Monica's Newlywed Life

Monica's Newlywed Life

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Monica's Newlywed Life CGs & Endings guide
By FreeFurret
Guide to unlock all CGs and endings.
- This steam version need patch to unlock additional content. You can download free patch at kaguragames website.
- This is basically a CGs collector game. You unlock CGs by doing various jobs in the town.
- I recommend to stick to only 1-3 jobs until you unlock all of its CGs so you don't have to waste your time doing it again in the next run.
- I also recommend to do the job pregnant CGs after unlock the normal CGs in the same run since the normal version is require to unlock the pregnant version.
- For player who play previous NTR game by Acelora, this game no longer has separate 'deflowered' CGs (thank god). You can freely customize Monica status & clothes in Collection menu.

- You can skip to the ending by talking to the cow next to the inn.
- You can also get fortune telling by the cow. She will tell you which ending you will get. Useful for checking Slútty Ending A.
How to unlock CGs the easy way
*This process can't be reversed. If you want to manually unlock CGs by yourself you will need to backup save folder before doing this.*
- After finish the game (in any route) select New Game+
- Talk to teddy bear in the bedroom to unlock all CGs.

Event List
Monica Day Event

Kyle Night Event

- Guild CGs are defeated CGs for each dungeon.
- Losing 1st time in Demon Lord dungeon grants you new outfit.
- Losing 6th time in Demon Lord dungeon immediately cause game over.
- There are 3 adventures in Guild that accept body-pay without passing time. You can hired them and then do other job. These 3 adventures unlock Kyle night spy event.

- Magic Shop Event 6 will unlock Magic Shop night time event.

- Public Livestream1 is at male bathroom in east area.
- Public Livestream2 is at park in north area.
- Public Livestream3&4 is at love hotel in east area.

- There are 3 sets of 'sex with Kyle' CGs
3 CGs of Foreplay (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire)
5 CGs of Sèx (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire/ Frustated / Exposed)
5 CGs of Pregnant Sèx (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire/ Frustated / Exposed)
1. NTR Route Run

Requirement :
  • 1. Progress Alc/Daniero/William event to late stage.
  • 2. Suspicion : Not exposed
  • No money requirement

- William Event (Mansion) is available since Day 1.
- Daniero Event (Inn) is available from Day 8.
- Alc Event is available after Day 15 and after defeat Goblin Boss in Guild Event.

- Just choose one route to do at a time. Since there is no money requirement for these ending, you can immediately skip to day 60 after finishing the last event for each route.
- You will get the 'NTR ending' CG and 'All three NTR IF' CG for each character ending.
2. Slútty (Exposed) Run
- This is the run where you unlock most of the job CGs.
- There are 4 CGs group that can only be unlock in Exposed state.
  • Monica Exposed Hypnosis day event
  • Sophia&Miili - Alc/Daniero/William night event
  • Kyle Spying night event
  • Hypnosis/Time Stop/Magic Shop exposed night event

- To enter exposed state you will need to have 100 suspicion and get pregnant at least once.
- Hypnosis/Time Stop/Magic Shop exposed night event will override the normal version event 4. So if you want to unlock all CGs then you will need to unlock normal version before getting exposed.
- Kyle spying night event for some job has 2 CGs version, normal and pregnant.
- There are 3 endings for this run.

1. Slútty Ending B
  • Fail the requirement to stay in town (<1,000,000G/ not become Adventure rank A)
  • Not progress far into Alc/Daniero/William route
  • ...or progress far into Alc/Daniero/William route and have exposed status

2. Slútty Ending A
  • Pass the requirement to stay in town. (1,000,000G/Become Adventure rank A)
  • Did a lot of slútty job. You can see if you will get this ending by getting cow to predict your future. She will say "something sexual will happen to you" instead of "normal luck"

3. Normal Ending
  • Pass the requirement to stay in town. (1,000,000G/Become Adventure rank A)
  • Basically a 'default ending' for not fulfill other endings conditions

3. True Ending (Pure Route) Run
Luckily the pure route is less grindy than previous title.
Requirement :
  • Monica is still virgin.
  • Defeat Demon Lord
  • Have 1,000,000G+ by day 60
  • Kyle never cheat (not progress Sophia/Milli event past the point that require 15 Sus)

Defeat Demon Lord
- Just use the 5sp move to defeat every enemies.
- The first and second dungeon can easily be defeated just by using starting item.
- 3rd dungeon using Silver Sword (25,000G) and HP Up Bangle (15,000G)
- 4th dungeon using Mirage Blade (40,000G) and HP Up Bangle

- defeat Demon Lord using Mirage Blade,HP UP Bangle, and Power Orihalcum (100,000G)
- go to Strange House in south area, unlock the last dungeon. Can only be clear once.
- Farm money by going to 2nd map, go downstair, open money chest for 100,000G. Then choose 'give up' to get out of the dungeon. Do this until you have 800,000G.
- (Optional) Split save before clearing the dungeon, in case you want to unlock defeat CGs.
- Defeat the boss of the dungeon and you will be reward 200,000G, fulfilling the money requirement.
- Use the cow to skip to day 60.
CGs Library

