Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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What is this?
The Basilisk is one of the REC combat vehicles. A specially designed vehicle for delivering personnel to the battlefield, it has good protection and is used in combination with other vehicles. It has quite a lot of passenger seats, and a twin assault cannon as the main weapon.


File name: Basilisk
[Blocks] 666
[PCU] 2141
[Weight] 25t~
[Personnel] 2 crew members, 8 passenger seats
[Type] Armored car
[Role/s] Airborne combat vehicle, personnel delivery, main force support, evacuation
[Operators] REC, TNK BIPI
[Place of construction] Reload Engineers Corporation (TsKBM "Titan", central base for the production and repair of weapons - TsBPiRV "Storm")
[Test location] Military testing grounds "Avangard" and "Molot"
[Predecessor] None