Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Autre: Été
Mode de jeu: Charge utile
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31.397 MB
11 sept. à 11h23
30 sept. à 6h31
2 notes de changement ( voir )

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RED has taken over one of BLU's bases just offshore of New Mexico, and if BLU can't have it, no one can.

Guide the bomb the carrier has dropped off up towards where BLU kept their secret plans and very discreetly blow them up before RED has the chance to take a gander.

cryptid - Layout, Detail, Optimisation
Zeus - Sharkbay Assets
Brokkhouse - Rotunda Assets
FGD5 - More Vehicles

And the folks at for playtesting and providing feedback
10 commentaires
cryptid  [créateur] 30 sept. à 7h12 
Offshore RC2 Changelog:

-More optimisation to help with framerate and file size
-Adjusted fog
-Changed the final point to be more enclosed
-Added more detailing to certain areas, such as the outside area before the final point and BLU's first spawn
-Adjusted the spectator cameras (There is an issue joining spectator mode which breaks the first camera for some reason)

After some playtesting, I have improved the open areas graphically and functionally. Preview photos will be updated at a later date.

Thank you all for the feedback!
Gears 20 sept. à 16h47 
Maybe add some more props? Looks a little too open in some pictures, but that might just be me. Still a good map tho
oleg_oleg_123 18 sept. à 13h05 
cryptid  [créateur] 15 sept. à 15h10 
Thanks! :)
oh ok, really cool map btw :steamhearteyes:
cryptid  [créateur] 15 sept. à 15h08 
I just placed the particle systems in outdoor spaces that were open enough so they wouldn't clip through buildings, though in some areas they do unfortunately
hey how did you manage to make the rain not fall trought the ceiling?
good map