies that came with the Steam Version.

In your "/FINAL FANTASY VIII/data/disk/" folder,
You should have with your steam installation 4 Blank files labeled

You should make mountable blank images labeled 1-4.
FF8_Disc1 - FF8_Disc4

First of all download ImgBurn:
Use the official mirror provided by ImgBurn, Install it and move on to the next step.

To create the file from the BLANK FILE's you own start it and his the red circled section.

Now very easily with the Disc1-4 files that came with steam (as this is the way the steam version uses them too).

(1) First click the right blue circle to choose a file choose Disc1 for disk 1.
In your "/FINAL FANTASY VIII/data/disk/" folder,

(2) Next as seen above open the Labels Tab on the right and copy enter the text in each 3 circled Red sections, all the same for each one.
FF8_Disc1 - FF8_Disc4

(3) Now hit the Orange folder icon to the right of the name and choose where to save it.
Finally hit the big Folder to Disc file icon below it and it will now make your BLANK IMAGES one by one.

You are going to want to mount the saved image file by right clicking and selecting Mount or use,
WinCDEmu - and mount it to the same letter every time.

Head back to step (3) and continue from there until you have FFNx set up then:

Finally, to redirect it to read off your Hard Drive with the movies that came with the Steam Version set this line in your FFNx.toml file to use the Steam Version videos without getting a disc error or crash: (Open with notepad.exe)

enable_ffmpeg_videos = true

Now you should have the way the music was made to sound using the Yamaha S-YXG* any SoftSynth, and the game running the legacy way with your owned files from Steam.
This will also make the game more compatible with older mods as the original release not the rerelese is more compatible with mods available for it