Monica Page 1
Bakery Part Time Job
- Work at Bakery
Library Cleanup
- Work at Library
Bed Tester
- Work at Bed Shop
Magic Shop Clerk
- Work at Magic Shop
School Speaker
- Work at School
Painting Model
- Work at Atelier
- Work at Twitch
Fortune Teller
- Work as Fortune Teller aide
Clinical Trial
- Be a test subject at Lab
Magic Show
- Be a magician's assistant
Private Tutor
- Work as private tutor at Will's house
Brothel Massage
- Work at Brothel
Brothel Soapland
- Work at Brothel
Defeat - Beast
- Get defeat in 1st dungeon
Defeat - Goblin
- Get defeat in 2nd dungeon
Defeat - Tentacle
- Get defeat in 3rd dungeon
Defeat - Creature
- Get defeat in 4th dungeon
Defeat - Demon Lord
- Get defeat in 5th dungeon
Demon Lord's Concubine End
- Get defeat in 5th dungeon for 6th times
Sell body to adventure A
- Hire Adventure in guild with body
    ** There are 4 more CGs with take place outside the building
  • Public Livestream1 is at male bathroom in east area.
  • Public Livestream2 is at park in north area.
  • Public Livestream3&4 is at love hotel in east area.
Monica Page 2
Sell body to adventure B
- Hire Adventure in guild with body
Sell body to adventure C
- Hire Adventure in guild with body
- Get body checked at hospital
Time Stop
- Night event at Yamada's
Magic C*cksleeve
- Night event at Magic Shop
(req. unlock Magic Shop 6)
- Night event at Hypnotist Tent
- Get massaged at Masseuse
Sell Body To Alc
- Hire Alc with body/ Work with Alc
Inn Helper
- Work at Inn
William's Maid
- Work as maid in Mansion
Sex with Kyle**
- Night event at home
House of Men Defeat
- Get defeat at House of Men
True End
- Get True Ending
Normal End
- Get Normal Ending
Sl*tty Ending A
- Get Sl*tty Ending A (high sex count)
Sl*tty Ending B
- Get Sl*tty Ending B (no money end)
Alc End
- Alc's route ending
Daniero End
- Daniero's route ending
William End
- William's route ending
Escort Agency
- Work at Escort Agency
    ** There are 3 sets of 'sex with Kyle' CGs
  • 3 CGs of Foreplay (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire)
  • 5 CGs of Sèx (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire/ Frustated / Exposed)
  • 5 CGs of Pregnant Sèx (<200 Desire/ 200-400 Desire/ >400 Desire/ Frustated / Exposed)
Monica Page 3
Monster Plaything
- Get defeat in last dungeon
- Work at Shrine
- Work as Housekeeper
Exposed Hypnosis
- Day Event at hypnotist house
( Require Exposed State )
All three NTR If End - Kyle POV
- Unlock in any ending
All three NTR If End - Alc
- Unlock in Alc's route
All three NTR If End - Daniero
- Unlock in Daniero's route
All three NTR If End - William
- Unlock in William's route

Sophia Page 1
Sophia and Kyle sex
- Night event in Sophia's room
(4th CG req. to spy on Sophia once)
Church Job
- Spy on Sophia at Church
Nursing Service
- Spy on Sophia at Nursing Home
Restaurant Job
- Spy on Sophia at Restaurant
Nun Tentacle Play
- Watch Sophia Clip at Livestream place
Alc Livestream
- Watch Sophia Clip at Livestream place
(req. exposed state)
Daniero Treatment
- Spy on Sophia at the Inn
(req. exposed state)
Serving William
- Spy on Sophia at Mansion
(req. exposed state)
Sophia Pr*stitution
- Spy on Sophia doing work around town
With Sophia
- Morning Event. Unlock after Nursing Service4
Sophia and Kyle If End
- Unlock by any ending
Dorm Mother
- Spy on Sophia at Lodging House

Milli Page 1
Milli and Kyle sex
- Night event in Milli's room
(4th CG req. to spy on Milli once)
Potion Shop Job
- Spy on Milli at Potion Shop
Love Hotel Cleaning
- Spy on Milli at Love Hotel
Research Lab Assistance
- Spy on Milli at Magic Lab
Mage Capture by Orc
- Watch Milli Clip at Livestream place
Alc Livestream
- Watch Milli Clip at Livestream place
(req. exposed state)
Threatened by Daniero
- Spy on Milli at the Inn
(req. exposed state)
Compensating William
- Spy on Milli at Mansion
(req. exposed state)
Milli Pr*stitution
- Spy on Milli doing work around town
With Milli
- Morning Event. Unlock after Potion Shop4
Milli and Kyle If End
- Unlock by any ending
Manga Assistant
- Spy on Milli at Manga Artist's house

Other Page 1
Pr*stitution 1
- Sell body around town
Pr*stitution 2
- Sell body around town
Pr*stitution 3
- Sell body around town
Discovered by Kyle
- Become exposed
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
- Monster Attack Move
House of Men Animation
- House of Men Attack Move
- Night event. Unlock after last CG of event
Sprite Animation
- Last CGs of each event
- See/Edit appearance of Monica
Himari Video
- Work at Himari's
FreeFurret  [author] 4 Nov @ 4:05am 
@wolmerock get defeated by mobs in the last dungeon (5+1 CGs).
The 6th CG is unlocked by getting to the boss room.
See True Ending Run for more info.
Wolmerock 3 Nov @ 8:10pm 
Any idea as how to get the "Monster's Plaything" CGs ? (it's in the third page of gallery)
FreeFurret  [author] 22 Sep @ 5:47am 
@Divva it's not a route but more of a story event.
After Monica get exposed and after unlock Millia/Sophia night event, there will be new spots that you can interact with during night time to watch their event with the NTR antagonists.
No requirement on which NTR route Monica is going. You can watch all 3 of them in the same run.
Divva 22 Sep @ 4:50am 
How do you unlock the other girls NTR routes?