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【远端动力】(5)“日冕”级鱼雷护卫 “Corona”-class Torpedo Frigate
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Type of Build: Ship
Material: Iron, Titanium
Mots-clés : Starter
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【远端动力】(5)“日冕”级鱼雷护卫 “Corona”-class Torpedo Frigate

Dans 1 collection faite par 泰鸽尔
“远端动力” Remote Drive 舰船合集
26 objets

“日冕”级是舰队在早期探索中的主要战斗力,虽然名为鱼雷护卫舰 它仍然能够代替突袭舰完成高烈度战斗下对各级目标的压制。“日冕”造价昂贵 但却不失性价比。坚固的船体难以在与同级舰的较量中被摧毁。

The "Corona"-class is the main combat force of the fleet in early exploration, although named as a torpedo frigate, it can still replace the assault frigate under high-intensity combat. The "Corona" is expensive in terms of cost, but it still has cost-effectiveness. Its sturdy hull is difficult to be destroyed by ships of the same level in competition.

船体/HULL: 83.21 K
质量/MASS: 162.34 K
体积/VOLUME: 4.17 Mm³
长×宽×高/L×W×H: 399×205×91 m
船员/CREW: 51
部件数量/BLOCKNUM: 6026

加速/ACCELERATION: 57 m/s²
减速/DECELERATION: 82.6 m/s²
最大航速/Maximum speed: 529 m/s
偏航/YAW: 0.59 r/s
俯仰/PITCH: 0.69 r/s
滚转/ROLL: 1.19 r/s

计算能力/Computing power: 1.98 K

能量需求/Power Requirement: 17.43 GW
能量供给/Power Output: 41.32 GW
能量储量/Power Stock: 360.14 GJ
超空间跃迁能量/Hyperspace Jump Energy: 162.34 GJ

铁/Iron: 41.710
钛/Titanium: 61.656

1 commentaires
泰鸽尔  [créateur] Il y a 1 heure 
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