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Color Coding
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I have decided to create my own color standards chart which I will be using for future builds. My color arrangement was largely based around the colors used on the Filters used for each gas in order to match the filter to the pipe color and associated atmospherics unit in filtration mode when painted. The idea is to make matching gas in the filtration unit and pipes to the needed filter easier.
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Color Chart
  • You can make Spray Paint canisters at the Tool Manufacturer
  • You can Spray a stack of an item to make your paint go further.
  • To extend things further, if you place an item (such as a pipe or stack of pipe) onto another pipe or stack, the color of the destination stack will be retained. For example, if you place a stack of 5 yellow pipes onto a stack of 5 white pipes, you will get a stack of 10 white pipes.
    This appears to work with any item that can be painted with spray cans, though I have not tested with every object yet.

  • Mixed Gases = Is used for all pipes containing a miscellaneous gas mixture not related to a specific task. These would be pipes carrying gas from other sources to the gas processing room for filtration. Gases such as waist off gas from generators and ore processing.
  • Fuel Mixture = This would be a combustible mixture of Volatile and Oxygen gases suitable for use in the Welding Torch, Fuel Generators, Furnace and other such devices.
  • Atmospheric Main = This is for the main breathable gas mixture used throughout the base. Typically a mixture of Oxygen and Nitrogen. minimum amount of Oxygen needed would be 30%.
  • Atmosphere Farm = This would be the gas mixture used in farming rooms containing a higher concentration of carbon dioxide while retaining enough oxygen to still be breathable.