192 rating
Combo Strategies Guide
Oleh abhumansoul
A quick reference guide for all available and unlisted combos & extenders, counters, vanishes, and some additional info you might need for combat. (Updated Oct. 10 24)
Batalkan favorit
This is mostly intended as a reference for all combos, counters, possibilities and hidden inputs within the Sparking Zero systems.

This is not intended as a character guide! This is a general overview, with some extended detail, of combat mechanics and inputs.

One or two things from the tutorial I forgot (I'm at work now) and a couple are NOT in the tutorial and things I kinda figured out. Let me know if this helps, please comment.

Buttons are listed in both Xbox and PS format. Hopefully it is not comfusing.
Small Controls Note
IF YOU ARE USING CLASSIC CONTROLS, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERCEPTION MAPPED TO A BUTTON. You must press Triangle and Circle simultaneously to use Perception (or B and Y on Xbox).

DO NOT USE 8BITDO! Their controllers in my experience are laggy and miss button presses frequently, no good for fighting games. Use an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ controller, wired, and don't play through remote play. Latency matters a ton in this game.

I also recommend you disable all control assists in the Accessibility tab of the options menu. The CPU may be adding inputs where you don’t want them - precise timing for counters, for instance.

This guide uses the default control configuration. The controls are listed below in order of PC, Xbox, then PS.

Move Up/Down:
Space - LB - L1
L.Ctrl - LT - L2

Shift - RT - R2

E - RB - R1

R - RS - R3

Attack / face buttons:
LMB - Square - X (Rush combo)
RMB - Triangle - Y (Extender/ ki blast)
Q - Circle - B (Perception)
F - Cross - A (Dash/step)

V - Square+Cross - X+A (Vanishing assault)
Rush Combos
Hold down square/X during any rush combo to perform a smash. Release as soon as your character glows blue to perform a vanish smash.

Triangle/Y can be charged as well, but you cannot perform a perfect/vanishing smash. Charging these attacks sometimes has little use besides increasing power, sometimes increases stun time or knockback, etc.

Additionally, any smash can be held in either Up or Down to smash from above or below. Depending on the direction of your opponent's guard, this may stun them, or stun you!

□ > □ > □ > □ > □
□ > □ > □ > □ > △
□ > □ > □ > △
□ > □ > △
□ > △
X > X > X > X > X
X > X > X > X > Y
X > X > X > Y
X > X > Y
X > Y

The final strike (when Y) usually is a small knock back or stun, but this depends on the character. Be sure to practice each one in case it has effects you want. They can also be used to extend your rush combo. See Advanced section below for details on chaining longer combos and combo finishers.

Continue pressing Square or X up to 10 times to perform an additional "easy" combo of vanish > punch + knock up > knock down.

**A note on vanish follow-ups:
From most knockbacks, Triangle / Y will vanish and perform an additional ping-pong up to twice. However, if you hold UP or DOWN before pressing the button, you will knock the opponent in the air, or towards the ground instead. Use this to your advantage (e.g. knock opponents in the water to slow their charging).

A note on clashes:
Often times you will clash with your opponent when you both initiate a rush combo. When this happens, don't try a mix-up, smash, or finisher - whoever continues pressing Square / X / LMB the longest will win the clash, so trying anything else will make you lose.

Rush > Sweep
PS: □... > ↓+△
Xbox: X ... > ↓+Y
Any rush can be comboed into a sweep or knock up as well.

Sweep Knockup
PS: □... > ↓+△ > △ > △
Xbox: X ... > ↓+Y > Y > Y
Note this is different from the dash-in sweep to knockup.

Rush > Knockup
PS: □... > ↑+△
Xbox: X... > ↑+Y

Dash Sweep > Knockup
PS: x + ↑ > □ > ↓+△ > □
Xbox: A + ↑ > X > ↓+Y > X
A rush-in sweep can be comboed into a knockup with square.

Knockup > Pursuit
PS: □... > ↑+△ > x > □ or △
Xbox: X... > ↑+Y > A > X or Y
x / A can be used to pursue from a knockup as well as normal smashes. I don't believe this combo can be continued further after the square or triangle / X or Y input.

Quick Z Dragon Dash (1 KI)
PS: x + ← or → > R2 > (hold x then release, tap again)
Xbox: A + ← or → > RT > Tap A
This technique is key - short step is a valuable mid range dodge, and slipping into dragon dash into a z rush is a killer beam counter as you can move directly behind your opponent. It can be difficult to get off; it seems if you wait too long after the short dash you are unable to use this technique until you stop and Z dash again.

Z Burst Dash Combo
PS: Z Burst Dash > △ > □
Xbox: Z Burst Dash > Y > X
Triangle will launch your opponent, and square will perform the same move as vanish + circle (knock down).

