Dota 2
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Yurnero the Swaggernaut
Av PrincessOfDecay
This Guide will teach you how to own with juggernaut. He is amazingly overpowered, with an ultimate that skills with your physical damage, making it good in all stages of the game. He also has a really good q that can secure you a lot of early game kills if you have a good support. Some of the best supports to work with are venomancer, shadow shaman and crystal maiden, as they have good stuns which allow you to use your q to full effectiveness.
This is my first full guide for Dota 2, it is about Juggernaut, my favourite hero in game at the moment. I have tested out quite a few item builds and skill builds but this is the one i think works best. I hope you enjoy reading the guide and use it in your matches.
In this section I will take you through the item build for juggernaut, covering the core items and some situational items that can be used on juggernaut.

Starting Items



Get these items in the order which they are listed in. You can go either Manta or SnY depending on the enemy line up. SnY is good for chasing while Manta is good for defence and pushing. Get MKB as your third item and skip desolator if the enemy team has high evasion such as PA, Morphling or any other carry with evasion. You can get tarrasque if you find yourself dying too much and rapier if you are really far ahead.
Blade Fury

Healing Ward

Blade Dance


Yurnero's abilities are exceptionally powerful. His first skill is incredible for getting early game kills and his ultimate does serious damage in teamfights. His critical strike has a huge chance to hit, at level 4 it is a 7/20 chance to crit. His healing ward can heal masses of hp in teamfights and turn the tides of war. Used wisely, theses are some of the best skills in the game.

Skill Build

1) Blade Fury 2) Stats 3) Blade Fury 4) Stats 5) Blade Fury 6) Omnislash 7) Blade Fury 8) Blade Dance 9) Blade Dance 10) Blade Dance 11) Omnislash 12) Blade Dance 13) Healing Ward 14) Stats 15) Stats 16) Omnislash 17) Healing Ward 18) Stats 19) Stats 20) Stats 21) Stats 22) Stats 23) Stats 24) Healing Ward 25) Healing Ward

In my opinion this is the most effective skill build for Yurnero regardless of the situation as his first skill is great to get early kills and put you in the lead as well as avoiding nukes and stuns.
Laning Phase
Where do I go?

Juggernaut can be played in any of the lanes, although he is most effective as a safelane carry. If there is another player on your team who is more worthy of the safelane such as pa or faceless void then you can go mid, as the farm is almost the same. He can also be played offlane although I wouldn't recommend it as he wouldn't get much farm, leaving him behind in the game and not allowing him to reach full potential.

What should I do once I'm there?

Last hit, last hit, last hit. That is all you should do until around level 6, unless there is a good opportunity for a secure kill with your support. Once you hit level 6 start roaming for kills with your ultimate and when it is on cooldown just farm the jungle or an empty lane for gold and experience.

Rest of Game
I have done farming and roaming, what now?

Really? You're seriously asking this. You can NEVER EVER have enough farm. If there is a teamfight, join it and get loads of kills, otherwise farm, farm, farm. Also, if you spot 1 or 2 lone heroes you can just go and use your ultimate to kill them then carry on farming. Now go and have fun shrekking EVERYTHING!!!
If you have made it this far, then thanks for taking the time to read and appreciate my guide. Any comments below are greatly appreciated. If you want to play with me just add me on steam. Credits to JelloMammoth for getting me into juggernaut with his epicness. Also to Nightvision for being canadian.