Hearts of Iron IV

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Better Polish States for the Great War Redux
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15 Thg09 @ 4:03am
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Better Polish States for the Great War Redux

Mô tả
The current states for poland suck and they don't really represent the German war aims so I made this mod to fix them

If this mod says it's outdated it probably isn't because it only changes 3 states and it should only break if the devs of the actual mod change any of the those 3 states
6 bình luận
Counterfeit  [tác giả] 24 Thg09 @ 2:31am 
Well, the only reason why I am kind of reluctant on making a mod which changes the tiles is because firstly, I am not really famous for updating my mods and secondly, I would always have to completely redo all of the changed tiles every time the mod updates. But as I've said I could make that a separate mod.
MIK 24 Thg09 @ 12:17am 
I understand, if the mod ever gets updated so will this mod? Also have u though about making more custom/changes on the map? U really got potential man!
Counterfeit  [tác giả] 23 Thg09 @ 8:23am 
If I add that tile the borders will look weird, to make it look good I would have to modify the map tiles, the problem with that is if the great war redux ever gets updated this mod will completely break. I could make it a separate mod though.
MIK 23 Thg09 @ 2:21am 
Any chance to add the tile to the West from Lodz to the Warszawa state? Regards!
Wejtusek 17 Thg09 @ 2:58am 
good mod
Counterfeit  [tác giả] 15 Thg09 @ 4:10am 
idk if the mod works on not since it works on the disk version but just yell at me if it doesn't