***Dash-in Combo*** (Medium range)
PS: x+↑ > □...
Xbox: A + ↑ > X...
When your speed changes as you back away from your opponent, you enter medium range and can now short dash. A short dash forward plus square will begin a rush combo. Great entry! Learn this well!
Advanced Rush Combos
Advanced Combo b&b
To perform a much longer rush combo, you have to learn your individual character a bit first. Check the Explanation of Controls from the Pause menu (e.g. in Training) to get a list of rush combo finishers for your current character. Luckily, there are not very many rush combo finishers (also called extenders). Here is what I believe is the full list:

Rolling Hammer
Very useful - turns opponent around so you can attack them from behind. Not available on all characters!
Ki Blast Cannon
Similar to Rush Ki Waves. Stun + unblockable when charged.
Rush Ki Waves
Another ki knockback, follow-up-able when charged.
Blaster Wave
An AoE ki attack similar to Ki Blast Wave skill. Knockback when charged.
Flying Kicks
3-hit combo, blocked with high guard.
Heavy Finish
Stun. Generally unremarkable gut punch, but heavy stun length when charged.

Any of these moves can serve as a link to restart your rush combo. However, similar to other combo-crafting fighting games, you are only allowed each move *once* in a combo. For instance, even if a character has Flying Kicks as two different rush combo finishers (e.g. perhaps X > X > Y as well as X > Y) then the second time you use that move you will knock back your opponent and your combo will end.

To extend as long as possible, only use each finisher once.
For instance, Jeece:
X > Y, Rolling Hammer turns your opponent around
X > X > X > X > Y, Heavy Finish
X > X > Y, Flying Kicks for extra damage
X > X > X > Y, Ki Blast Cannon for knockback
□ > △
□ > □ > □ > □ > △
□ > □ > △
□ > □ > □ > △

With proper timing these should all link into one combo. (You could alternatively use any of his finishers as they would all cause knockback after used once in the combo.)
Vanish Combos
Always starts with Square and Cross (A + X). Pressing Cross again will initiate a pursuit, during which Square (A) will perform a follow-up, or Triangle (Y) if you wish to knock your opponent back the way you came.
Vanish > triangle > triangle (A+X > Y > Y) is an unlisted combo.

Special note:
Certain characters (like Videl) can only use instant transmission in CLOSE range. This means normal flying pursuit is possible, but you can't use Y / Triangle to use instant transmission and play ping-pong.

Directional Combos
□+x > x > □
□+x > x > △ (knocks backwards)
□+x > △ > △
□+x > ○ (knocks to ground)
X+A > A > X
X+A > A > Y (knocks backwards)
X+A > Y > Y
X+A > B (knocks to ground)

These are a little tricky to remember, but helpful of course. Note that vanish > circle is the same knockdown attack as the Z Burst Dash Combo (Z Burst Dash > △ > □ or Y > X on Xbox).

Short-range vanish
This is the typical use case of vanish attacks. Within short range, you will vanish behind your opponent and perform a knockback attack.

Mid-range Vanish
At mid-range (when moving quickly) pressing □+x (or X+A) will teleport you to close range and deal a light attack, allowing you to follow up and initiate a rush combo.

Long-range vanish
This is a defense use-case only. Large ki blasts and other long range attacks can be successfully avoided with a well-timed vanish.

Rush combo cancel
PS: □... ← or → + R1
Xbox: X... ← or → + RB
Vanish around opponent (good counter-counter and mixup).
Super Perception: O / B
Holding circle will counter rush/smash (and beam) attacks. Does NOT defend against normal ki attacks or throws. 1 skill point is consumed if the attack is a charge attack, otherwise no SP is consumed. If you do not have SP, you will still be able to counter normal rush attacks.

Beam deflect
Hold Perception button when attacked with beam attack
Take no damage, costs 2 SP
This is a great option if you have the SP to spare. Bear in mind that if you are at sufficient range, a quick dash to the side is all you generally need to do to dodge beam attacks.

Super counter.
PS: ↑ + □
Xbox: ↑ + X
(on impact flash, when attacked)
Interrupt, small knockback and allows small opening.
This is difficult to perform, but it can be extremely effective. To my knowledge, the only way to counter an attack from behind - difficult as it is. **

Revenge counter
R3 / RS (while attacked)
Interrupts combo, small opening. 2 SP
Mash R3 if you have > 2 SP and most combos will be broken. Watch your SP guage! This is a great way to interrupt any combo but remember - just holding the perception button might be enough. You also have to be prepared to follow up.
Revenge counters can be countered by Perception (Circle / B).

