A Difficult Game About Climbing

A Difficult Game About Climbing

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All jumps!
By バイキング
This guide shows you all the grabbing spots for all jumps in the game.
There are also other grabbing spots too, but these are the ones that work best for me, after beating the game 10 times.
Level 1
There is 2 jumps at level 1.

Jump 1
The first one is more like a drop, and its easy to do.

Jump 2
This is the first real jump. It can be easily done from any grabbing spot, but it's easier if you're as high up as possible.

Level 2
In the 2nd level there is no jump, just an easy drop/fall after you have done the waterfall and you are in phase 2.
Level 3
Jump 3
This one is a hard one, but if you have a right grabbing spot as shown in the picture, it will be much easier.

Jump 4
You can do this without jumping, of course, but it's much easier to jump here. :P

Jump 5
Easy one. Just go to the edge of the ledge.

Jump 6
This one is a bit harder, because the grabbing area is quite small.
At least you don't fall back if you mess up.

Jump 7
A dangerous one. Get to the edge of the pants as much as possible.

Level 4
This level is relative easy, and only contains one jump, which you can do in 2 different ways.
But the grapping areas are very small.

Jump 8 / 1
from blue to blue or...

Jump 8 / 2
from yellow to yellow.

Level 5
Jump 9
Swing the box and jump till the red one is lower.

Jump 10
Grab the edge of the box and wait still the box isnt moving that much.

Jump 11
Jump when the board is in this position shown in the picture.

Level 6
The hardest part of the game. I spent 1,5 hours to complete this level at my first playthrough. :D

Jump 12
Okay, i think this is the hardest one in the game because the overhanging rock does not leave much room to jump.
Just grap the rock as shown in the picture, thats the best spot.

Jump 13
Its an easy one, but the distance is quite long.
Grabbing spot shown below.

Jump 14
The wheel is relative big and easy to grab.
Climb to the edge of the rock as far as you can, and jump from there.

Jump 15
Another hard one, because you dont have any space to swing. Just pull jourself up and jump.

Jump 16
Easy, like the first in the game. Plenty of space to swing.

Jump 17
Grap the middle of the sign and jump to the right.

Level 7
Jump 18
The first difficult jump to the left. Grabbing spot shown below.

Jump 19
Nothing special here.

Jump 20
This is a hard one too. Grab this spot shown in the picture and after the jump grab the ice and descend slowly.

Jump 21
Here you can grab the big rock by jumping from this spot shown in the picture.

Jump 22
The number one hardest left jump. You can lose a lot of progress here.
Best grabbing spot shown below.

Jump 23
A difficult one too. I hate this jump :D Get to the edge as much as you can.

Jump 24
Just swing and jump.

Jump 25 (The last one)
This is a stressful but easy one. There is plenty of space to do this jump.

I hope this guide helped you.