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Missile concept
Av housegoconnor
New block: missile holder

size: 2x4x2 with 4 holes/racks

how it works: missiles target hottest area in front of them (not the sun) and can only fire if there is a specific amount of heat

New block: flare deployment device

size: 2x1x1

how it works: it over tracks the missiles so the missiles will go to it instead of you
The new block concept
New block: missile holder

size: 2x4x2 with 4 holes/racks

how it works: missiles target hottest area in front of them (not the sun) and can only fire if there is a specific amount of heat

New block: flare deployment device

size: 2x1x1

how it works: it over tracks the missiles so the missiles will go to it instead of you