Perfect dodge
R1 / RB (precise timing)
Dodge immediately on attack. Vanish behind, 0 SP

Counter vanish
R1 / RB (precisely at OPPONENT's vanish)
Vanish behind, 0 SP, veeery long knockback.

Counter throw
PS: R1 + □
Xbox: RB + X
Will cancels both throws, returning combatants to neutral.

** Could use confirmation from someone else
How do I get behind my opponent?
The Impact Hammer combo finisher/extender (which is not available on all characters) is a way to turn your opponent around during your combo.

While in front, try tapping R1 / RB during a normal rush combo to cancel and vanish behind. You will hopefully be set up perfectly for another attack. Left and Right will move you more towards their flank, and Back will move you backwards.

Also, you can link a normal forward Z Dash (R2 + x or RT + A) into a pursuit combo after a knockback. When doing so, Triangle / Y will arc you behind the opponent's trajectory, hitting them backwards. Alternatively, square / X will attempt to knock them forwards again.

Sometimes, it just matters what direction you are facing.

Also, a surefire way is to use the Super Z Dash (tap X + R2/RT while Z Dashing). This will zoom you from long distance to behind your opponent.

How do I interrupt combos from behind?
Super counter!

It is not 100% reliable, but I have done it. Note the timing is very exact, and you can't spam - aim carefully, press forward and Square / X in time with your opponents combo.
What is sway?
Sway is good. Sway is your friend.

Sway will dodge throws and smash attacks. *

Any normal rush combo can be swayed. All you have to do is press the dash button - X (or A on Xbox). What this does is gives you iframes and a very quick recovery - in other words, its a perfect defensive mixup, and can be used in any situation.

Also, if you press Circle / B on time precisely with your opponent's first incoming attack, you will perform what is known as a sonic sway, which has a stronger knockback.

Not only that, but its fast enough that it likely won't interrupt your combo! Note you can't use this as a combo cancel because of this, but it is still very useful besides.

You can also perform a double sway by pressing R1 / RB immediately after dashing into short range from medium.

* Need confirmation if it will dodge a normal or ki attack.

A Note on Mr. Satan
Should I play as Mr. Satan?


I'm kidding!! But, Mr. Satan is absolutely a joke character in this game. I don't mean Dan from Street Fighter joke - I mean you will not be able to do damage to even the weakest fellow characters, he has no knockback, and various other silly things make him assuredly funny but not viable to play.

If you do choose to try him, I suggest use Courage as much as needed to keep your defense up, and do nothing but dodge and charge your ki so you can utilize Mr. Boo.

And of course, have fun!
Well... that's all for now. Probably not helpful if you've spent a couple hours in training but hopefully this is a good reference.

Will update soon!
22 Komentar
Keithxm 24 Okt 2024 @ 6:18pm 
My experience with 8bitdo controllers are superb thou. Even via cloud gaming/streaming from my host PC, I don't notice the input lag.
Couvre Feu 15 Okt 2024 @ 3:19pm 
i kill goku blue with satan present why u cappin
-G.V.O- 14 Okt 2024 @ 7:42am 
Thank you!
Thesaltt 12 Okt 2024 @ 4:38pm 
For simplicity's sake, you could use the FGC's face button notation.

1: X, Square
2: Y, Triangle
3: A, X
4: B, Circle
fish3464 12 Okt 2024 @ 12:52pm 
My main problem is broly and especcial when he transforms to his final form most people just spam his ult how can i counter it also i sometimes have a problem that im just being rush attacked again and again and for some reason when i block he breaks thru it or something like that.
abhumansoul  [pembuat] 10 Okt 2024 @ 11:34am 
@dabingus You must fully release the analog stick and attack button between each attempt. Don't spam it, but rather take a moment in between each try, trying to time it exactly to the impact flash. This is one of those things that you should practice in Training if possible.
JoJo 10 Okt 2024 @ 11:25am 
Does anyone know if Super Counter gets way more difficult to pull off if you keep spamming it while being attacked? Do I press both inputs at the same time or can I hold forward and keep spamming the second button? Trying to learn this move is such a headache...
abhumansoul  [pembuat] 10 Okt 2024 @ 6:03am 
$eason Øne - You are right it is supposed to be Fwd + Square, I fixed the typo. Note this is pretty hard to do regardless.
$eason Øne 9 Okt 2024 @ 10:32pm 
i think i dont get how to interrupt combos from behind, say that you need to use super counter and press r1, but super counter is not ↑ + □?
abhumansoul  [pembuat] 9 Okt 2024 @ 7:37pm 
NETH - Thanks, I added all details I could discover about extenders
Biggie Cup - Will try